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Episode 24. A Voice From Afar

Van's freaked out by the whirling pink light that's surrounding the Shield Liger and that Fiona and Zeke are inside it. Dr. D walks out of the light wearing a special suit, scaring Van and Rudolf. Dr. D says that Zeke may be trying to resurrect the Shield Liger, and that Fiona may be playing an important part. Van wants Dr. D to lend him the suit so he can save Fiona and Zeke, but Dr. D says that Van couldn't get to them even if he tried to. Van tries to get inside the light, but is thrown back. He tries again but gets the same results. Van becomes depressed and says that Zeke should have chosen him to bring back the Shield Liger. He feels betrayed, and runs off on a hover board, with Rudolf following him a little later. Irvine asks Dr. D if Fiona and Zeke are still alive, and Dr. D says he doesn't know.

Prozen's gang that was hired to kill Rudolf is confronted by Stinger, a cruel mercenary nick-named the "fisherman", who decides to help them out for a price. Meanwhile, Van finds some ruins similar to the ones he found Zeke and Fiona in and then thinks about them. Van feels more and more worthless. Rudolf finds him and talks about how Van promised to teach him how to pilot a Zoid and ride a hover board. Van says that he can't teach him anything and that he'll never pilot a Zoid again. Rudolf calls Van a weakling and says that he's not the Van he used to know and admire. Rudolf leaves and Van thinks some more, and then he hears Fiona's voice saying that she hates what he has become, and then it sound like she's in trouble. Van regains his confidence and leaves to go try to help Fiona.

Prozen's gang is watching Van and the others, and are about to carry out a plan. Two Dark Horns pretend to chase Stinger towards Moonbay, who gets in her Gustav and "saves" him. She develops a crush on him immediately, and invites him to dinner. Irvine finds Rudolf in the middle of the desert and brings him back to their camp. Irvine doesn't trust Stinger, and he's right not to. Stinger poisons their soup to paralize them, and then goes after Rudolf. Rudolf throws sand in Stinger's eyes and Irvine holds his legs, and Rudolf runs away, only to find himself cornered by two Dark Horns. Van, meanwhile, tries to head back to camp, but is chased by one of Prozen's gang piloting Stinger's Guysack. Rudolf calls out for Van, and Van is shot at by the Guysack.


"Some people never learn." -Irvine
"You said that you'd teach me how to become a Zoid pilot!" -Rudolf
"I'll never ever pilot a Zoid again!" -Van Freiheit
"It ain't natural!" -Irvine
"Very clever and very late. You'll be paralized for the rest of the night." -Stinger
