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Episode 36. Sniper

In a desert, a group of white Command Wolves are protecting a Gustav carrying some Guysacks. They are headed to a town, and when they arrive, an old man asks what they are doing there. The leader says that they are trying to recover weapons left behind from the last war. He finds out that Van is in the town too. In a building, Van and Fiona talk to a guy from the group of Command Wolves and Gustav. They go out to dinner, and the guy tells them what they're doing there. He says that Van must be a better pilot than when he beat the Death Saurer. Afterwards, Van, Fiona, and Zeke are walking down a path, and Van tells Zeke to go ahead. Then he commands that whoever has been following them to come out.

A guy walks up to Van and introduces himself. He says he works for the military police, and that the group that arrived in the town are really trying to steal Republican gold. He wants Van to help him, and Van accepts. The guy shows Van his Zoid, a Gun Sniper. He says that his Zoid could beat Van's Liger. In the morning, Van goes to the group of Wolves and the Gustav in the Liger and asks to tag along. The leader says he can, and then orders someone to tell the Command Wolves to keep an eye on him. Later on, the Guysacks, equiped with scanning devices, are searching for "the lost weapons" while Van watches.

Then the Guysacks find what they've been looking for, and they proceed to dig it up. The police guy was monitoring their transmissions and knows that they've found the gold. As the gold is lowered onto the Gustav, a voice calls out saying that they are under arrest and to stay where they are. When they refuse, two Command Wolves are shot down. The Gun Sniper appears and he and Van team up. Van slices up some Command Wolves while the Gun Sniper runs after the Gustav. After Van is finished, he hears the Gun Sniper and Gustav fight. Then he sees a huge explosion and runs over to it, finding no one there.

Elsewhere, the police guy and the leader of the destroyed group are talking about how rich they are now. They were working together all this time so they could get the gold. Then Van shows up and shows them his necklace, which has a Guardian Force ring. The two guys understand that he plans to stop them, but they won't give up the gold. Van shoots at the Gustav, damaging it. Then the Gun Sniper is mobilized and it and the Liger fight. The Gun Sniper damages the Liger, and Van slices off the Sniper's arm. The Sniper shoots at Van, but Van blocks with a shield. The Sniper then turns around and goes into sniping mode, and fires three consecutive shots, piercing the shield and damaging the Liger.

The Sniper aims for the Liger's cockpit and shoots, but Van dodges and fires a lot with his blade guns. The Gun Sniper is defeated and falls to the ground. Van stops the other guy from running away, and asks Fiona to contact O'Connell. The Liger is going to need repairs.


"It pays to hang out with a hero." -Fiona
"What makes you think he's alone, Lieutenant? Do as he says and surrender your weapons." -Van Freiheit
"I'll go after the transport truck. You stay here and fight them off." -the Gun Sniper guy
