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Episode 32. The Doom Machine

Van and the others are almost at Guygalos, but then they run into a group of Imperial Zoids. Van gets out of the Gustav to fight them, but he is told to stop. Rudolf's trusted friend Prime Minister Homaleff. He is very happy to see that Rudolf is alive, and takes him to his palace. Lieutenant Hardin, one of Prozen's officers, was spying on them, and she reports their position. Meanwhile, Raven is talking with Prozen, who tells him to come back to Guygalos. Raven doesn't want to, but Prozen says Van is still alive. Raven has a fit and heads back to Guygalos.

Minister Homaleff reviews a plan to expose Prozen and they all agree to it. Fiona is lost in thought, and Van wants to find Zoid Eve. Homaleff tells Van and the others about Prozen's recent interest in ruins and that he built a scientific structure over one that was close to Guygalos. Van wants to go there, but Rudolf tells him to wait until he becomes Emperor so he can help. Meanwhile, Raven is still having a fit about Van being alive and is madder than ever.

At night, Van sneaks away and Irvine knows he's gone but doesn't try to stop him. He gets Zeke and Fiona shows up to go with him. They all leave in the Blade Liger and head to Prozen's ruins. The moons are turning red, and Raven is still on his journey. When Van and Fiona get to Prozen's ruins, Fiona is freaked out and wants to leave. She says that Zoid Eve is not here. Then Prozen appears and asks Van to join up with him. He makes this huge speech about how all people cause suffering to others and how he only wants peace. He says that Van and he are alike, but then Fiona gets out of the Liger and tells Van that he and Prozen are different. She has remembered some more of her past and her real name, Alisi Lynnett. She tells Prozen that he shouldn't revive the Death Saurer because it will destroy everything.

Then alarms sound and Prozen is told of something waking up. He realizes that Fiona is an Ancient Zoidian and the Death Saurer is waking up because it senses her. He orders guards to sieze her and then he begins to take her deeper into the building. Rev Raptors attack and Zeke fuses with the Blade Liger. Meanwhile, a chamber floods as every lock is opened. Fiona manages to get away for a while but Prozen catches up with her. Then the Blade Liger bursts into the room and Fiona escapes with Van. Van runs away and slices through some Rev Raptors in the process.

Prozen escapes in a jeep just as the building blows up. The Death Saurer emerges and starts stomping around. Van uses his booster to get away, and the Death Saurer destroys a lot of Rev Raptors with a charged particle beam and then aims it up into the sky. Van figures that a Zoid like that will destroy the planet. Later, the Death Saurer has been moved to a different base and Raven talks to Prozen. He missed Van here but he enjoys the hunt. At the palace Rudolf is staying in, Homaleff says that they will have to rely on the Republicans for help. Then a bunch of Rev Raptors appear and threaten them. Moonbay contacts Van asking for help. Van turns around but is stopped by Raven, who wants to fight.


"Van, no matter who you are in this world, you will always cause some pain toward other people." -Prozen
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into!" -Fiona
"Now the time has come!" -Prozen
"What would make them want to resurrect this monster!?" -Van Freiheit
