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Episode 53. Phantom

At night, Van and Thomas arrest a group of people for hiring the assassin Phantom to kill Rudolf. A phone rings near Van and he picks it up. Phantom says he's still going to kill Rudolf. Later in a Whale King, Van, Thomas, Rosso, and Viola talk about the situation. From what they can figure out, Phantom will try to kill Rudolf during the Grand Prix. Moonbay will be racing in it in a Sinker with engines that Dr. D stole. A rookie called Masquerade will be racing too. Phantom is on a boat on the water near the stadium. He's got a Gun Sniper, and he gets it ready to shoot Rudolf. He's using optical stealth technology, so no one will see him, though a fisherman does spot the Gun Sniper before it disappears.

Rudolf is still going to go to the Grand Prix and he doesn't mind being the bait to catch Phantom. Van and Thomas scout the stadium and try to figure out where Phantom will snipe from. The next day, the race starts. Moonbay gets off to a bad start but then does well. Masquerade tails her throughout the race. Van and Thomas look for Phantom for a long time, but can't find him. Phantom almost shoots Rudolf, who moves right before he can pull the trigger. The fisherman tells some guards about the Gun Sniper he saw, so Van and Thomas go out in Redlers to find Phantom. They shoot at him, but miss, and the boat explodes anyway. Phantom is going to the stadium now.

Moonbay is almost in first place and Masquerade is right behind her. Phantom sets some explosives in some Gustavs and walks up to where Rudolf is. Van spots him and runs after him. Meanwhile, Moonbay and Masquerade race towards the finish line. They are tied, but then Moonbay hits the fence and loses speed. Masquerade wins the Grand Prix. Phantom makes the Gustavs explode and Rosso and Viola run out of the room where Rudolf is. Phantom throws a smoke bomb and runs in to shoot Rudolf, but finds that it was only a hologram. Van and Thomas then come and arrest him. Fiona and Zeke cheer for Masquerade, who turns out to be Rudolf. Later, Dr. D, upset about Moonbay losing the race, gets some guards to come and get Moonbay and Irvine, claiming that they stole the engine. Irvine and Moonbay swear to get revenge on Dr. D for that.


"Once I accept a job, I see it through to the end." -Phantom
"We haven't located the Phantom yet, but he'll make his move during the race." -Thomas Schubaltz
"Dr. D, I'm definitely taking you off my Christmas card list!"
"The wheels of justice are going to leave tread marks on your face, old man!" -Irvine
