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Episode 7. The Battle of Red River

Van rides on Zeke and tries to rescue Fiona and Moonbay, but is stopped by some guards and O'Connell. They were waiting for him, and Moonbay and Fiona arrive to explain the deal they made. Later, Hermann orders everyone to get ready for combat. Moonbay asks about her cargo, which is Imperial ammo, but a Republican detonator. Since it was made in the Republic, it's reliability isn't that good. Moonbay is going to go to a bridge and blow it up with her cargo so Imperial reinforcements can't get across. In another room, Hermann and all of his soldiers review the battle plan. Meanwhile, Karl Schubaltz, the commander of the part of the Imperial army that Hermann's worried about, is given orders by Minister Prozen to attack. He doesn't want to, but can't disobey orders. When Prozen's not listening, Karl insults him (yeah! Go Karl!).

The Republicans leave to confront the Imperial army. Moonbay leaves in another direction to go and blow up the bridge. Hermann tells Van that they are relying on him. Irvine watches from a cliff. The Republicans finally confront the Imperial army, and Karl Shubaltz and Hermann talk. Hermann wants them to leave, but they don't. Everyone waits for something to happen. Prozen gives some orders to an idiot called Marcus to start the fighting. Rosso and Viola are sent a Republican Pteras and are given orders to attack the Imperial army to start the fighting. Moonbay gets to the bridge she has to blow up and Hermann tells her to wait. Two guards come and question her, but Moonbay tells them that she's having mechanical problems. The guards tell her to fix it.

Viola flies in a Pteras and shoots at the Imperial army, then flies away. Karl is forced to attack even though he doesn't want to. The Republicans and Imperial troops fight and Zeke fuses with the Liger. Moonbay is told to blow up the bridge now, so she dumps her cargo and tries to blow it up, but it doesn't work. She and Fiona are captured by guards. Hermann tells Van to go blow up the ammo. He has to jump a huge distance to get there, though. He leaves to go do it and meets up with Irvine, who's been waiting for him. Irvine tells Van that he's going to help him jump across, smirks, and presses a trigger. The land Van is standing on is blown away from the cliff and starts to fall. Van jumps the rest of the way across.

Van gets to Fire Bridge, saves Fiona and Moonbay, and blows up the ammo, destroying the bridge. Karl orders his troops to retreat because the Republicans will have back-up soon. Van leads the Gustav right through the retreating Imperial troops. He runs past Karl in his Dark Horn. Karl silently thanks the pilot of the Shield Liger, and Moonbay promises to cook a huge dinner for Van.


"Hey kid, we're relying on you and your Zoid to achive success." -Hermann
"Of course it was. I swore alligiance to the Emperor, not to some paper-pushing bureaucrat sitting behind a desk!" -Karl Schubaltz
"I think it's good that we'll be stopping the war." -Fiona
"Moonbay! We can water the flowers!" -Fiona
"Would everyone stop calling me 'kid'!." -Van Freiheit
"Ready for a flying lesson?" -Irvine
"I suppose I should thank you, Shield Liger pilot." -Karl Shcubaltz
