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Episode 51. The Boy from the Ruins

Van falls out of the Liger into a river. Zeke tries to grab him, but Van falls down a waterfall. Meanwhile, everyone is looking for him. Fiona senses that Van's in a canyon and they change course. Riece confronts Raven, who tells her that he doesn't care if Van survives because he'll always be able to beat him. Thomas and Irvine are lowered into a canyon to look for Van, but he's not there. Irvine shocks Thomas when he tells him that Fiona loves Van. They do find the damaged Blade Liger and Zeke, though. Zeke tells Fiona that Van fell into the river. Thomas knows that there's a base nearby and tells Fiona that they will ask for help from there. Meanwhile, Van wakes up and goes into a village, but everyone runs away from him. He then passes out. Van has a dream about finding Fiona in a pod, but she says that she will bring everything to an end and her eyes turn green like Riece's.

Van wakes up and finds out that someone has taken care of his injuries. He sees a white Helcat and a boy called Nichalo. The boy really likes Zoids too. Meanwhile, the base Thomas mentioned recieves the call for help, but the main guy (he's from the episode "Moonbay's Waltz") refuses to help because he hates Van. Riece appears behind him and makes him think that he needs to find and kill Van. Van teaches Nichalo to pilot his Zoid well and they have a good time. The guy from the base finds out that Van is in the village that he's been stealing from and goes there. Irvine and the others are still looking for Van and figure that he's in the village. Thomas pulls up some files about the village and finds out that the Republican army once attacked it when an ancient Zoidian girl hid in it, and that they killed a boy.

Nichalo tells Van about the girl he knew before the war came to his village. Then explosions are heard coming from the village. The guy, in a Red Horn, and his troops, Rev Raptors, are there and they demand that the villagers hand over Van to them. The villagers tell him that they don't have him, but the guy doesn't believe them and gives them one hour. Van decides to help the villagers even though they didn't help him. When one hour is up, Van shows up in a Rev Raptor and slices up most of the other Rev Raptors. Then he gets surrounded and attacked, so his Raptor can't move anymore. He's about to be shot when the villagers stand in front of him. They say that they're going to help him since he tried to help them, and that they're not going to be responsible for another death like the boy's one ten years earlier.

Irvine arrives and shoots down all the Rev Raptors. Thomas puts the guy under arrest and Moonbay shoots him with her Gustav when he resists. Fiona arrives with the Liger. Later, Fiona and Van talk, while Thomas tells Irvine that he's happy for everyone. Riece tries to shoot Van in her Geno Saurer, but the spirit of Nichalo stops the shot. Riece starts to cry. Later, Van shows everyone where he met Nichalo, but the elder of the village tells him that Nichalo died ten years ago. He was killed by the Republican army when he tried to stop them from capturing an ancient Zoidian girl (Riece). Van is sure that he met him, but even the white Helcat is in ruins. Meanwhile, Riece walks alone through the desert thinking, and meets Raven. He says that she also failed to kill Van and she tells him to drop it, and then walks off.


"I will always be able to beat him. Every time." -Raven
"Fiona's reason is good enough for me; love. She loves him." -Irvine
"You've been calling me such a big criminal that I thought I'd steal something worthwhile." -Van Freiheit
