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Episode 6. Jump! Zeke!

Van, Fiona, and Moonbay are traveling along when Fiona makes them stop so they don't run over a grasshopper. She says it looked ready to fight. Later, they have dinner and a Gordos approaches them. The pilot is Rob Hermann of the Republican army. His men check out Moonbay's cargo and find that she's carrying a Shield Liger without a registation number. Van and Fiona explain that Zeke revived the Liger and it wasn't stolen. Hermann thinks Zeke is an Organoid wants to take him, but Van yells for Zeke to run away. He attacks O'Connell to buy time for Zeke to run. Then Hermann takes Van and the others prisoner for attacking his subordinate.

Van and the others are taken to a Republican base and thrown into cells. Van finds that Irvine has been captured too. Irvine was out of ammo so he thought he'd "borrow" some from this base. Then Van and the others talk about the war, and elsewhere Hermann and O'Connell talk about it too. Hermann checks out Van's Liger and sees that Van was telling the truth about not stealing it, but since he attacked O'Connell he would have to stay locked up. VAn says that's not fair, and then Hermann tries to make Van a deal. He'd let Van out if he'd work for him. Van refuses, though Moonbay wants to work for him, but Hermann doesn't take her seriously.

Later, Zeke runs into the base and fuses with the Liger. He runs around in it looking for Van. All the guards have run out to deal with the Liger, so Irvine uses his hidden explosives to break out of the cell, but doesn't have any more to help out Moonbay and Fiona. Van wants to help them, but they tell him to get out and come back later. Irvine and Van find their Zoids and get out separate ways. Hermann and two others get into Pteras units and chase Irvine into a path between two cliffs. Van finds Irvine and the Pteras units prepare to attack. Both Van and Irvine are out of ammo and Irvine tries to run, but is stopped by the Pteras units. Meanwhile, O'Connell opens Moonbay and Fiona's cell to take them somewhere, and Moonbay manages to knock away O'Connell's gun and grab him from behind. Fiona picks up the gun and Moonbay tells O'Connell that she has a deal for him.

Van is not going to give up, and uses the sides of the cliffs to jump up and take out two of the Pteras units. He tries to get Hermann, but misses. Irvine yells for Van to jump again and jumps up to. Irvine makes Van jump off the back of his Command Wolf so he can reach and attack Hermann. While he's floating down in his parachute, Hermann sees the Imperial army coming closer. Moonbay and O'Connell finish their deal. Moonbay will work for them and she'll get the others to sign later.


"Captain Hermann! They're transporting a Shield Liger!" -O'Connell
"Can it already. Hard to believe, but even in this place I can't get away from you guys." -Irvine
"Well kid, that story of your's checks out. I suppose that makes you the rightful owner of that Shield Liger." -Hermann
"Don't you two worry about a thing! I'll be back to save you soon!" -Van Freiheit
"Well, I'm sure it will all work out." -Moonbay
