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IQ 16
MNT 24
STR 20
DEX 20
STM 18
SPD 20
HP: STMx10+20 per level
KI: MNTx8+15 per level
Class: Starting at Minor, turns Major at level 5, Galactic at 14
Pick four powers at level 1 and one for each level after that


1. Ligon have the ability to breath in both air and water.

2. The Ligon are massively religious and protective of their home world (no one but them even
know where it is). This secret is closely guarded. Not even in dying matters would a Ligon
reveal his home world's location.

3. Every level the Ligon gets 20 points to distribute among their stats.

4. The Ligon have four eyes providing them with keen eye sight. giving them a +1 to strike/dodge
and +1 attacks a round.

5. Every 2 level ups (level 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,etc) they gain +5 INT

Unique Powers:

Ligons are born with the ability to manipulate time and space. They can speed time up and
slow it down by thought. When a Ligon stops time they lose 3 stm an action that they make and
gain penalties depending how long they had stopped time. If they stopped time for 1-2 actions there
is no penalty. if they stopped time for 3-4 actions they suffer a -3 to all strikes/dodges the next turn.
If they stopped time for 5-6 actions, they suffer a -6 to all strikes/dodges the next turn. There is no
limit to how long a Ligon can stop time some have been known to stop time and come back years
older, but if a Ligon drops below 2 STM while holding time still they get ripped apart by the force
and die instantly. Also you can only do HTH attacks in time freeze.

*MIND FREEZE* lvl. 4
Another ability highly known that Ligon's use is called "Mind Freeze". This power freezes
the targets in a 500ft radius. It costs 50 ki to summon the energy to stop the opponent and 15 ki
a round to maintain the mind freeze... The Ligon can move around inside the area as if in normal
time but they cannot stop time while maintaining Mind Freeze. However Mind Freeze can only
be used if the target or targets are at or below 50% ki.