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Episode 33. The Battle for Survival

Irvine, Moonbay, Rudolf, and some others defend Homaleff's mansion from the Rev Raptors. Prozen doesn't want Rudolf to get to the ceremony so he can become the emperor. Meanwhile, Raven and Van fight, and Raven is beating Van badly. He throws Van around with his claws, and shoots at him with his guns. Van charges at Raven a few times with his blades, but each time Raven uses his boosters to move a little to the side and catches Van's blade in the Geno Saurer's claw, then throws Van into the air. When Van gets knocked down, he decides to try one of Irvine's moves and jumps over the Geno Saurer to run away, but he runs into an ambush of Red Horns. Raven is not happy because he doesn't want help. He fires a charged particle beam and destroys the Red Horns, knocking rocks into Van's path. Van is forced to fight Raven now.

Prozen talks to some guys about the Rudolf imposter, then goes to ceremony. Irvine, Moonbay, Rudolf, and Homaleff decide that the only way to get to the ceremony in time is to run right through the middle of the Rev Raptors. Rudolf and Homaleff get into the Royal Saber Fang, and then run through the Rev Raptor troops. Rudolf pilots the Royal Saber Fang and does really well. Meanwhile, Raven and Van battle some more, and Van gets really damaged, plus one of his blades gets snapped off. The Blade Liger collapses and opens its exhaust vents. Van thinks that there's no hope left, but then he hears the voices of all his friends telling him not to give up. Van regains his confidence and the Liger closes its vents and gets up.

Van charges and manages to slice off all of Raven's main weapons. Raven prepares to fire a charged particle beam at Van, and Van notices that the Saurer needs to lock onto the ground to prevent being knocked over by the recoil of the gun, so it can't turn when it fires. Raven fires the beam at Van, and Van runs to the side to avoid and to attack. Raven forces the Geno Saurer to turn to aim at him, but Van manages to get away.

Raven shoots his claw at Van and grabs him to hold him in place, then drags Van closer. He gets ready to fire another charged particle beam, even though his Zoid will get damaged too because they're so close. Van doesn't know what to do, and Fiona and Zeke merge with the Liger. Fiona's spirit tells Van not to give up, and Van regains his confidence. The Liger is healed, and then Raven fires the charged particle beam. Van uses the power of his blades to slice through the beam and cut into the Saurer's head. The Saurer explodes and Shadow saves Raven. Fiona tells Van that he won the battle because of the power inside him, not because of her and Zeke. Meanwhile, Irvine and others get to the ceremony, but group of Rev Raptors are in way. Just then, the two Storm Sworders arrive to help out.


"You're doing well. You appear to have improved significantly since the last time we fought, but you know you're still no match for me!" -Raven
"We've got to hold on! Come on Zeke! Come on Liger! You can't let me down!" -Van Freiheit
"Yes Van, it's me. You must know that I'll never leave your side." -Fiona
