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About Natsuchi

Natsuchi almost never laughs out loud unless she makes an in -her way- humoristic note or if she is drunk... No one knows where she's from but everyone thinks she's from Tokyo. Looking at her lyfestyle...

Dokiri meets her as the first person who is a member from the T.R.O.. Natsuchi saves her life by shooting a Takayama soldier. Dokiri owes her one...

She does everything what is or might be unhealthy, like smoking and drinking. She likes to shoot with big arms and never hesitates to shoot somone. She doesn't even care if that person is still alive after shooting him/her. She is the second person who mutates. This happens when she finds Dokiri. They haven't found out why...

Natsuchi is not able to controll her emotions as well... This makes Dokiri and Natsuchi a very difficult couple since Natsuchi can't controll her feelings for Dokiri. Sometimes it gets out of hand and someone has to come in between them to prevent Natsuchi being killed by Dokiri.


Natsuchi, Yamagata;


18 years;

City of birth:

Probably Tokyo;

Color of hair:

Deep Red;

Eye color:


Personal details:

She is unable to controll her feelings for Dokiri. This gets her sometimes in difficult situations...