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Episode 21. The Charged Particle Gun

An unknown Zoid (read as: the Geno Saurer) walks through a forest, but is stopped by a gang of bandits. The pilot of the unknown Zoid turns out to be Raven, who is looking for Rosso (and Rudolf). The leader of the gang makes fun of Raven, so he ends up being attacked and destroyed, easily. Meanwhile, Van and the others are just sitting around wondering where to go to next when Van kicks a rock into some bushes and hits a kid, who turns out to be Rudolf. They don't know who he is though. Van apologizes and Rudolf hits him on the head, saying that it's a law of his land. A hit on the head for a hit on the head. Rosso and Viola are looking for Rudolf while Van and Rudolf argue about whether Rudolf is lost or not, and Van thinks he wins the argument. Rudolf says he was just trying to find some food for his parents (Rosso and Viola, who are not really his parents. Rudolf just says they are so Van won't find out who he really is.). Moonbay tries to sell him some food for his golden ring, which hangs around his neck, but Van stops her, though she does see the mark of the Empire on the ring.

Prozen talks to some guys, saying that if Rudolf isn't found before the Emperor's funeral is over then he will become Emperor, since someone needs to rule. Rosso and Viola are still looking for Rudolf. Viola asks whether he would like to go to Mt. Iselina with Rudolf and her sometime when this is all over. Then they see something, a Zoid, moving through the forest really fast. It's Raven, and Shadow has sniffed out where Rudolf, and Van, are. Rudolf is ready to go, but he's still lost. Moonbay decides that they should help him out, since they don't have anything better to do. Then Fiona goes into her freaky mode and says that something evil, which never should have been born into the world, is coming and tells everyone to leave, and Zeke roars. Everyone watches the forest and then a Redler flies by and gets shot down by a large beam of energy. Rudolf yells Viola's name, and then another beam comes out of the forest and knocks the Command Wolf and Shield Liger over.

Van and Rudolf get in the Liger, with Zeke, Fiona and Moonbay get in the Gustav, and Irvine gets in the Wolf. The Geno Saurer walks out of the forest and Van and Raven fight. Rudolf notes that the Saurer is a lot more powerful than the Liger and tries to get Van to negotiate, but Van says that Raven isn't that kind of guy. Besides, a hit on the head for a hit on the head is the law of the land. Van puts up his shield and charges for Raven, who clamps down his foot-locks, opens up his tail, and exposes a gun barrel inside the Saurer's mouth. Energy starts to collect around the mouth gun barrel, and then Raven fires. A beam of energy shoots out and breaks through the Liger's shield, damaging the Zoid. Irvine can't help since his system is frozen. Raven powers up another charged particle beam, but something forces the beam away from Van. It's Rosso and Viola in the Iron Kong.

Rosso and Viola won't let Raven shoot Rudolf so Raven launches one of the Saurer's claws to send an electric shock to the Kong. Rosso shakes it off and tries to punch the Saurer, but the fist gets caught by the Saurer's mouth. Raven then tears off the fist, and Rudolf calls Rosso and Viola his parents, and they thank him for that. Rosso and Viola hold the Geno Saurer while Van and the others run away. Raven shocks them again, but they won't let go. Rosso tells Viola that he would have loved to go to Mt. Iselina with her and Rudolf. Then all the energy creates an explosion and Rudolf screams when he hears it. Raven decides to let Van get a head start and the destroyed Iron Kong is seen behind him. Van screams out his fury for Raven.


"A hit on the head for a hit on the head." -Rudolf
"Well I guess that means that you finally admit to being lost anyway and I win the argument!- Van Freiheit
"It's coming...something that never should have been born into this world, an evil force that will bring destruction to this entire planet!" -Fiona
"You didn't think you'd ever see me again, did you?" -Raven
"Thank you for that, my boy." -Rosso
