School begins at Readington Elementary...
Madison: Wait up Sakura! Remember me, your best
Sakura: Oh, sorry Madison.
Madison: I've been trying to catch up with you.
What's wrong? You look like the wheels just fell off your inline skates.
Sakura: Oh no, I'm ok.
Madison: You should be feeling great cause of
your card capture last night.
Sakura: Yeah, well...
(Flashback to last night when Sakura and Li
captured the Thunder card together.)
Madison: But then you went ahead and captured
the thunder card with your shadow card and you proved to Li Showron that you do
deserve to be a card captor. So cheer up, Sakura.
Sakura: I really want to be good at this but
it's all so new to me.
(Flashback to last night's scene again)
Don't you see Madison? If Li hadn't shown up
when he did, I could have been in big trouble.
They get to class...
Rita: Hi Madison
Madison: Morning Pita
Rita: Hey, how are you doing, Sakura?
Sakura: Uh, I'm alright.
Rita: What's that about?
Sakura: Huh?
(Facing Li)
Oh, uh, look Li. Last night? Thank you for your
Li: Huh?
Sakura: I mean, I appreciate you being there
but I won't need your help next time.
Li: It's like I said. You don't have a clue.
Your not card captor.
Sakura: What?! Well then, maybe you can tell me
why I was chosen to open the Clow book if I'm not a card captor.
Li: Hmm?
Sakura: I mean, it's not like I've been
studying this my whole life or anything, like some people, and I know I don't
have robes.
Li: Hmm?! Those are the Li Family's Ceremonial
Robes. You have no right to talk about them.
Sakura: Hey, take it easy, Li. Come on.
Li: Don't mess with things you don't
understand, Sakura.
Sakura: Umm...
Rita get a new brooch that is hidden as the
Sword card. It takes control of her and her purpose was to destroy Sakura.
Sakura wouldn't do anything to Rita because she was her friend. So, Li comes to
rescue her once again.
Kero: Need I say more?
Rita comes at Sakura with the sword.
Sakura: Rita!
Li: Hopeless.
Li saves Sakura with his sword to protect her.
Sakura: Hi, Li.
Li: I'll stop her. Don't do it!
Kero: Sakura!
Sakura: I don't need you here.
Li: You're no card captor.
Both: Aaaaaaah!
Madison: Are you two alright?
Sakura: Yeah, no thanks to him.
Li: Listen! I almost has her, Sakura.
Sakura: I'm not going to let you hurt Rita.
(Both growls)
Kero: No one has to get hurt if you can get
that sword out of Rita's hand pronto!