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Episode 55. Supersonic Battle

Irvine finds a Gustav towing some cargo and some boxes fell out of it so he stops to help. The guys tell him to leave, but then Irvine sees some weapons in the boxes and they knock him out and take his Saix. Irvine records all of this on his eye patch. An old guy comes and wants to use Irvine for something. Thomas and Van battle some Zoids and see that they have newly developed parts from the Empire and Republic and wonder where they got them. When Irvine wakes up, a lady, Carol, is there claiming that she works for the Republic and he's the one responsible for stealing the parts. Irvine says he didn't steal them, but she and some other guys don't believe him. They take him into a Hammerhead. When they are flying over some snowy mountains, Irvine escapes with a parachute. Carol goes after him and after a brief struggle they both land on the mountain. Irvine shows her an image of the old guy, but she still thinks he's guilty and tries to capture him, but fails and they are stuck on the mountain together.

After walking on the mountain for a long time and hiding from some Pteras units, Irvine and Carol finally learn each other's names. Meanwhile, Van and Thomas get Zeke to fetch a guy who will tell them about the weapons. Then they go into a town and Irvine talks to his mom, who is not really his mom but he calls her that. She gives out information to all mercenaries, and tells him that the old guy is an old general and he's helping orphans of war, but he might be doing something else too. He's having a party at his house and Irvine and Carol go to it. They sneak into the house and see weapons being shipped. Irvine finds his Lightning Saix and Carol reveals that she was working for the old general and they are going to set up Irvine to take the blame of shipping the weapons.

The old general comes and orders Carol to shoot Irvine, but she doesn't want to and fires at a pipe filled with steam instead. Irvine leaves in his Lighting Saix and Carol goes after him in her red Storm Sworder. Van and Thomas arrive at the old general's house to stop him and take out a bunch of Gun Snipers equipped with the Wild Wizel unit. Irvine battles Carol and though he gets hit a few times, he wins. Carol crashes into the ocean and her Zoid explodes. Hiltz and Ambient were watching from a cliff (again) and then leave. Later, Irvine walks by the ocean and says goodbye to Carol.


"That's the guy who framed me back there. I find him and I'll find my Lightning Saix." -Irvine
"If you mess with the bull you get the horns." -Thomas Schubaltz
"Looks like you win, Irvine." -Carol
"Well that was quite the battle, wasn't it?" -Hiltz
