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Episode 49. The Distant Stars

Raven and Shadow are still a big threat, so a guy who specializes in the combat analysis of the Geno Breaker is called in to help Van and the others. He's a jerk to everyone, but he does have a plan to beat the Geno Breaker. They are going to send Van, Irvine, and Thomas out in the Delta Formation to attack the Breaker and cut off the foot-lock. That way Raven won't be able to fire a charged particle beam. Then three groups of attack Zoids, including Gojulas units, also in the Delta Formation will attack and destroy the Breaker. The guy tells Van that he knew his father and also to follow his orders. Van and the others practice the formation over and over, using Moonbay's Gustav to carry a fake Geno Breaker. Fiona notices that Van has changed, and that he wants to protect everyone because he loves them.

Riece collects data on Van and the other's new strategy and confronts Raven, who hates her and wants her to leave. She has a blue Geno Saurer, and releases a mist to show a simulation of the way Van plans to beat him. Raven tries to destroy all of the simulated Zoids with charged particle beams and also tries to hit Riece, who dodges. By that time, Shadow has reached his limit, which is 180 seconds, in the Geno Saurer so he ejects, freezing the combat system. Riece and Raven both get out of their Zoids and Riece offers some Zoid magnite, but Raven refuses. He'll kill her if Shadow dies, though. Riece wants to show him the details of his sorry life and calls a swarm of her little bugs, which somehow cause Raven to lose consciousness.

Even when Raven was young, he didn't like Zoids. His parents were always busy studying Zoids and didn't have much time for him. One night Raven and his father were out on the roof of their old house talking. Raven said he didn't like Zoids, and hoped that there weren't any on their home planet, the Earth. His father promised that they could all go on a vacation when they finished studying an Organoid, and then his mother yelled that the Organoid was waking up. The father leaves, and a few moments later there are screams. Raven runs down to where his parents were, only to find them dead, probably killed by the Organoid (Ambient). Raven is knocked out by the Organoid, and Hiltz is seen watching from a dark corner of the room.

After Raven's parents were killed, he somehow ended up with Van's dad, Dan. Dan wanted to take Raven home with him, but then some Imperial troops showed up, led by Prozen. They want the Organoid that Dan's group (he was in the Republic) was working on and threaten to burn down the Wind Colony, but a guy (the same guy who specializes in the combat analysis of the Geno Breaker) tries to blow up the Organoid capsule. The Organoid (Shadow) escapes though, and Prozen leaves to try and catch it. Dan stops the Imperial troops by sacrificing himself and self-destructing his Command Wolf. Later, Raven confronts Prozen and tries to shoot him with a gun that has the safety on, and Prozen decides to call him Raven and take him in for training. Prozen has Raven in training for many years, and also gives him Shadow as a gift for doing so well. After he gets Shadow, Raven leaves to do what he wants.

Back in the present, Raven wakes up in a cave. Hiltz and Riece inform him that he is in the presence of the Dark Kaiser (who I think is Prozen). Raven refuses to obey the Dark Kaiser and leaves to go fight Van.


"I'll destroy you too." -Raven
"I want to share a gift that I've had for many years, the ability to show you the details of your sorry life." -Riece
"How about when we finish working on this Organoid, us all going on a holiday together?" -Raven's father
"The stars look so close I feel like I could touch them." -little Raven
"Looks like we'll be home sooner than I thought. You can meet my son Van. I'm sure you'll get up to all sorts of trouble. It'll be good for you to have someone your own age to play with." -Dan Freiheit
"In that case, I'll call you Raven. Your black hair made me think of it, but it suits you." -young Prozen
"I won't answer to you! I'm free!" -Raven
