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Episode 20. The Resurrection Monster

Prozen looks down at a huge tank and a scientist tells him that they are making a lot of progress on the project. He also says that the other one is almost ready. The scientist keeps on talking until Prozen shuts him up and has some guards take him away. Van and the others get to some ruins. Van says that he found Zeke and Fiona in a secret room, so they decide to look around for any sign of a secret passageway. They then split up into two groups. Moonbay and Irvine go look around one part of the ruins while Van, Fiona, and Zeke search another part. Irvine notes that part of a corner of a wall looks weird, like something came through the hall recently. Then Moonbay unknowingly walks through a small beam of light near the floor, which activates a Rev Raptor sleeper and she and Irvine are chased around by it. Meanwhile, Fiona falls off a tree while trying to get an orange for Van, who yells at her for that. Later, Van spins around to choose a direction to search in and ends up facing towards the corrider they came from, so they go in the opposite direction. Moonbay contacts them yelling something about a trap, so Van and Fiona decide to go help her and Irvine, but walk through a beam of light near the floor.

Irvine and Moonbay are still being chased by the Rev Raptor sleeper. Moonbay wonders how Van, Fiona, and Zeke are doing, and Irvine points them out to her. They are running from a Rev Raptor sleeper in a corrider opposite their's. Van helps Fiona up onto Zeke's back, but she falls off when she tries to pull him up. Zeke attacks the Raptor to keep it from hurting Fiona and Van, but gets knocked away and stuck under some rocks. Van and Fiona run away, since their only chance now is to find the Shield Liger. Irvine and Moonbay hide from their Rev Raptor sleeper, and Irvine talks about why the sleepers are here. The Empire must have had an important reason to put sleepers in these ruins, so he decides that they need to get rid of the Raptors and search the ruins.

Meanwhile, Rudolf is still with Rosso and Viola. He's sleeping in the Iron Kong while Rosso and Viola make dinner and talk about what to do with Rudolf. Rosso says that he'll hand Rudolf over to whoever pays the most, whether it be the Empire or the guys trying to kill Rudolf. Rudolf wakes up and sneaks out of the Iron Kong. Rosso spots him and goes after him. Rudolf keeps running through the desert until he collapses and Rosso, who was walking, catches up. Rudolf figures out that Rosso wants money, but he refuses to go back with him. Rosso makes no attempt to force Rudolf to go anywhere, so Rudolf just keeps walking through the desert with Rosso following him. Rudolf collapses again, and Rosso drinks some water near the kid. Then he gives some water to Rudolf, who drinks it but still refuses to go back with him. He gets up and limps forward a bit before collapsing again. Only when Rosso puts a cloak over the kid's head does Rudolf finally go back to Viola with him.

Later, Rosso has agreed to hand Rudolf over to Prozen's gang for a lot of money. The main guy throws the money, which is in a briefcase, towards Rosso and it lands a bit away from him. Rosso wants to know what's going to happen to Rudolf, but the guy refuses to tell him. Then Rosso makes Rudolf walk forward slowly and picks up the money when he gets to it. Rudolf has to keep walking forward, but when he's almost there, Rosso throws the briefcase at the guys, who pull out guns and shoot it, making it explode (it was a trap). Rosso grabs Rudolf and runs for the Iron Kong. The guys try to get into their Dark Horns, but are stopped by Viola in her Redler. Rosso tells Rudolf that the guys are trying to kill him, so if he wants to live then he has to come with him and Viola. Rudolf agrees to this, and they get into the Iron Kong and make a run for it with Viola following them. Now it's up to Rosso and Viola to protect Rudolf.

Meanwhile, Van and Fiona manage to get outside, but are then trapped at the edge of a cliff by a Rev Raptor sleeper. Irvine and Moonbay get there just in time to see them fall, but they are caught by Zeke, who has fused with the Shield Liger. Van fights the sleepers, and tricks them by letting them slice each other with their own blades. Then more sleepers appear and they shoot at the Liger, which puts up its shield. Van beats all of the Rev Raptor sleepers with little difficulty and then everyone goes to check out the ruins. They don't find anything for a while, but then Van finds a bit of a tablet with a marking on it. Fiona touches it, freaks out, and mutters 'Death Saurer'. The others have no idea what she's talking about. Meanwhile, Prozen talks to Raven and Shadow and gives them a gift, which turns out to be 'the other project' the scientist was talking about.


"Let me give you a hand with that. I'm not sure I trust your cooking." -Viola
"Alright! I think it's this way!" -Van Freiheit
"I think I'm going to have a heart-attack! How much longer do we have to run?" -Moonbay
"If you want me to save you, you say so right now!" -Rosso
