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Episode 52. Van's New Power

Van's Blade Liger is fully repaired. Van takes the Liger out for a test run, but something doesn't feel right for him. Fiona is worried that something might be wrong with Zeke. Van asks Dr. D to check the Liger out again, and Dr. D tells Van that nothing is wrong with the Liger, but the problem is with Van. Van has become such a good Zoid pilot that he needs a batter Zoid than the Liger. Van doesn't want another Zoid, so Dr. D suggests that they add on another pair of boosters to the Liger. There are three boosters, all built by Dr. D, to choose from, only they haven't been tested yet. Fiona tries to tell Van that something's wrong with Zeke, but he tells her that Zeke seems fine to him. Hiltz, in a disguise, watches what's going on from inside the base.

The first boosters are tested without using a Zoid, and they blow up. Dr. D wants to use Irvine's Saix for the second pair of boosters, but Irvine refuses. Moonbay makes a deal with Dr. D. She'll test them out for him, but then she gets to keep them. The boosters are installed onto her Gustav and she races with Irvine, but her brakes don't work when she wants to stop. When she took off, some parts were left behind. The boosters eventually fly off by themselves and Moonbay manages to stop before she crashes into a cliff. Later, the third pair of boosters, the only one that works properly, are put on the Blade Liger and Van gets ready to test them out. Meanwhile, Hiltz punches out a guy and activates some Gun Snipers equiped with the Wild Wizel unit to go destroy Van.

Van tests the boosters and they work fine. Fiona is still worried about Zeke. Dr. D says that no matter what they do to the Liger, it really won't help Van. The Gun Snipers arrive and attack Van, who fights back. The Blade Liger does well at first, but it still doesn't respond quick enough for Van. Hiltz, standing on a cliff with Ambient, contacts Van and tells him that he'll have to move better than that if he wants to beat Raven. Van imagines that a Sniper is the Geno Breaker and slices through it.

Fiona knows that something is really wrong with Zeke and runs to him. The others follow her and see that Zeke is glowing. Fiona cries out for him not to because he'll destroy Van, but Zeke flies up and fuses with the Liger, making it glow brightly. Zeke improved the Liger by using the new power within him. The Blade Liger is really fast now and responds to Van's every thought, surprising Hiltz. The Liger cuts down all but one Gun Sniper, and Hiltz tells Ambient to fuse with it. Ambient does and turns the Sniper red with spikes coming out of it. Van manages to beat the Sniper and Ambient ejects from it. He flies back to Hiltz, who says that Van has unlocked the full potential of Zeke. Later, Van thanks Zeke for improving the Blade Liger.


"Well, even if the boosters are at full strength, I don't think the Blade Liger can keep up with what Van wants to do." -Thomas Schubaltz
"This is fantastic, Zeke! The Liger's started responding to my every thought as I think it!" -Van Freiheit
"So he's finally discovered how to release the full potential of the Organoid; Van Freiheit, the brave hero." -Hiltz
