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Sailor Moon V: The Vampire War

Sailor Moon V: The Vampire War

Fanfic by Dragonfang33

This story is a crossover of Sailor Moon, Dracula, and my own idea


Summery: This is my take on the Sailor Moon S series (That would be the Dr. Tome series for all of you who are unfamilier with the series.) The story is basicaly this: Darien isn't who he seems, in fact Darien faked the wars with the Negaverse, the Doom Tree, and the Nega Moon, for Darien is the legendary Count Dracula, lord of the Dark Vampires and Prince of Darkness and he has Sailor Moon under his power and has enabled the Sailor Scouts to remain divided by their petty bickering. But he didn't count on the other vampires to take his treatury lying down for they have sent their own warrior to unite the Sailor Scouts and Free Sailor Moon from Dracula's control, his name is Count Arathon.


Location: Vampyra: Capital of the Vampire Empire

The Council was still in session when Count Arathon, Count of the Black Dragon Vampire Clan entered. Arathon, son of Author the Great, was a low class Count, with a heart as cold as a stone in the depth of winter, who had inherited the Clan leadership from his father Author the Great, the vampire who first defeted Count Dracula during the War of the Moon Kingdom at the end of the Silver Millienium. Arathon was a man of medium build with dark green eyes and pale white skin. On the left side of his mouth was a jagged scar. Over his lower lip were two fangs, each as white as the newly fallen snow of winter. His clothes consisted of a jet black floor length robe, encrusted with gold and jewels. Underneath this robe was a black long-sleeved sweater with the embliem of the clan, a Black Dragon, in the center. His hands were covered by a pair of thick black leather gloves, and in the center of the right one was a large triangle shaped hole, and sitting in that hole was a red, triangle shaped crystal, this was the very symbol of vampire heritage, no mater if you were a half-breed (Half Human Half Vampire) or a pure blood, a Weapons Forger. From this small crystal any weapon, be it as simple as a knife or as complex as a high teck laser rifle, could be forged by just thinking about it. Arathon's boots were made from black leather and were very well shined, for a low class Count. On his waist he wore a black beld with a large gold buckle in the center and a small dagger tied on the leftside of his belt.

The Imperial Council Chamber was a large circular shaped room, with thick black walls and a number of white pillars coming down fromt he ceiling. All around the room ran a number of five row podiums and behind these podiums sat the representatives of every Vampire Clan in the Empire. A large podium stood in the center of the room and at the top of this podium stood an old man, dressed in the whitest of robes, which were encrusted with a number of sacred jewels and on his head was a large jewel encrusted golden crown; this was Rathgor II Grand Emperor of the Vampire Empire.

"Your late Count Arathon," Rathgor said coldly

"I apologize most honored one." Arathon said taking his seat. The debate continued about the recent occurrences on the Human world of Earth, a rouge vampire and a number of his followers had fled Vampyra and plotted to exact revenge on the onew who banished the Vampire race from Earth 1000 years ago. So far the rouge's forces numbering in the 1000s had attacked and often killed almost 10,000 Humans, primarily in the Human lands of Romania, Japan, Hungary, America, and Germany.

"We all know who is reponsible for these outrages." the representative of the White Claw Clan said coldly.

Yes indeed," Rathgor replied, "but, the question before the Imperial Council is this, how do we stop Count Dracula's Black Fang before they achieve their goal?"

"Send the army down," The Golden Hawk Clan representative suggested.

"And violate about 200 treaties with the Humans, you're mad." Rathgor replied.

"And Dracula hasn't?" Arathon said, "I mean he's always said that we, as Vampires, should rule over the humans, for they are our food."

"Yet Count Arathon," Rathogor said calmly, "we are a civilized people. True we feed on Human blood but we have never tired to rule over men even though they are our food. Dracula has never before seen that, which was why he was dismissed fromt he Imperial Council 1000 years ago after his last failed invasion of Earth."

"I meant no offense sire," Arathon replied

I say we put the matter to a vote," Rathgor said, in his typical voice. A vote was taken and the results were recorded in the Imperial Records Book.

YAY: 300

NAY: 0

"The result is unanimous Dracula must be stopped at all costs and brought before the Grand Court to stand trial for high treason." Rathgor said as the cheers of the hundreds of Council members went up.

"Now the question before the Council is this," The Grand Emperor said, "who willbe brave enough to challenge Count Dracula's forces?" The room fell silent. Every member of the Council had heard of how Dracula had fought the War of the Moon Kingdom and knew of Dracula's brutal reputation in battle from the stories their parents had told. So no one dared to raise their hand except for one, Arathon.

"I'll go," Arathon said, and the room exploded in argument about sending a low class Count with a reputation as a heartless monster in battle to the Earth to fight the most powerful of all Vampire lords. Yet, in Arathon's mind only one thought kept coming to mind, the memory of losing his beloved father on Luna to Dracula's evil forces. Finally Arathon spoke.

"I have a right," Arathon finally said, and the room fell silent, "Dracula killed my father and destroyed the ancient Moon Kingdom with out a second thought to what he was doing. Now he has Princess Serena once again wrapped around his little finger and he once again threatens the peace of the Empire and the peace between Vampires and Humans."

"You know the dangers in undertaking this Count Arathon," Rathgor said calmly.

"Yes most honored one," Arathon replied, "but as I said before I have a right."

"Then return at the rise of the Two Moons," The Grand Emperor said, "Council is adjourned." Arathon rose from his seat and returned to his massive castle in the East. Upon arring the suns were jsut coming up so Arathon made his way down to his coffin to sleep the day away, even though Vampyra was a world of Vampires, its inhabitants were stillunable to rid themselves of their one weakness, sunlight.

The two moons rose right on schedule. Arathon rose from his coffin and set about preparing for his mission to Earth. He slapped on a suit of all black, including the battle armor, thick black boots, a thick black belt, a pair of black gloves with a hole in the center for his Weapons Forger, and finally a cape as black as a moonless night. The final touch was a pair of jet black sunglasses to keep out the accursed sun on Earth. Arathon then proceeded to walk toward the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace was the crown jewel of Imperial control. A massive structure with twenty towers and battlements coming out from all over, all of which were made fromthe balckest stones in all the land. A massive moat, which was more like a lake, ran around the full length of the palace. The water in the moat was crystal blue, yet infested with Dark Fangs, a very vicious fish native to that part of Vampyra. Upon the far side of the massive drawbridge that spanned the moat was Rathgor himself. Arathon bowed before the Grand Emperor.

"Highness," Arathon said kneeling.

"Relax Count Arathon," Rathgor said, "before thou sets out on thy mission, I have something important to discuss with you."

"Pray highness; make it quick for we haven't a moment ot lose." Arathon said rising.

"Aye," The Grand Emperor replied, "Have you heard of Princess Serena?"

"The Princess of the old Moon Kingdom," Arathon answered, "Why?"

"Dracula controls her or should I say has controlled her," Rathgor said, "he bewitched her centuries ago and when her mother found out he destroyed the Moon Kingdom and blamed it on some kind of made up universe, the Negaverse I think he called it. Any way Dracula now travels around Earth disguised as a college boy and is slowly rebuilding his army to once again wage war against both the Empire and the Humans."

"Wasn't all of this recorded in the Book of Dracul?" Arathon asked.

"No, the Book of Dracul only recorded Dracula's early campaigns and the very thing that defeated him a thousand years ago, the Weapons of Power, and where they are hidden." The Grand Emperor said, holding out a sword, with a dragon shaped hilt (handle), "This Arathon was the very weapon used by your father in that fateful battle on the Moon, the Blade of Souls." He placed the sword in Arathons' hands.

"My father's sword," Arathon said to himself,then outloud, "At last I can finish what my father started centuries ago."

"Then follow me Count Arathon," Rathgor said. He led Arathon down a massive dark hallway where the only light that could be seen was from the torches hanging on the walls. On each side of the hall was a soldier or Imperial Guardsman (the Empire's elete Guard). At the far end of the dark hall was a large wooden door, and beyond that door was a brightly lit room with a number of circle shaped steeps running from the door to the room, to the floor, and in the center of the room was a large circle shaped machine with a number of strange markings carved into the sides, like the hieroglyphics on the walls of the pyramids of the Gaza Plateau inthe Earth nation of Egypt, this as the Spirit Transporter, the gate way between Earth and Vampyra.

"This will be your ride to Earth," Rathgor told Arathon.

"The Spirit Transporter," Arathon said in awe,

"Yes," Rathgor replied, "the very same machine that has transported our brethren to and from Earth since our banishment during the Siliver Millennium," Rathgor paused for a moment to catch his breathm "now if you'll kindly steep down into the Spirit Transporter we'll begin." Arathon slowly sheathed the Blade of Souls and walked down the stairs with a stern look to his face. Calmly he entered the machine and turned to face Rathgor, the Grand Emperor then gave signal for the two men on each side of the machine to activate it.

Bright light filled the room as the Spirit Transporter came to life. Slowly the light began to change color from white to red to blue to orange to yellow then to gold and slowly began to take the shape of a circle. Ever so slowly Arathon began to fade away.

"AD ADOREA," Arathon shouted to the Grand Emperor, as he placed his arm across his chest in salute. The Grand Emperor returned his salute. Then in a flash of brilliant light Rathgor was gone and allthat stood before Arathon was a tunnel of light. As Arathon made his way down this long corridor of swirling light, that seemed to grow brighter every second, a single thought crossed his mind, 'Dracula, Lord of Dracul, revenge shall be mine prepare to die a traitors death.' The light became too intense for Arathon to stand any more and he blacked out as he was carried of toward the world that his people had been banished from centuries ago, Earth

Chapter One

An Ally Found

Location: Peggy Jones' Art Studio, Earth

Peggy Jones, aka Lonie Lania, was working in her art studio on her new painting, the Dragon of the Moon,which was a painting of a young warrior slaying a a dragon with the moon rising in the background, when out of no where a large swirling vortex of pure energy seemed to appear in the cieling of her studio. Peggy adjusted her large circle shaped glasses in hopes of getting a better look at the strange event that was taking place. The vortex seemed to change color almostevery second and seemed to hypnotize her. Bolts of lightning began to poor out of the strange vortex, striking and setting most of her paintings on fire, yet, Peggy didn't seem to notice for she was drawn to the strange event that was taking place before her.

Suddenly, almost as soon as it began the strange vortex faded and before her stood a man with a gaze like ice, dressed in all black, with dark sunglasses covering his eyes and a large silver sword hanging from his back. Yet, something seemed wrong; he was shaking like a newly fallen leaf, so much that he was barely able to stand up.

"Who are you," Peggy asked, "what do you want?" The man didn't answer as he slowly regained his senses.

"Get out of my studio before I call the police," Peggy shouted, then she noticed her bruning paintings, "MY PAINTINGS," she ran toward her bruning masterpieces. Suddenly Arathon grabbed her.

"Is this Earth?" Arathon asked, shaking her. Peggy looked at the strange man like he was loony.

"Yes it is," Peggy replied, trying to brake Arathon's grip and when she couldn't she pleaded with the vampire.

"Please sir," Peggy pleeded, "my paintings are all I have, if they burn I'll be ruined." The fire was begining to spread to the curtains, when Arathon raised his hand and turned toward the fire.

"Mitar Al Waltarus," He shouted, and a wave of blue water, as pure as the newly fallen dew on a spring morning, seemed to erupt from his glooved hand and dosed the flames.

"Now I want answers," Arathon said harsly eying Peggy, and then he spotted the painting Peggy was working on when he arrived. It was a simple kind of painting,a helmet less knight in shinning armor, with a large dragon crest on his chest plate, slaying a blood red dragon with a large glowing sword. Arathon put Pegggy down and walked toward the painting, almost at once recognizing the main in the painting, a man of medium build like himself, with thick black hair and dark brown eyes and a warm yet deceitful looking face, it was Count Dracula.

"That man," Arathon said, grabbing Peggy again this time baring his fangs, "where does he live?"

"I don't know," Peggy pleaded, "He only posed for me twice."

"Then what was his name?" Arathon asked fiercely.

"Darien Chiba," Peggy replied

"Thank you," Arathon said, and then sank his fangs deep into the flesh of her neck, and slowly began to drink the blood that was flowing out of the wounds in her neck.

Peggy began to become very dizzy as more and more of her blood was drained from her body, and slowly she began to become paler and paler. After Arathon had his feast of blood he threw Peggy's lifeless body to the floor.

"AB- 1976," Arathon said to himself and then he looked at Peggy, who was shaking like a leaf.

"Relax," Arathon said, bending down and placing his gloved hand on her shaking head, "you'll be fine." Arathon then picked himself up and walked out the door, blood dripping from his fangs, and slowly disappeared into the night.

Location: Joban District Tokyo Japan Earth

The vampire made his way down the street the night air flowing around him and the blood from his victom still dripping down his neck. The city that Arathon was in was a far cry from the golden palaces and golden cities of Vampyra. Nothing but towers of glass and iron, and strange vehicals that still ran on fossel fuels, and not even one sorcorior was in sight. Then again it seemed as though Arathon was the only one out.

"Hay punk," A harsh voice said from behind him, Arathon turned around just in time to be punched in the face by a large bald man in tattered clothing

"Hand over your money," he said, drawling a knife

"To bad," Arathon said laughing, "I'm broke."

"You are well," The man said hardshly, "to bad for you." He lunged at Arathon, who immedetly drew the Blade of Souls and struck the theif in the chest, the man of course fell over gasping for air. Slowly Arathon removed his sunglasses and gased, hypnoticaly into the mans' eyes.

"You will be gone," Arathon said, holding his hand out,

"Yes master," the man replied, he then turned to the left and walked away in a transe.

"Humans," Arathon said to himself, "Can't live with them, can't live with out them." Suddenly the shadow began to fade away as the sun began to rise.

"Great," Arathon said, replacing his sunglasses, "Just what I needed, dawn." Arathon then made his way out into the gathering morning light.

The city was now coming to life, which proved to be very bad for Arathon, because while he was in the sun his powers were weakened substatually. All around were humans going to work or school, all dressed in clothing of crazy colors or talking on a communicator in their hand. Arathon himself, being that he was dressed in all black and had a sword dagling from his back drew quite a lot of unwanted attention. Then Arathon came upon a small news stand at the cornor of 9th street and Crossroads and on the front page printed in bold letters was the phrase "SAILOR SCOUTS REPORTED IN PARK, SAVE THE LIFE OF ACTOR JOSHUA EDIEN."

"Sailor Scouts," Arathon said to himself, as he lifted the paper, "Sounds like the same girls Dracula took control of 1000 years ago."

Location: Serena's House Joban District

"AHHHHHHH, I'M SO LATE," Serena screamed as she ran down the stairs, her two blonde meat ball style pigtails flying behinde her. In a matter of seconds the girl, who was always late, was out the door and heading toward the school building. But as she rounded the cornor she spotted a special report on the TV. "LOCAL ARTIST PEGGY JONES ONCE KNOWN AS LONNIE LANYIE HAS BEEN ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL AFTER BEING ATTACKED LAST NIGHT IN HER STUDIO, ATHORITIES ARE COMBING THE AREA FOR A TALL PALE MAN DRESSED IN ALL BLACK AND CARRING A LARGE SWORD ON HIS BACK, THIS MAN IS CONSIDERED ARMED AND EXTREAMLY DANGERUS."

"Oh poor Peggy," Serena said to herself, "I better tell the Scouts," but then she spied her watch, "OH I'M SO LATE." then she took off down the street toward the School.

Arathon, was busy ducking in and out of allies just trying to keep out of the sunlight before all his powers faded. Suddenly Arathon felt a hand tap him on the back.

"Excuse me son," A voice said from behind him, Arathon spun around just in time to find himself eye to eye with a blue uniformed police officer. The cop looked at the vampire right in his eyes.

"Do you have a permit for that sword?" The cop asked in a low voice, Arathon didn't answer. Instead he slowly removed his sunglasses and gased the police man in the eye.

"You will leave," Arathon said coldly.

"I will leave," The cop replied, and turned to begin to walk away.

"One last thing," Arathon said suddenly, "Tell me about these Sailor Scouts."

"I don't know much," The police man replied, "if you want information on the Sailor Scouts try asking around Crossroads Jounior High."

"Thank you," Arathon said, "you may leave." The hypnotised police man turned and walked away leaving Arathon alone in the alley.

"Crossroads Jounior High," Arathon said to himself, "If I'm to find out who these Sailor Scouts are I'm going to have to go undercover." Arathon immeditlay set out to find a costom shop.

Arathon made his way down the busy street looking for any sign of a costum shop. It took him awhile but he finally came to one, it was a plan looking building that had been painted pure white with not a single speck of color to be found on it, except for the bold red letters that hung over the door that read TADASHI'S COSTUME EMPORIUM. The vampire looked at the store for a few seconds before he decided to enter.

Upon entering the store he found it to be a very tidy store, almost like his palaice back home, with a large row of costumes and masks hung on the back wall and a number of circle shaped stalls in the center of the store, each one covered with different kinds of costumes.

"May I help you sir," a voice said from behind him,

"Yes," Arathon replied, eyeing an old man right in the eye "I was hoping that I could buy a Crossroads Junior High Uniform from you." The old man just laughed.

"You're very lucky," He said, "My son went to that school, I've got his old uniform right here." The old man walked into the back room and returned with a black uniform.

"Excellent," Arathon said, "I'll take it."

"That'll be 50 Yen." The man said, Arathon, looked at the old man coldly.

A power began flowing threw the vampire's body and the red crystal in his hand began to glow brightly. before long a strange red energy began coming out of the crystal and slowly it took the shape of a 9mm Semi-Automatic hand gun.

"I see you misunderstood me," Arathon said coldly, "I said I will take it."

"You must pay for it," The man said and prepared to return the uniform to its place. Suddenly Arathon placed the gun that he had forged from his hand on the table.

"What was that?" Arathon asked smiling evily.

"I mean," The man said smiling, "It's on the house, Anything else."

"Yes," Arathon replied, pointing to a set of false teeth, "Those."

"Very well just don't shoot." The man said terrified. He gave both the uniform and the false teeth to Arathon.

After Arathon left the store he entered the ally that was next door to the store and there with one quick spell he changed his black uniform and coat into the black school uniform that was lying on the ground. Then he put the false teeth, which were rather ugly namly the two front teeth were twice as long as the others and all were out of place. Lastly Arathon's sunglasses began to grow lighter till they resembled a pair of normal glasses.

Location: Crossroads Jounior High School 2 days later

"Students," Mrs Haruna said quieting down the class, "Permit me to introduce our new student." A young man dressed in all black with very bad teeth and the most nerdy glasses ever walked into the room, "Will you please introduce yourself."

"I I," Arathon said horsly, "I'm Melvin Bean." The whole room broke out laughing when they heard Arathon's made up name.

"Melvin Bean," The blonde girl with meatballs shaped pony tails said laughing louder then anything.

"Yeah," a boy with swirly glasses said, "but from the sound of his name he must be very smart maybe he'll join the Snail Watching Club."

"Yeah then you'll be twice as geeky Melvin," Serena replied

'Melvin,' Arathon thought to himself, 'he could be useful to me.'

Location: Crossroads Jounior High School Cafeateria

Lunch time at Crossroads Jounior High was Serena's favorite time. She always dined with her three friends Amy, Lita, and Molly.

"Hay guys did you see that new guy," Molly said

"Yeah looks like Melvin has a new buddy," Serena said, suddenly her scout communicator went off, "Um Molly will you excuse us," She tapped Lita and Amy on the shoulder, "Guys we're on call." Unknown to them Arathon had overheard their conversation.

Arathon followed the three girls to an abandoned ally and began to listen in on their conversation.

"Go ahead Raye," Serena said,

"What kept you Meatball Head," A raven haired girl shouted

"Don't call me that," Serena replied, "Just get on with it."

"I have a bad feeling," Raye said, "I sensed something weird at your school."

"If you mean that new student I don't blame you," The tall brunete added

"Lita," Raye said, "There's more to him then meets the eye."
