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Episode 44. Assault of the Mega Monster

Moonbay finds a really damaged Dibison in the middle of the desert. Van is training for his fight with Raven because he's nervous, and Irvine shows up to help him train. Later, Irvine tells Van how he's been winning a lot of money over the years and now that he heard that Raven was back, he's decided to help Van. Irvine wants to fight Van again, but just then a huge blimp flies over them and Dr. D jumps out in a parachute. He's come to strengthen the shield of the Blade Liger to help Van withstand a charged particle beam.

Moonbay takes Thomas to the base where Van is and gets him medical care. Van's worried about Thomas, but happy to see Moonbay again. Van then goes to see how Thomas is doing. Later, he, Fiona, Irvine, Moonbay, and Dr D. figure out that the Dibison was hit by a charged particle beam, and since Thomas was muttering something about a Geno Saurer, that must mean that Raven has his old Zoid back. Dr. D plans to make the Blade Liger's shield resist charged particles just like the blades do, and they get to work on it.

Raven walks through a forest and find a lake, where he fires a charged particle beam out of anger for Van. Moonbay plans to leave, but Irvine makes her go say goodbye to the others. She finds Fiona and helps her work on the Liger's leg. In the morning, the base detects the Geno Saurer approaching and seals up. They send out Pteras units to track the Saurer, but they are shot down. Van and Irvine run out to meet Raven, and then attack him in turns so Raven has a hard time counterattacking. Dr. D finds that something is strange with the Geno Saurer's core, where Shadow is fused to the Zoid.

Finally, Raven shoots out one of the Saurer's claws and catches Irvine. He drags the Wolf in and stomps on its body. He shoots a charged particle beam, but Van counters with his improved shield. Raven fires another one and uses the Saurer's pulse laser cannons as well to break through the shield. The Liger is really damaged and Raven prepares to finish him off. He charges up another beam, but Moonbay pulls in front of Van in her Gustav. Raven fires the beam, but the Gustav's armor was thick enough to protect Van. Raven tries to go finish Van off, but he can't control his Zoid anymore. Shadow makes the Geno Saurer fly off with Raven yelling at him. Later, Van is depressed about losing the battle and all of them look at how damaged their Zoids are. Meanwhile, the Geno Saurer stops in a deserted place and Shadow takes Raven out of his Zoid. The Organoid then fuses with the Saurer again, and a pink crystal forms around the Zoid. Raven realizes that his Zoid is evolving.


"Lock and load, soldier! Time for some real action!" -Irvine
"Do me a favor and shoot me if I ever get to be like him." -Irvine
"Doesn't that Gustav look familiar?" -Fiona
"I examined the frame of the Dibison and discovered trace elements from a charged particle beam." -Dr. D
"You can't really be surprised to see me. I'll go on, until I can destroy you once and for all!" -Raven
"I may not have the weapons, but I've got armor as thick as your head!" -Moonbay
"I lost. Raven totally beat me this time." -Van Freiheit
