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Episode 37. The Blue Devil

O'Connell's group is working on some ruins near a town. They found some really good artifacts that may give them some clues about what Zoid Eve is. O'Connell says that Van and Fiona are coming to take a look at them. The Blade Liger is heading down a road to the town, and Van has a little fun with a car along the way. Fiona thinks about her life and whether finding Zoid Eve is such a good idea. She thinks the Van and herself have grown up a lot. The Liger gets a compartment in its hind legs to hold guns in, so Van can switch what guns he wants on the blades. Meanwhile, everyone in the town walks out of it. O'Connell and a few of his men come back from the ruins to find that everyone is gone. Then they are attacked by a swarm of bugs which mess up the systems in their Zoids.

Fiona and Van arrive at the town, and Fiona looks at it through binoculars and tells Van that no one is there. Van says that someone must be there because the bell is ringing. Just then, a Godos attacks. Van sees that it doesn't have a pilot and gets in the Liger. The Godos has grabbed Fiona, and Van hesitates to shoot. A voice in his head tells him to shoot and he has a vision of Fiona being killed. Van doesn't know whether to shoot or not, so Zeke flies up and saves Fiona. Then Van shoots the Godos. They then head into the town and go to the bell tower. There, they see more bugs and find a girl with blue hair who attacks Van. Fiona tells Van not to punch her, and comforts her because she looks scared. Then they all go to the ruins to find out what happened. Van tells Fiona and the girl to stay behind and Zeke to protect them.

Van heads into the ruins, and is chased by the blue bugs. He blows them up after running for a while, then finds O'Connell, who tells him that the girl with blue hair can get into people's heads and mess with their minds and that she's behind all of the attacks. Van runs back to check on Fiona. Meanwhile, Zeke leaves Fiona and chases a bug. He runs into a blue Organoid, but it flies away quickly. The blue-haired girls messes with Fiona's mind, telling her that she's a burden to everyone, that she brings back luck, and that Van would be happier if she was gone. Fiona walks up the bell tower during all of this.

Van gets Zeke and confronts the blue-haired girl in the bell tower, and she shows him her Organoid. Then the Organoid flies through the floor and fuses with a Double Sworder under it. Van and Zeke run out to get the Blade Liger, and Zeke fuses with it. The blue-haired girl (who will now be called Riece) gets in the Double Sworder, and tells Van that her Organoid, Specular, can tap into the core of a Zoid and bring out its full potential. The Double Sworder grows and is a really big bug now. Van fights her for a little while, and then Riece uses the Double Sworder's tusks to call a lot of the little blue bugs to attack Van's Zoid. They mess up his systems, but Van burns them off with his shield. He then slices off one of the Double Sworder's tusks so she can't call anyomore bugs. Riece stabs her Zoid's remaining tusk into the ground and it makes a huge crack leading to the bell tower. She says that the bells amplifies Specular's psycho waves so she can control Zoids. Then a group of Godos attack Van, and he runs up a cliff to get away from them.

Van decides to destroy the bell to stop the Godos. Riece laughs at him, and he sees Fiona tied to the top of the bell tower. He hesitates to shoot, and Riece messes with his mind again making him see visions of Fiona dying, telling him that he wants to kill Fiona. Van says that he doesn't want to kill Fiona, and Fiona wants Van to fight. The Godos shoot Van and he falls down the cliff, but he regains his confidence and shoots the bell without harming Fiona. Riece is surprised, and Van charges at her and slices off one of her Zoid's legs. Specular gets her out of there, and Van goes to help Fiona. Later, everything is back to normal in the town, and Van and Fiona leave. Hiltz is watching them go and Riece is with him. He tells her that he said that her plan wouldn't work and she underestimated Van. Riece says it won't happen again, and to think of that battle as her getting to know Van.


"It's like the ancient Zoidians left us a mysterious message." -O'Connell
"Can't you see how scared she is?" -Fiona
"As long as you are alive there will be no end to war." -Riece
"Well then, you don't know my Blade Liger very well then, do you?" -Van Freiheit
"In any case, the only thing waiting for them out there is total annihilation." -Hiltz
