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Episode 11. The Fog at Iselina

Van and the others have to journey over the Iselina Mountains, which are known for treacherous fog. Van manages to get Irvine and Fiona lost in the fog, when he saw a flying papaya (because he was really hungry) and chased after it, so Irvine and Fiona went after him. Van managed to find his way back to the Gustav, but Irvine and Fiona got lost. Moonbay yells at Van, and then tells him about the monster of Mt. Iselina. It comes out when it's really foggy, like now. Then they see a shadow monster, but it turns out to be the shadow of a Godos. The shadow is reflected off of the fog.

The pilot of the Godos, Rosa (Viola's little sister), takes Van and Moonbay to the hidden village on the mountain. Search parties are sent out to look for Irvine and Fiona. Meanwhile, Viola thinks about Rosso and is determined to fight Van. She and some other guy get into a Redler and Pteras and fly off to Mt. Iselina since they heard that Van was headed there. Viola knows about the hidden village that's not part of the Empire or Republic.

Moonbay talks to the village elder while Van and Viola go explore around the village. The elder says that any friend of Rosa's is a friend of their's. Rosa can see into people's hearts to tell whether they're good or bad. Van tells Rosa about his adventures and she tells him about her sister, who left to join the Imperial army. Her sister said that she would fight to make sure that the world will be as peaceful as the mountain one day. Then Viola and the other guy show up and lead Van, in the Liger, into the fog. Van jumps up and takes out the Pteras. Then he follows Viola deeper into the fog.

Viola uses the fog to create a lot of shadows of the Redler to confuse Van. She tricks him for a while, but then decides to use her tail blade. Rosa, in her Godos, shines a light down to where Van is that reflects off of the blade. Van sees where the real Redler is and fires missiles at it, taking Viola down. Viola climbs up the cliff to confront Van. He tries to make her promise to leave the village and never return, but she points a gun at him. Rosa arrives and sees Viola, her sister, and Van. She doesn't know what's going on and asks if Viola was one of the mercenaries Van told her about.

Viola doesn't answer, so Van makes up a lie about how he is the real mercenary and Viola was trying to stop him. Moonbay arrives and plays along too (she was watching what was going on), and Viola plays along and orders him to leave so Van, Zeke, and Moonbay run off. Van thanks Moonbay, but gets punched because she was really worried about him. Viola is welcomed back into the village, but she decides to leave. Moonbay and Van get into the Gustav and find Irvine and Fiona. Later, Van and Fiona are sleeping and Moonbay tells Irvine that she's figured out what makes him hang around Van.


"Stop! Papaya! Wait for me!" -Van Freiheit
"My sister's a soldier in the Imperial army." -Rosa
"I've always wondered what would make a guy like you travel around with Van, but I think I've finally figured it out." -Moonbay
"I could do without the flying papayas, though." -Irvine
