
For these downloads, just to let you all know,
the files are not downloaded onto your computer,
they are opened in a new window as embeded sources.

DBZ Theme Song
(Rock The Dragon)
A 1 minute .mp3 that doesn't
take long to load
954 kB

Jamaican DBZ Theme Song
A 5 minute .mp3 that takes a
while to load but it's
worth the wait
6.87 MB

We Were Angels
A 3:49 minute .mid that takes
less than a gif does to load
45 kB

We Gotta Power
A 3:57 minute .mid that takes
less than a gif does to load
68 kB

Get That Dragonball
A 1:39 minute .mid that takes
less than a gif does to load
36 kB

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