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Episode 3. Memory

Van and Fiona are lost in the desert without the Shield Liger and Zeke when they come across a black Command Wolf. Fiona gets caught in quicksand and the pilot of the Wolf, Irvine, saves her. Later, they have dinner together and Van tells Irvine about the Liger and Zeke. In the morning, Fiona wakes Van up and tells him that Irvine is gone. They go find the Liger and Zeke and head to some ruins. Zeke runs into a forest there while Van and Fiona look around. They are attacked by a white Gordos with a damaged leg and no pilot. Van and Fiona hide in a trench from the Godos and they can't get to the Liger. They find an underground passage and go through it to another part of the ruins. A fountain is there so they wash off and then explore the ruined building. Van meets up with Zeke, who scares him. They both go find Fiona, who has discovered a diary from the old war. The old diary tells of a soldier and his white Gordos, and how he had to leave his Zoid behind.

Then there is an explosion. Van and the others find out that it was caused by the black Command Wolf fighting the Gordos. The Wolf is beating the Gordos when Van, in the Liger, calls Zeke to fuse with his Zoid. Irvine realizes that Zeke is an Organoid and leaves. Van fixes the Gordos' leg as well as he can. Then he picks some fruit and goes to find Fiona. When Van gets to the room she was last in, he disovers that she has gone down some secret stairs. He follows Zeke down and sees Fiona looking at a pillar with strange writing on it. She almost faints and Van catches her. She mutters something about Zoid Eve. Later, Van talks to her about that but she can't remember anything else.

Van and Fiona try to leave but Irvine shoots at them with a big gun. He captures Fiona, but Zeke saves her. Van, Fiona, and Zeke run and Irvine keeps shooting at them. Van falls behind and tells the others to keep running. He gets buried under some rubble when Irvine shoots a building and is trapped while Irvine chases Zeke. Fiona and Zeke run through an underground tunnel, only to see a black Command Wolf waiting for them. The white Gordos frees Van from teh rubble so that he can help Fiona and Zeke. Van gets in the Shield Liger and Zeke fuses with it. Irvine and Van fight, and Irvine beats Van. Irvine shoots at Van, but the white Gordos blocks the shot. Irvine retreats and Van thanks the Gordos. He tells it that it's free now and can leave, but the Gordos runs back to the ruins. Van decides to let it do what it wants.


"Man that's good corn!" -Van Freiheit
"Hey kid! Sit back and watch the skills of a real Zoid pilot!" -Irvine
"The writing says...Zoid Eve." -Fiona
"Thanks for saving me, Gordos." -Van Freiheit
"We'll just have to finish this another time." -Irvine
