
  Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto is an orphan in the village of Konoha. This has never stopped his eagerness for respect and recognition. Upon graduating from ninja school, he is incorporated into a Genin Team, lead by Kakashi. His other team members are his plutonic love Sakura, and his rival Sasuke. Together, the four take on missions to train their skills and techniques. Naruto's number one jutsu (nija technique) is the Kage-bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow replica), in which he can create physical replicas of himself, and is a high ranked jutsu he masters in a short amount of time. Of his own imagination, he creates the Sexy no Jutsu, in which he transforms into a Beautiful Girl. He can also combine them to create a powerful army of naked girls.

  The first trial of Team #7 is to take an important man back to his town, safely. This endeavor turns out to be more than it looks like, since the man is targeted by a powerful contrabandists named Gatou because he can build a bridge that would end Gatou's merchant power, but allow his village to thrive. In this mission they encounter two Shinobu hired by Gatou: Zabuza and Haku. In the unfinished bridge, in a misty morning the ninja clash together for their final battle. Sasuke and Naruto take on Haku, who can control ice with his chakra, and Kakashi fights Zabuza. Haku defeats Sasuke using a technique which envolves the defendant in a house of mirrors, where Haku hides and attacks. Naruto, thinking Sasuke was utterly defeated into death, brings out his hidden chakra from the Nine-tailed fox and defeats Haku. Meanwhile, Zabuza is trapped in one of Kakashi's techniques, and prepares to attack with a Chidori (where a powerful gathering of pure chakra strikes like lightning), but the attack is stopped by Haku at the last moment. Gatou sees this, and fires both ninjas. As Zabuza is no longer obligated to battle Kakashi, he takes his revenge and eliminates the oppressing criminal.

  After more training missions, and after recovering from the fight against Zabuza and Haku, Kakashi recommends his three students to enter the Chuunin Exam. It is in this part of the story we are introduced to all the other ninja from Naruto's Generation. The first part of the test is a written exam, which turns out to be an exam on gathering information, which Naruto passes without answering a single question. The second part is a trek to the middle of a forbidden forest. It is here where we first meet our main villain: Orochimaru. His plans are unknown, but he marks Sasuke with a spell. As Naruto and Sasuke recover from the battle with Orochimaru, Sakura guards them. Three ninja from the Village of Sound attack Sakura. She is defended by Lee, another ninja in love with her, her longtime rival Ino and her teammates, and finally Lee's teammates. Although the Sound manages to defeat them, Sasuke wakes up and using the power from Orochimaru's seal, defeats them violently.

  After getting to the middle of the forest tower, they find that there are 21 people there, too many for the Third and final exam. A Prelim is quickly setup, in which the examinees battle each other. One of the examinees resigns before this, the same that helped Naruto's team to get through the final part of the forest, his name is Kabuto. In the prelims, Lee succumbs to Gaara of the Sand's impossible Sand defense, after one of the best fights. Sasuke defeats his opponent, and is taken by Kakashi to seal Orochimaru's Seal. Naruto defeats his opponent, Akamaru, amazing everybody. Sakura and Ino release themselves of their friendship to have their ultimate fight, in which they prove to be equally powerful, with a double knock-out. Another interesting fight is the one between Neji and his cousin, in which he tortures her because of his resentment.

  After the prelim, there is a month before the 3rd exam, so Naruto trains under the tutelage of the great Jiraiya-sennin (better known as Pervert-sennin). From him he learns to master his chakra more fully. Sasuke is trained by Kakashi, and he teaches him his Chidori. When the exam comes, Sasuke's match is set to be the last. Naruto excerts revenge on Neji, destroying Neji's chakra obstructing techniques and beating him to a pulp. Shikamaru, using his shadow techniques, defeats his opponent by a really complicated plan done masterfully, but resigns before accepting the win. The fight everyone is here to see (as businessman and important men come to see, including the Hokage of Konoha and the Leader of the Sound Village) is Sasuke vs Gaara. Sasuke's chidori's penetrate Gaara's defenses, but Gaara is cocooned and morphing into a giant creature. The match is interrupted by the Sound and Sand's attack on Konoha, lead by Orochimaru (who was hidden as the Leader of the Sound Village). Orochimaru kidnaps the Hokage and imprisons him in an inpenetrable box, where both of them fight. In the meanwhile, Gaara's teammates try to get him back to safety, but Sasuke follows them. Sasuke is followed by Sakura, Naruto, Shikamaru and a scent dog. Shikamaro stays behind to hold of the ninja following them, while Sasuke overcomes Gaara and defeats his teammates. In the battle, even with the chidoru, Sasuke has not enough energy to defeat Gaara. Gaara then imprisons Sakura, causing Naruto to anger at his defeated comrades. The Hokage uses his best techniques against Orochimaru, but Orochimaru summons the first two (dead) Hokages, which Sarutobi-sensei (Hokage) manages to counter. With his final technique, the Hokage takes the souls of the other Hokages, and grasps Orochimaru's, but he wounds the Hokage mortally with a sword. With not enough energy, the Hokage's technique only takes Orochimaru's arms and most of his jutsu before passing away. Naruto fights Gaara, who transformed into a huge Sand cat. Naruto summons his own creature, a small toad, and then a gigantic toad. Naruto uses the nine-tailed chakra to defeat Gaara's transformation, leaving them equally tired. Naruto overcomes Gaara and defeats him finally.

I will add more to the story as time progresses.

Sasuke, Lee, Naruto and Neji