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Episode 17. The Longest Night of the Republic

Hermannand his two men swim towards New Helic City to warn them about the Imperial army in the "iceberg". Van, Irvine, and Moonbay talk about Zoid Eve while Fiona sleeps. Moonbay found out that some guys in the Empire are willing to pay a lot of money for any useful information about Zoid Eve, which means that it might be a powerful weapon or something. Van only wants to find it to help Fiona get back her memory. They decide to check out some ruins in the Empire. Meanwhile, the President goes to Mt. Osa Base and learns the plans for attack. Krueger is recovering in bed playing a simulation of the Imperial army's attack on New Helic City, but he finds it disturbing that he always wins. A soldier asks why, and Krueger says that he's been playing on the side of the Empire. The President is traveling in her limo when she gets a call from O'Connell asking to search for Hermann, but she refuses to let him go.

Meanwhile, Prozen and the Imperial army travel closer to New Helic City. He makes a call to the Emperor promising that he will crush the Republic (aka "the rebels") and then orders more jamming snow to be released. Van and the others eat in a restaurant and Moonbay explains (read as: yells) to Van that they need to save their money to buy supplies so they can't eat any more. Then they hear O'Connell enter the place saying that if someone would go look for Hermann then he'd pay them a lot of money. Moonbay goes up to him and makes him a deal. Later, Van, Irvine, Moonbay, and Fiona get in their Zoids and break into a base. Moonbay and Fiona steal a Pteras and fly out to look for Hermann. Irvine keeps a light on so they can keep track of their position. Then it starts to snow, but Fiona says that it's not real snow.

Dr. D is fishing and he catches what turns out to be Hermann and his two men. Hermann tries to contact the city with Dr. D's radio, but it won't work because of the jamming snow. Dr. D reveals his identity to Hermann and they see a black Command Wolf and a Shield Liger approaching. Meanwhile, Karl Schubaltz and Marcus plan to attack Mt. Osa Base to draw the Republic's attention to them while the main army attacks the city. Moonbay finds Van and the others and takes a message from Hermann. She has to tell Mt. Osa Base that the main attack will be on the city and the attack there is a diversion. At Mt. Osa Base, the ZG is mobilized as Karl's troops attack. Van is taking Hermann to the city in the Shield Liger, but they see a base being blown up and a red Saber Fang walks out of the flames (guess who?). Raven challenges Van to a fight and their Organoids fuse with their Zoids. They begin to fight, and Van's doing pretty well with Hermann's help.

Meanwhile, Irvine runs to Mt. Osa Base and tells the ZG's pilot that the main attack is going to be on New Helic City. He and the Gojulas then leave while O'Connell's unit of white Command Wolves hold of Karl's troops. Krueger is out of bed now (he's at Mt. Osa Base), and orders everyone to go to New Helic City and take the Zoids with them. The soldiers don't want to leave, but Moonbay and Fiona arrive to tell them that the main attack will be on the city. Hermann tells Van that he can tell when the Saber Fang will charge when he sees the right front leg make a slight movement. That's when he has to attack. Van watches carefully and sees the leg twitch, and then the Saber Fang leaps into the air. Van puts on the shield and rams the Saber Fang's belly, damaging it. Van and Raven face off again, but then they start to be fired at by the "iceberg" for some reason. Van and Hermann leave quickly while Raven yells for Van to come back and fight.


"There's the over-zealous freak you've been looking for." -Irvine
"I did it! I'm actually flying!" -Moonbay
"Hi Van! I'm so glad I ran into you!" -Raven
"Let's get 'em, Zeke!" -Van Freiheit
"Marcus! Don't break from the formation!" -Karl Schubaltz
"Looks like we made it just in time!" -O'Connell
