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Episode 28. Run, Wolf!

Van, Fiona, and Rudolf, who is dressed like a girl, are walking in a town. They run into a kid who has stolen some fruit, and Van helps him and pays for it so the guy won't throw the kid into jail. Meanwhile, Moonbay and Irvine are mistaken for bandits and shot at. Irvine gets hit in his leg, and they run into a church to hide. There, a lady points a gun at them and says they stole vaccine that they need for sick children. The Father comes, with Van, Rudolf, and Fiona, and they sort things out. Then Van and the others see some sick children in the church. The lady says that bandits stole the vaccine they need, and Irvine has a flashback of when his sister died from the very same disease. Irvine takes Van and they go to get the vaccine back.

The Blade Liger and the Command Wolf walk across the desert, and Van wants to know why Irvine is helping the children for no money. Irvine tells him about his sister dying, and then tries to make it seem like he was just making it up. They then find the base of the bandits. Irvine will get the vaccine while Van will keep them distacted. Irvine gets into position and Van attacks. Rev Raptors come out to defend the base and Irvine lowers himself down on a rope to get the vaccine. Van doesn't try very to fight well because he needs to give Irvine some time. Irvine gets into the base and breaks open some crates, and finds the vaccine. By then Van has taken out enough Rev Raptors to get the bandits to call for help. They send out Red Horns, but Van still beats them. Then they retreat, and one guy wonders if the Blade Liger was just a decoy. Then he spots Irvine, who is going back up the rope to his Zoid while holding the vaccine.

The Blade Liger rushes into the base, and some Red Horns shoot into the tunnel it's in to try to trap it under rocks. The Blade Liger avoids being crushed by using its booster, and then Van sees that one of the Red Horns has shot a missile at Irvine. He tells Zeke to jump, and the Blade Liger leaps up and catches the missile in its mouth before Irvine is hurt. The Red Horn shoots more missiles at the Liger, but they're blocked by the Liger's shield. Then Van tells Irvine to get the vaccine to the children and he attacks the bandits again. Irvine gets into his Zoid and runs off. He is attacked by a Rev Raptor that slices the Command Wolf's front legs, and Irvine shoots it.

The Command Wolf can't walk any more, so Irvine tries to get to the church on foot, but his leg gives out. Then Van shows up and helps Irvine get into the Blade Liger, and they run the vaccine to the children just in time. Later, they all say goodbye and Van remarks about how nice Irvine was. Irvine then tries to convince Van that he isn't nice by saying that he still wants Zeke. Meanwhile, Raven is chased by some Gordos units. He leads them into a canyon, and then destroys them with a charged particle beam.


"Do you have any idea what it's like to watch your sister suffer like that and not be able to do anything about it?!" -Irvine
"I don't have a good feeling about this." -Van Freiheit
