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INT 28
MNT 28
STR 47
DEX 27
STM 34
SPD 25
HP: STMx17+30
Ki: MNTx10+25
Major 1-3
Galactic 4-9
Intergalactic 10-15
Godlike 16+
Pick three powers at level 1 and 1 every level after


1. Kibitains are often servants of Kaioshins and can live in Heaven and Earth.

2. Kibitains gain a +1 to HtH damage per 35 HP.

3. Kibitains are servants of Kaios and therefore serve holiness; that gives them a -50% chance of
being changed into a Majin.

4. Kibitains have good ears giving them a bonus +1 to initiative and a +1 actions per round.

5. Kibitains gain a +1 to everything when dealing with evil.

6. When Kibitains level they gain a +5 to STM and STR and a +20 to distribute among their stats.

Unique Power:

1. Instantaneous Movement: Can instantly transport people or himself over great
distances. This costs 25% of your maximum ki and for every person you bring it costs 25% of
their maximum ki. This technique does NOT require you to lock onto another persons ki.

2. At level 5, Kibitains gain the ability to heal their STMx10 in HP per action to another person
by placing their hands on that person. Costs 5 STM. May only be used twice per round. This
cannot be used on oneself.