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The Black Castle

The Black Castle

An orginal vampire story by Dragonfang33

Synapes: this is my first orginal story, no Sailor Moon, No Anime, only vampires and vampire hunters. This is a story I had begun writing, last year in high school, the synapes is basically this: as a little boy Alex Gregor witnesses his father's murder at the hand of the vampire warlord Blackheart. It is now years later and Alex has sworn revenge against the evil vampire(PS if you want to you can write a fanfic based on this story, I would appreciate if it was either a Sailor Moon or MS Gundam Fanfic)

Chapter One

A Forbidden Place

It stands alone. Alone and forbidden. A black castle in the black hills of England. This castle, made from the blackest stones holds the darkest secret. For within its black halls vampires lurk.

My father tried unsuccessfully to convince Baron York not to bring this building to our homeland. Yet Baron York would not listen to what he had to say. Now the Black Castle stands in the hills of the south valley surrounded by towns on all sides. Even now I stop and look at it and wonder why the Baron didn't listen. Baron York died there a year after he brought it over from Romania. When he was found the servants just looked on in fear

"He's dead," They all said. Sure enough Baron York was dead. Blood ran out of two holes in his plump neck, like he had been attacked by something in his sleep. My father just looked on and said.

"I knew this place was cursed." I stood next to him looking at the large man, lying on the foor. At this time I was a boy of seven. But what happened next I won't forget as long as I live. I was alone in my playroom when it happened. Mary the maid came running in frightened.

"Master Alex," she said, panting, "your father has been murdered." I couldn't believe it, as the candle next to me flickered. My father, the greatest warrior of all, had been murdered. I just broke down and cried, as Mary picked me up. I looked up from the maids' arms to see a man walking down the hall. He paused for a minute and looked at me. His face was emotionless his brown hair tied in a dark pony tail like a rat. Blood ran down his chin and I knew this was the man who had killed my father. I don't know how I knew, but something deep down inside of me told me that was him.

Still even today, as I once again visit that castle, I wonder who that man was?

"Father I swore on the day you died that I would avenge you," I said to my self.

The village of Glasgow Scotland, where the Black Castle stands today, is a quiet town along the Tanar River. After the death of Baron York, his will stated that the castle he loved so dearly be moved from England to Scotland. Yet ever since then, a rash of mysterious murders and an outbreak of a deadly disease has all but wiped the towns off the map.

The inn I was staying at was a typical Scotish inn of the late 1800s. It was small and brown, the wood was begining to show signs of rotting away, the roof was made of thatched hay, and was in bad need of mending. Inside things were not much better. The tables and chairs in the dinning room were rotten. Large black rats scurried across the floor, every now and then. But this was all I could afford. My room was awful, the bed I slept on was rotten, the matress was falling apart, and the wood that supported it was barly holding together. Spider webs filled the every corner of the room, with a few live spiders crawling across the floor. Yet right out side, the broken window I could see it, the Black Castle. Its dark a forboding shadow cast across the land. I could feel the evil and emptiness, that filled that acursed place, expand with its shadow in the moons' growing light. As I stood there gazing out the window, the memories of that night so long agocame back to me, as I remembered the death of my father, and the look upon that mans' face.

"Vampire," I said, to myself, "I'll find you and I swear I'll make you pay for what you did to me."

That night, in the castle's dark cellar, the caskets stirred. Slowly one of hte dark colored boxes opened, with a creek. A large pale hand reached up out of the coffin. Claws streteched from its fingers, as the stench of rotting flesh filled the air of the room. Slowly the vampire rose out of his coffin. The vampire was a handsome man, yet his appearence was deceiving to almost everyone. His only feature that proved he was a vampire was the fact that his eyes were blood red. He stepped down from the coffin, his black cape flowing in the breeze, that was seeping in through a small crack in the wall of the castle. He walked across the decaying floor toward a large wooden door on the other side of the room. The vampire proceded to open the door, which made a loud creek.

On the other side of the door, was a room. Not the cozy room full of treasers one might see in the castles of the fairy tales, but a room that was dark and foreboding. The room was covered with cobwebs and dust from floor to ceiling. In this room sat many more coffins and in these coffins were many more vampires. The vampire climbed the stairs, on the far side of the room, to a large podium above the room, as the other vampires arose from their coffins.

"My children," the vampire said, in a dark voice, "Once again it is time, fo us to feast on the blood of the humans. Go forth my children of darkness, go forth and fiest on the blood of the humans."

Chapter Two

The Vampires Strike

The storm roared outside the old castle. Inside the vampire leader, a dark forbodding looking man name Blackheart, the very same man who had sent the army of death upon the village, stood on the balcony of the tallest tower, and looked on the unsuspecting village that was below him.

I stood at my window looking out at the storm, the lightning flashed turning the night sky into day, and the thunder boomed, as the rain fell upon the ground. The rain was poring as the first vampire touched down. A young man hurried home, as lightning struck a near by tree. As the man stopped a dark shadow appeared in front of him, it was tall like a man, but the face could not be seen as it was covered by a dark hood. The man looked on in awe, as a flash of lightning lit up the man's face revealing two long and pointed canine teeth. As the man turned to run the vampire appeared in front of him and this time the vampire's entire mouth was opened and then the vampire struck. The man screamed in pain as the vampire's teeth tore into his neck. Blood was the seal of the man's fate, as the man feel to the ground, the vampire jumped off into the stormy night leaving behind an empty husk drained of all its blood and life.

I paced the floor of my room thinking of how I could get into the castle without the vampires knowing. Suddenly I heard a scream from down stares. I quickly grabbed my sword, which I had placed on my bed a few minutes earlier, and ran downstares in time to see a female vampire tare the land lord to pieces. After her grusom task was completed the vampire lunged at me, knocking me to the floor. Thinking of the one thing that could kill a vampire, I grabbed her raised arm with my free hand, and proceeded to cut her throat with my sword. The vampire fell back a few inches, before she fell down the steaps, as she fell she howled in pain as blck blood, the symbol of a vampires' evil, flowed out of the wound like a river. Soon the vampire's body began to brake up and crumble into a blood covered pile of dust. Within minutes the vampire was no more. What happened next still makes my blood run cold. The land lord's body, which had been drained of all its