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Episode 63. The Final Battle

Rosso and Viola go to the Ultrasaurus, which is on land now, with Rudolf. They learn that the Ulrasaurus has lost sight of the Death Stinger. They don't know if Hiltz has some more tricks up his sleeve, if he doesn't fear the gravity cannon and is just toying with them, or if he is afraid of the cannon. All they can do is perfect a strategy to fight the Death Stinger. They will use the Delta Formation and then form a electromagnetic shield around the Death Stinger to trap it in one place so it will be hit by the gravity cannon. Van, Irvine, and Thomas will train against a Gojulas. Meanwhile, the Death Stinger destroys another town. The Death Stinger is headed towards Mt. Iselina, so Rosso and Viola leave to save Viola's little sister while Van, Irvine, and Thomas train.

The Death Stinger attacks the secret town on Mt. Iselina. Rosa tries to fight the Death Stinger, but is knocked aside. Then the Storm Sworders arrive, and Rosso fights Hiltz while Viola picks up her sister and two other children. Hiltz fires a charged particle beam and wipes out the village. Van is mad that he wasn't called back from training to help, but Rudolf says that Rosso and Viola promised they would come back. Meanwhile, Raven and Riece stop in a town for water (they are traveling in the Geno Breaker). Raven tells Riece that he doesn't have a right to be angry about the situation because he's destroyed so many bases and stuff, but Riece is angry, though she seems really depressed. Raven says that everything he's done has come back to haunt him.

At a prison, all the cages are opening and everyone is panicing because the Death Stinger is there. Stinger gets help from two scientists (from a previous episode, the one with the three-headed Saber Tiger) to escape from his cage and then meets up with the two Hel Digunner pilots again. They fight for a bit and then run out to see the Death Stinger. They are in a good mood and try to fight it, but lose and the Death Stinger destroys the prison with a charged particle beam. Van and the others figure out that Hiltz is following a path, destroying everything Van did and hoped to do. They figure out where he will be next and go there to fight him.

Later, Van, Thomas, and Irvine confront and fight Hiltz. The Ultrasaurus gets ready to fire the cannon. Van and the others trap the Death Stinger in the electromagnetic shield and the cannon is fired, but the Death Stinger breaks out and fires a beam at the shell, destroying it. Van and the others are knocked down and Hiltz decides to let them live for now, but they are not ready to give up. They try again and manage to trap the Death Stinger one more time, only this time they used more energy. The last shell is fired from the gravity cannon and this time the Death Stinger can't break out. Van and the others run to avoid being crushed by the blast, and the Death Stinger breaks free right before the shell hits it. At the last moment, the Death Stinger fires one last charged particle beam and hits the back leg of the Dibison. Thomas is knocked out as the blast gets closer to him.
