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Episode 4. The Protectors

At night, Fiona tells Van that she can hear water. In the morning, Fiona dumps out all of Van's special protein water because she thought it smelled bad and Van has a fit about it. Van tries to find more water, but collapses. He has a vision of a bunch of little Fionas dumping out water. Fiona snaps him out of the vision by pointing out that there's water nearby. She smelled it. Van dives in and cools off happily. He tells Fiona that water helps him cool off when he's angry. Irvine shows up and tells Van that he's a protector for a nearby village. Van goes there and finds out that bandits have been wreaking havoc in the village. He also learns that there's a lot of aquifers in the area, and a while ago someone took a lot of the water, so it made the ground unstable. Van almost falls into a hole, but Zeke saves him. Irvine says that the bandits are going to attack again today. Van wants to be a protector, but Irvine says that there's only room enough for one protector in the village. Meanwhile, Rosso and Viola and their gang plan to steal Zeke and attack the village at the same time.

Van gets mad at Irvine so Fiona dumps water on his head to cool him down. The elder of the village says that Van can be a protector. Then, Zeke senses something. The bandits are coming. Van tries to get Zeke to come with him, but the Organoid jumps into some water and splashes Van. Van yells at Zeke, who ignores him and starts swimming. Zeke gets out when Fiona arrives with the Shield Liger. Irvine gets into his Command Wolf and battles with the bandits. He takes out the Molga first and Van arrives. Van dodges a dive attack from Viola's Redler, which amazes everyone. Irvine runs off so he can let Van take care of everything. He wants to see what Van can do.

Viola follows Irvine and Van is surrounded by two Command Wolves and Rosso in his Red Horn. Meanwhile, Irvine is chased by Viola. He tricks her and gets above her. Then he leaps down on top of her Zoid. Van refuses to hand over Zeke and thinks up a plan. He asks Fiona if there's water nearby, and she says there is. Van asks where and she tells him that it's near a big rock. Van runs for the rock and hides behind it. Rosso and the two Command Wolves blow up the rock and then Van fires his last two missiles at the ground where he sees some water. The explosion causes the water to shoot up and crack the ground. Rosso and the Wolves are caught in a huge hole. Rosso manages to get back up and charges at Van, but is shot down by Irvine. Later, Van whines about Irvine stealing the show and Irvine explains that he was just fighting efficiently and leaves saying that he's still after Zeke. Fiona tells Van that Irvine knew he could win without help.


"I can hear the sound of water." -Fiona
"I'm not here to steal your Zoid away from you. I'm only here as a protector." -Irvine
"Zeke! Get out of the water right now! We've got a fight on our hands!" -Van Freiheit
"Surely the kid can't be that good...can he?" -Irvine
"A good chase always makes the game more interesting." -Viola
"If you do as I say, I'll let you live." -Rosso
"We're going to take the force of nature and use it to help people!" -Van Freiheit
"You know, Van, that Irvine-guy believed in you. He knew you weren't going to lose." -Fiona
