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Episode 19. Prozen's Conspiracy

Viola and her gang bust Rosso out of jail by using Molgas to shoot through the wall and a Redler to carry him away. At a lake, Zeke gets freaked out by a fish and Van and Fiona plan to catch a lot of them. Moonbay wants to get going because she's worried about the Empire finding Zoid Eve first, but Irvine tells her to relax since the Empire will be busy with the old Emperor's funeral. Rudolf is working to fulfill his duties as Emperor right away and reflects on how his grandfather gave him his golden ring with the seal of the Empire on it, which is proof that he is the Emperor. In the place where the funeral will be held, Prozen talks to a guy and remarks about how the old Emperor was like a father to him, while the guy tells Prozen that he has to take care of Rudolf. Later, Rosso talks with his gang and they show him the new Zoid they got, an Iron Kong. The plan is to kidnap Rudolf and get rich from the ransom money.

Van and the others end up not catching any fish. They plan to head for some ruins the next day. Meanwhile at night, Prozen, dressed in a cloak, meets with a guy. He wants the guy to kill Rudolf, but make it look like the Republicans did it, so they are using Command Wolves. Prozen wants to rule the Empire and is willing to kill Rudolf to do it. Rosso and Viola scope out the palace and Rudolf's Redler. The prince will only be guarded by two or three Rev Redlers, so Rosso plans to go in and get the prince in only about three minutes. They will have to run past some Dark Horns too. A guy, under the command of the guy Prozen hired to kill Rudolf (which will now be called 'Prozen's gang') spots Rosso and Viola and follows them, but they know he's there. Rosso contacts his gang and plans what to do with the guy. They enter a cave and Prozen's gang fires a rocket into the cave and then leave since they think they killed Rosso and the others. Inside the cave, Rosso and his gang are crammed into a Molga and are safe. They decide to 'pay a visit' to the other gang.

Rosso notes that Prozen's gang is using Republican Command Wolves, so they attack the Zoids with Viola's Redler, with Rosso and the others crammed inside (again). Prozen's gang runs out and they see what's going on. Rosso changes the plan since they were close enough to the palace that everyone in there could hear the explosion so guards will come to check out what's going on. It will be easy to sneak into the palace and get Rudolf with most of the guards gone. Meanwhile, Rudolf is put in a room for his protection, since they heard the explosion, and they wait for the guards, Dark Horns, to check it out. The Dark Horns get there, see the destroyed Wolves, think the Republic is behind it, and then have their Zoids taken over by Prozen's gang, and the pilots are knocked out.

Rosso and the others get into their Zoids, the Iron Kong, Redler, and two Molgas, and attack the palace. Rosso and Viola break into the palace together and easily get through any guards. Rudolf is in a room full of armed Imperial soldiers. They hear footsteps approach the door and the handles turns. The guards shoot at the door and destroy it, but no one's behind it. Then Rosso bursts through the window and points a gun at Rudolf. Viola appears through the door and they take Rudolf up to the top of the palace. Prozen's gang shows up in Dark Horns and shoot at the roof of the palace. Rosso protects Rudolf and figures out that the other gang wants to kill the prince. The Molgas shoot the Dark Horns and Rosso gets in the Iron Kong with Rudolf and his whole gang gets away. Prozen gets a call saying that Rudolf has been kidnapped, hangs up, and mutters that the guy he hired screwed up. Later, Rosso's gang tell him and Viola that their Molgas are too damaged to keep up and they want him and Viola to go ahead without them, and they'll meet up later. Rosso and Viola have no choice but to go ahead. Meanwhile, Van and the others are almost at the ruins.


"My subjects are my number one priority right now." -Rudolf
"Kind of makes you wonder what they're up to." -Viola
"Alright! Let's get out of here!" -Rosso
