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Episode 9. The Valley of the Monster

Van, Fiona, Irvine, Zeke, and Moonbay are chased by Imperial Molgas because they are passing through Republican territory. Van and Irvine turn to fight, but their shots keep missing. Van manages to knock one over with the Liger's leg and then all of the Molgas leave. Later, Van and the others talk about this. Van thinks they ran because they were scared, but Irvine doesn't seem to think so. He is worried about how their shots kept missing. They get in their Zoids and try to start them up, but they don't work and start acting crazy. Irvine orders everyone to put their pulse guards up because a rare hertz is affecting their Zoids. A rare hertz is a pulse that makes Zoids go insane, and no one knows when or where it will appear.

Since they don't want to fight the Imperial army, they go ahead into the valley with the rare hertz. Zeke isn't doing to well and Van and Fiona are worried about him. After traveling for a while, Van and Fiona check on Zeke, who seems better when he gets up but then his eyes turn green. He starts attacking the Gustav and then fuses with the Liger, attacks Irvine, and then runs. Irvine explains that Zeke has been taken by the rare hertz. Van wants to get him back, but Irvine won't lend Van his Zoid, so he walks off to look for Zeke.

Van looks for a long time and finds tracks from the Liger. He follows them until they disappear. He sees the Liger at the top of a ciff and climbs up most of it. The Liger leaves and Van falls down and is knocked out. When he wakes up, he finds that Fiona has bandaged his arm. They then both go look for Zeke, and find him taking a rest. Van tries to get through to Zeke, but Zeke fuses with the Liger, shoots at Van and misses, and makes to step on Van but stops and runs away. The Liger is stopped when Irvine shoots the side of a cliff to bury it under rocks, but Zeke ejects and runs. Van follows on a hover board Moonbay throws to him. Fiona and Moonbay follow Van on hover boards too and Irvine rides in his Comman Wolf.

Van corners Zeke at the edge of a cliff. He tries to get through to the Organoid, but has no success and gets whacked by Zeke's tail a few times. Van won't give up though. Zeke backs up and slips off of the cliff, but Van catches his head and holds on. Irvine gets into a harness and Moonbay lowers him down towards Zeke and Van. Fiona yells for Van to hold on, but he slips off. Both Zeke and Van fall, and as they fall Van's feelings somehow get through to Zeke and his eyes turn back to red again. Zeke activates his boosters and saves Van, who's happy to have his best friend back.


"It's like this place is cursed or something." -Van Freiheit
"He's running out of control!" -Irvine
"Good! Now let's go and rescue Zeke!" -Fiona
"This is kind of like the first time we met, remember?" -Van Freiheit
