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Episode 59. The Capital Collapses

New Helic City is being evacuated because the Death Stinger is headed there. Rudolf says that he will help in any way he can. A Pteras moniters the Death Stinger's movement. Irvine and Thomas get there and talk to Hermann, who tells them that the Death Stinger will get to the city in a few hours. The plan is to destroy the Death Stinger using lava. When it gets to the mountain where the lava rises close to the surface, they will fire some missiles and make it explode. Van is battling Riece, but isn't doing too well because of his really damaged Zoid. Raven, at his house, thinks of how beginnings and endings are related. The Death Stinger changes course and heads underground.

Hermann cancels the deployment of the bombing unit and Irvine and Thomas find him to ask what's going on. Hermann orders all aerial Zoids to go out and look for the Stinger. He tells Irvine and Thomas that the Stinger is heading for the lava. Thomas says that Hiltz is doing that to show that the Stinger doesn't have any weaknesses. Karl Schubaltz and his troops arrive at New Helic City to help out. He goes to a meeting with Hermann, the President, and other people. They go over a plan to fight the Death Stinger. After that, a hologram of Hiltz appears. The President wants to know why he's doing all of this. Hiltz says that there are two kinds of people; the strong and the weak. Only the strong will prosper, so they are the only ones who have the right to survive. It's his duty to destroy the weak. Then he says that he will be seeing them soon and the hologram disappears.

Then the Death Stinger breaks out of the ground in the city. Hiltz used the lava to get there. Raven thinks about his life and decides that he doesn't want to be alone again. Shadow glows and then disappears. Raven gets into his Geno Breaker and flies off. The Empire and Republic are doing everything they can to stop the Death Stinger, but it looks like it's going to be really hard to stop it when it puts its shield up. Irvine and Thomas attack it from behind, but get caught in its back claws and thrown into the air. They survive and Karl, in his Saber Fang, and Hermann, in a Shield Liger, come up with a plan to attack it. Hermann will use his Liger's shield to neutralize the Stinger's shield. It works, but Hermann gets shot down. Karl jumps to attack, but gets caught in a claw and thrown aside.

The backup troops arrive, but they're no match for the Death Stinger. Raven arrives to avenge Shadow's death. Van's still fighting Riece, but then she flies off for some reason. All of the troops are ordered to withdraw from the city. They lost. They are heading to a lake. Raven is beaten by Hiltz, who taunts Raven. Raven falls out of his Zoid to stand before the Stinger. Hiltz says that Raven will be killed for betraying the Dark Kaiser and powers up a charged particle beam. Riece arrives and gets out of her Zoid to stand next to Raven. Hiltz says that he doesn't remember calling for her assistance. Riece asks if that means that he doesn't need her anymore, and Hiltz confirms this remarking about how she didn't even need to get into his head to figure it out. The beam is fired and the entire city is destroyed. Later, Van arrives at the ruins and figures out that everyone went to the lake. At the lake, the water is drained to reveal something huge at the bottom.
