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Episode 47. A Monster Awakens

Raven is captured by Karl Schubaltz's troops and taken to a base. Karl wants answers from Raven, but Raven isn't taking anything seriously and plays around. Van, Fiona, and Thomas are there, and Thomas becomes angry with Raven. He threatens Raven, who teases him. Karl tells Thomas to stop because there's no way Raven can escape from the base. Van says that there's no time to waste, and they leave to go look at the cocoon of the Geno Saurer. They plan to destroy it before the new Saurer emerges, and Moonay and Irvine arrive to help out.

Van, Thomas, Fiona, Karl, Irvine, and Moonbay ask Dr. D if he has any suggestions, but he's no help at all. They call for a lot of troops, including Republican ones, so that they have enough firepower to destroy the cocoon. Van talks with Raven, who is still not taking the situation seriously. At dawn, Karl gives the order to attack and all the troops open fire at the cocoon, but they fail to even scratch it. Raven knows that they've failed without being told it, and then a little blue bug crawls into his cell. It's Riece offering help, but Raven smashes the bug without answering. Hiltz and Riece are watching the base, and Hiltz tells her to leave Raven alone because their boss has plans for him.

Later, Van and his friends figure out that the only way to destroy the new Geno Saurer is to wait until it comes out of the cocoon and then blast it. Karl and Van talk about how Hiltz, Raven, and Riece are probably connected, and how Karl thinks that Raven has all the answers. He also tells Van that Raven will be moved to Guygalos. After that, Raven is taken into a Redler, and he says that the game hasn't even begun and nothing can stop what's going to happen today. Karl is then told that the new Geno Saurer is coming out of the cocoon. All of the troops open fire at the new Geno Saurer, which will know be called the Geno Breaker, but they find out that the attack was worthless when they see the Geno Breaker with its shield up, and without a scratch on it.

Raven kicks the consol of the Redler he's in and causes it to crash. The Geno Breaker powers up its boosters and flies towards Raven. Karl orders all high-speed Zoids to follow it, along with Van, Irvine, and Thomas. The Geno Breaker causes a lot of destruction while it flies to Raven, who climbs into his Zoid when it gets to him. Irvine, Van, and Thomas get to the Geno Breaker and Irvine tries to attack it, but ends up getting his Zoid fatally damaged. Van gets shot and Raven powers up a charged particle beam and aims it at Van. Karl and his troops arrive and Raven changes his aim and destroys some of Karl's troops. Then the Geno Saurer flies away with Hiltz and Riece watching, and Van calls out to Irvine, who is unconscious in his Zoid.


"Empty? Like the power of your Dibison? Or is it like your bandaged head? All because of me." -Raven
"Raven isn't going anywhere. He'll talk eventually." -Karl Schubaltz
"In terms of sheer power, I'm no match for that monster, but this Command Wolf is the fastest thing on the ground. I'll run circles around him." -Irvine
