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Episode 34. The Capital Ablaze

Rudolf is flying with Viola in her Storm Sworder. He knows that the two pilots are Rosso and Viola, and he wants to thank them. Then some Imperial Redlers come and the two Storm Sworders fight them and win. Meanwhile, Prozen is at the ceramony and he tries to convince all the people that he's right. Then he shows them the Death Saurer, and everyone panics. Prozen jumps up on the Death Saurer's shoulder, and then Rudolf and Viola get there and Rudolf tries to convince Prozen to stop, but he doesn't listen. The Republican troops get there, but the Gojulas unit was delayed. Dr. D, Irvine, and Moonbay have come with them, and some of their Shield Ligers get destroyed by the Death Saurer's charged particle beam. Karl Schubaltz then arrives with his troops (yay! he's alive!) and tries to stop Prozen.

Prozen is power crazy and too far gone to listen to anyone. The Death Saurer is going on a rampage and is destroying everything. Moonbay gets shot at, but Van jumps in front of her and uses his shield to protect her. Then he charges at the Death Saurer but gets knocked back by its tail. Prozen tells Van the story of how he killed Van's father, and Van becomes angry. Fiona tells him that he's the only one who can stop Prozen, and he must do it to save the planet. She also says the Prozen is being controlled by the Death Saurer.

Dr. D comes up with a plan to beat the Death Saurer. They need to attack its core, and he figures that it's in the lower part of the Saurer's body, where there is more armor. They will need a fast Zoid that can outmaneuver it and that has blades strong enough to cut into the armor. Van's Blade Liger is chosen to do the job. The Death Saurer can fire charged particle beams multiple times, change direction while firing, and doesn't need to lock onto the ground. It will be hard for Van to attack. Fiona says that if they can block the fan on the Saurer's back then it can't fire its charged particle beam.

Everyone helps out in the final attempt to stop the Death Saurer. Rudolf and the Republican troops provide support fire, Irvine and Hermann try to slow the Saurer down using Gojulas units, and Shubaltz punches the Saurer and lodges his Iron Kong's hand in some gears then jerks its arm away so that the fist is stuck there. The two Storm Sworders attack the Death Saurer's fan and Van charges. Prozen yells at the Saurer, and it gets its fan working again. It fires a charged particle beam at Van, who is rushing forward with his blades powered up. Van gets hit by the beam, but his blades neutralize the charged particles of the beam, so he cuts through it. The Blade Liger slices through the middle of the Death Saurer, and it blows up with Prozen screaming.

Later, Rudolf is made emperor, and he notices that Van isn't there. Van, Fiona, and Zeke have gone on their quest to find Zoid Eve again.


"You're supposed to guide your Zoid with your spirit, pal, with your spirit." -Rosso
"The empire belongs to me now! I will do what I want with it!" -Prozen
"Van, stay focused. Only you have the power to defeat him. For the sake of the empire -no wait, for the sake of everyone on Planet Zi, you must not lose against Prozen!" -Fiona
"All units, commence attack! Don't let the Republicans take all the glory!" -Karl Schubaltz
"They know that I'm not the type for all that fancy stuff, right Zeke?" -Van Freiheit
