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Episode 39. The Invisible Enemy

Hiltz and his Organoid, Ambient, are standing on a stone pillar and they sense Van in the area. Meanwhile, Van and Fiona stop in a town in some mountains where they meet Thomas Schubaltz again. He was sent there to stop some bandits, who have taken over the forest on the mountain and blocked trade routes, and Van was sent there too. Thomas thinks he can handle the mission himself. Van and Thomas get a Gustav with two large metal boxes attached in which they hide their Zoids. Thomas sets up the Gustav so that he can pilot it while he's sitting in the Dibison. Van wonders if the bandits are connected to the guy with the red Organoid. Later, Van and Thomas argue a bit while going through the forest in search of the bandits, but then they are attacked.

The metal boxes open and the Liger and Dibison get out to fight and Zeke fuses with the Liger, but they can't find the enemies. Thomas shoots randomly and blows away a ton of trees. Van sees something and attacks, but misses. The enemies realize that they aren't dealing with normal Zoid pilots, so they retreat. Thomas finds some footprints and he and Van figure out that their enemies are Helcats, the ultimate stealth Zoid. They follow the prints to a stream, where they lose track of them. Thomas uses Beek to find the prints on the bottom of the stream, but Van and Fiona credit Beek and not Thomas, who created Beek.

The enemies talk about the Guardian Force watching their movements, while Van, Fiona, and Thomas spy on them. They notice a cave they they are digging in, and wonder why their enemies would pretend to be bandits just to protect the cave. Thomas and Van go in, while Zeke and Fiona stay behind. Van and Thomas surprise their enemies and have them trapped, but then Hiltz arrives and distracts them. Ambient slices through the tent with his tali and knocks away Van and Thomas' guns. The enemies capture them, and bring them outside. Van remembers Hiltz, and he and Thomas get into a fake arguement and prepare to attack. Hiltz orders for them to be shot, but just then Zeke and Fiona jump out in front of Van and Thomas. Fiona's got some guns and Zeke is covered with explosives. Hiltz snaps his fingers and Ambient charges into Zeke, knocking him over and causing Fiona to fire her guns, which lights an explosive on Zeke's headband.

Van, Thomas, and Fiona run away with Zeke following them. Van yells for Zeke to get rid of the explosives and Zeke panics and throws them off of him. They explode and Van and his friends get thrown forward while Hiltz and his men protect themselves from getting hit by rocks. Hiltz orders his men to go after Van and his friends, who are running away. Hiltz then goes into the cave and tells his men in there to leave. He looks at a huge tank like the one Zeke came out of and asks Ambient what he thinks of it. Ambient then turns into energy and goes into the tank, which starts to glow. Meanwhile, the Helcats chase Van and the others.

Van and his friends get to their Zoids and fight the Helcats. Thomas uses the data Beek collected to find the Helcats, and sends the data to Van. They start to take down the Helcats one by one until there are only a few left. Thomas is then attacked, but Van saves him by slicing through his attacker. Van and Thomas win the fight, and they become friends after a bit of teasing. Thomas helped Van track the Helcats since the Liger wasn't able, and Van saved his Dibison. Fiona tells them to check out the cave. They go to it and find that Hiltz is gone, but there is a large hole in the ground. Fiona looks up and spots a carving of the Death Saurer with two carvings of something else near it *coughTwoCarvingsOfScorpianZoidscough*.


"And that's why you called me -um, I mean the Guardian Force." -Thomas Schubaltz
"How are we supposed to fight the enemy when our sensors can't even detect them?!" -Van Freiheit
"You sense something out there, Zeke?" -Fiona
"So you remember me, do ya?" -Hiltz
