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Episode 43. The Emperor's Holiday

Stinger and the two guys who pilot Hel Digunners spy on a group of Redlers. Later, Van, Fiona, and Rudolf are fishing when Thomas arrives. He doesn't recognize Rudolf until Van tells him, and then he's has to apologize to Rudolf because he roughed him up a bit. Marianne, who Rudolf will marry eventually, comes and smacks Thomas with her hat for what he did to Rudolf.

Stinger comes up with a plan to kidnap Rudolf while Marianne confronts Thomas. She says she knows that he loves Fiona and that she plans to help him tell Fiona how he feels. First, she gets Thomas to give Fiona a gift, but that goes wrong when Zeke accidentally got the gift. Thomas takes the gift away from Zeke and gives it to Fiona, but the first thing she does is show Van, leaving Thomas and Marianne frustrated. Next, Marianne has Thomas just go up to Fiona and tell her that he loves her, but he stutters a lot, and it ends up with Zeke thinking that Thomas just said that he loves him. Fiona doesn't seem to even notice what Thomas just said.

The two Hel Digunner pilots sabotage the Redlers who escorted Rudolf to the area. Zeke is still in love with Thomas, and Marianne thinks that he's a problem and removes him from the picture. Thomas once again tries to tell Fiona that he loves her, but after a lot of stuttering he finds that he can't do it. Marianne ends up tying Zeke to a tree and then goes to help Thomas when Van and Rudolf arrive. Just then the Redlers explode and Van and his friends run to find out what happened. Zeke gets caught in a net and the two Hel Digunner pilots take Rudolf.

When Van and Fiona in the Liger and Thomas in his Dibison try to find Rudolf, then find Stinger, who has tied Rudolf to a tall pole and his Zoid is backed up against a cliff. Van recognizes Stinger's girly voice and Stinger shoots at them. He wants to get revenge and opens up a blade on his Zoid and puts it right behind Rudolf, ready to kill him if they try anything. The two Hel Digunners attack Van and Thomas but they leap over their attacks. Van charges forward and slices through the the pole, leaps up onto the cliff to turn around quickly, and catched the part of the pole with Rudolf tied to it in the Liger's mouth. Then Thomas takes out the two Hel Digunners with a megalo max.

Later, more Redlers arrive to take Rudolf home and Marianne tries to tell Fiona how Thomas feels about her, but Thomas stops her. He takes her away from the others and tells her that he'll tell Fiona how he feels when he's ready, confident, and not worried about her answer. Afterwards, Thomas is in his Dibison when he meets Raven, who asks him where Van is. Thomas won't say, so Raven powers up a charged particle beam. Thomas fires a megalo max when Raven fires his beam and the two attacks meet. Raven overpowers Thomas and severely damages his Dibison, and then leaves to look for Van.


"I know love when I see it, and I see you're in love with Fiona!" -Marianne
"Thomas! What are you doing?! I asked you to give me a hand, remember?!" -Van Freiheit
"I like you Zeke, just not in that way!" -Thomas Schubaltz
"How rude! And I thought I made the rules so clear!" -Stinger
