Anime: DBZ (of course) Genre: Comedy (pure comedy) Rating: Pg-13 Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted by their creators including any partnerships with animation studios, licensing companies, etc. Please do not take any of the persons expressed in this story without first consulting the appropriate person.

At two o' clock that morning, something unexpected happened. A blinding light came from Dr. Briefs laboratory then died as quickly as it had come.

"What did you do now, Dad?" Bulma asked as she walked into the room.

"Well dear, I believe I made a mistake. I was trying to analyze this substance I found by rearranging DNA but I believe I somehow managed to switch the bodies of your friends," Dr. Briefs said and Bulma ran out of the room. She ran into her room and slowly walked over to the bed.

"Vegeta...?" she asked and hesitantly shook him.

"I'm too tired, baby. You're going to have to wait until later," the voice said but it wasn't Vegeta's voice.


"MOM?! What the...? AAH! This isn't my body. It's Dad's. What's going on? Wait if I'm here, then who's with...?"

"Trunks...I want you to touch me," Loren said sleepily and moved closer to the person beside her. She ran a hand down the sleeping figure and suddenly realized that the person next to her lacked Trunks' muscle definition. She sat up and glanced down at her hands, which were not hers.

"Trunks? Where are you? Where am I?"

"Goku please don't be so loud," Chi-chi murmured and Loren stared at her. Goku? She ran a hand down her chest, noting the flatness of it and then ran her hands down her legs. They were extremely muscular, just like Trunks'. She stared at the blanket that covered her in shock.

"I'm in...Goku's body. Then where's Goku?"

"I'm hungry. I wonder if I can get into the kitchen without waking Chi-chi," Goku said and sat up. "Hey, my body feels different."

Goku glanced down at his body and drew back in shock. It wasn't his body. It was a woman's body. He glanced at the figure beside him and yelped in surprise. It was Trunks, or at least his body. The person lying beside him stirred and Goku gently shook Trunks' body.

"Um...hello? Whoever you are, wake up," Goku said.

"Kakarrot what is the meaning of this?! What the...?!" Vegeta asked as he glanced around at the room. He then looked at Goku and flushed.

"Put some clothes on Kakarrot!"

"Um...okay. Where do they keep the clothes? Gee, it's strange moving in this body. It's a little difficult to control."

"Gohan quit playing around and go to sleep," Videl said.

Gohan? She's right. I'm Gohan. At least I'm in his body. What happened? The last thing I remember is meditating at the lookout. How did I get here? Piccolo thought.

"Gohan, where are you going?"

"To Kami's. I've got to find something out," Piccolo said and Videl stared at him.

"P-Piccolo?! Where's Gohan?"

"That's what I'm going to find out. I'm sure we're not the only ones who switched bodies."

"Boy, I can't sleep for some reason. Guess I'd better get up. Waking Eighteen up is something I don't want to do. Wait a second. I feel taller for some reason. This isn't my bed. Where am I? Um...Eighteen?" Krillin asked and gently shook the person sleeping beside him.

"What now, Goten?" Marron asked and Krillin stared at her. Marron?! Then Goten must be in his room. What was going on?

"Hello? Dad?! are you? Yeah...that's how we sleep. Hey, can I talk to her? She's not there? Who is there then? Okay. Bye," Trunks said and Bulma looked at him.

"Well?" she asked.

"Goku's there too so he's going to use his instant transmission to bring them here. Then Loren must be at Goku's. I wonder if Chi-chi knows about this yet. I'd better call her."

"Trunks!!" Loren cried as she appeared in the bedroom. She hugged him and kissed him before Vegeta could protest. He angrily pushed her away, his cheeks a deep crimson.

"I'm not who you think I am woman!!" Vegeta snapped and Loren drew back.

"You mean it happened to you too?"

"What's does it look like?"

"Then Trunks is at your house?"

"Yeah. We were just going over there," Goku said and Loren looked at him.

"Why are you wearing Trunks' clothes?" she asked.

"Well, I couldn't have worn your clothes. I'm not exactly a girl."

"Oh. Well, I guess I'll go to Bulma's and see Trunks. 'Bye."

"She thinks nothing of the situation," Vegeta said and Goku shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess it's because she's used to it. I mean, she's technically neither, right?" Goku asked and Vegeta looked at him.

"Let's not get into that discussion. Let's just go to my home so we can figure out just what is going on here."

"Trunks? Is that you?" Loren asked as she appeared in the hallway of Bulma's house.

"Loren?" Trunks asked and she ran to him and embraced him. She bent slightly to kiss him and Trunks did his best to meet her halfway.

"MOTHER!!!" Bra cried and Bulma looked at her.

"What is it?" Bulma asked and Bra stared at her.

"What is it?! Look! How can you just stand there and watch Goku and d- d....?"

"When will we get back to normal Trunks? I don't like this," Loren said and Trunks took her hand.

"I don't know but at least you've been a guy before. Goku's never been a woman," Trunks said.

"Trunks? Mom, what's going on? Hold that explanation. My phone's ringing."

"Someone's coming," Goku said as he pulled up his pants.

"You're going to have to wear some of that woman's clothing Kakarrot. Those pants aren't made for her body," Vegeta said.

"But I don't want to touch anything."

"Your eldest is here. At least it appears to be him. With the screw up that woman's father has done, it could be anyone."

"You've got a point. Hey Gohan!"

"Not even close, Goku," Piccolo said and grinned. "I see you got the best out of all of us."

"Kakarrot's child is at Kami's I'm assuming?" Vegeta asked and Piccolo looked at him.

"At least you kept in the family. So where's Trunks?"

"At my house. We were just going there."

"I came here because I thought she might have had an explanation as to why all this happened but she's obviously not here. Where...?"

"She's with that boy of mine."

"Oh. Then let's get going."

"I'm sure you all are wondering what's going on," Dr. Briefs said and Vegeta snorted.

"Well it isn't every day that I wake up in my son's body," he said and Chi-chi pushed Goku forward.

"Look what you've done to my poor Goku! Stuck in this...this BODY!" Chi-chi said and Loren looked at her.

"What's wrong with it?" she asked.

"Look at you. You certainly got the best out of this situation. My poor poor Goku has to look like THAT."

"Don't get upset Chi-chi. I'm sure it'll all be fixed soon," Goku said as he embraced his wife.

"Well, I don't know about that," Dr. Briefs said and Vegeta's gaze darkened.

"What do you mean, you don't know?! You were the fool that got us into this mess and I demand that you get us out!" he yelled.

"My poor Goten is short!" Marron cried and Krillin looked at her.

"What's wrong with being short?" he asked.

"Absolutely nothing for you, Daddy but it doesn't suit Goten."

"And you think green suits Gohan?" Videl asked and Chi-chi began to cry.

"My poor little Gohan! Stuck inside a Namek's body! It's terrible!" she sobbed.

"Mom, I'm perfectly fine. Honest," Gohan said and Piccolo looked at him.

"She's carrying on like I'm some sort of monster," he said.

"I want to get back to normal. Vegeta's hair isn't as soft as yours. I can't run my fingers through it very well," Loren said.

"Leave my hair alone woman!!" Vegeta snapped.

"So, does all of this get straightened out?" Bra asked.

"Um...that I'll have to work on," Dr. Briefs replied.

"The good thing is, that this will be a learning experience for everyone. It's not every day you get to live in someone else's body," Mrs. Briefs said and Bulma looked at her.

"Whatever you say Mom," she replied and Goku coughed.

"Hey, is anyone else hungry? I am," he said.

"Can her body handle how much she eats?" Krillin asked and Trunks' face paled.

"I really don't want to find out," he replied.

"You know she's right," Bulma said as she touched Vegeta's head. "His hair is much softer than yours."

"Would you stop that woman?!" Vegeta demanded.

"So, how's everyone doing?" Mrs. Briefs asked as she came into the room. "Aw...don't look so glum. It's not THAT bad."

"Look who's talking. You're not actually experiencing this!"

"It's not going to work, honey. You're just too tall to sit on my lap," Trunks said and Vegeta glared at him.

"And what's wrong with my height?!" he snapped.

"N-nothing, Father," Trunks stammered. "This body is a perfect height for you but it's a little...awkward for me."

"So that body isn't good enough for you, is that it?"

"It's not that at all, Father."

"Then what is it?"

"Mom, I'm hungry but I can't really eat anything, can I? Piccolo's body isn't made to survive on food," Gohan said.

"Your hand is way too rough now. Why did you have to get stuck in the body of a Namek?" Videl asked.

"Hey, at least I'm a lot better off than Dad is."

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Yamcha's voice asked and Bulma stood up.

"Come in. The door's open!" she called.

"Good. Now would you mind telling me how in the world this happened?" Yamcha asked.

"Goku, by far, you're a lot better off than Yamcha," Piccolo said.

"What do you mean better off? Look at that body. Look at that experience. Look..." Master Roshi said and Eighteen made a distasteful face.

"I'd rather not. I really feel sorry for you Yamcha," she said.

"Thanks. So how does this get reversed?" he asked and Vegeta angrily stood up.

"That's what we're all waiting on, you imbecile!!" he yelled.

"Trunks..." Loren said.

"What? Would you stop that?" Trunks asked and Loren looked at him.

"I'm sorry."

"This isn't exactly my body so watch what you're doing, okay?"


"Now what did you want to tell me?"


"You wanted to tell me something, right?"

"I did?"

"If you don't remember, that's okay."

"But I want to remember."

"Aargh! Why must you be so dense woman!" Vegeta yelled and Loren's face fell. Trunks comfortingly took her hand but Loren pushed him away. She quickly stood up and disappeared.

"Thanks a lot, Dad. Isn't this all bad enough without you making things worse? Now I have no clue where she is," Trunks said.

"Listen boy, if I have to be in this ridiculous situation then I don't want to put up with her stupidity!" Vegeta snapped.

"Vegeta, there's no need to be hostile," Goku said and Vegeta turned on him.

"Shut up Kakarrot!"

"I've got it!" Dr. Briefs cried and Bulma jumped up.

"The answer?" she asked.

"No, the word for my crossword puzzle."

"CROSSWORD PUZZLE?! What in the...?" Vegeta cried then stopped at the look Bulma was giving him.

"Thank you Vegeta. Now, Dad what in the world are you thinking?! You'd better fix them fast, Father. Now go back to work!" Bulma cried.

"You're just a little uptight, dear," Mrs. Briefs said and Bulma sighed.

"I am NOT uptight! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see if I can find her," Trunks said and walked out of the room.

Loren stood in the middle of nowhere and began to cry. Vegeta's harsh words had affected her deeply. She didn't mean to be stupid. It was just that everything was so confusing. She wanted out of Goku's body. She wanted her own body back. She wanted to hide.

"The mighty Goku. Alone and vulnerable," a voice said and Loren looked around. Who had said that? There was no one around and yet she knew she had heard something.

"Why are you shocked? Is it because you cannot see me?"

" seem to be a little confused. Of course, this whole thing is extremely confusing. You see, I'm stuck in his body. It wasn't a planned or anything and I'm really sorry it happened..." Loren said and the stranger cried out in agony.

"Would you shut up? Who are you anyway?" he asked as a blinding light filled the sky.

"What the...?! Wonderful. Now I'm stuck in Kakarrot's body. I preferred my son's body to this," Vegeta said and glanced around. "All right. I know you're here. Show yourself."

"All right! Everyone stay still until we figure out where everyone is," Bulma said and Piccolo folded his arms.

"I preferred being stuck in Gohan's body," he said.

"Piccolo is in Krillin's body. So where's Krillin?"

"I'm over here. At least I think I am. Hey, I'm Yamcha!" Krillin cried.

"Or the closest thing to it. Great. I'm stuck with Vegeta. I think I preferred Master Roshi's body," Yamcha said.

"You're not hearing any complaints from me," Master Roshi said. "Feel those curves. Feel those legs. Feel..."

"HEY! YOU LEAVE HER BODY ALONE!!" Trunks yelled and Master Roshi looked at him.

"So you're Gohan now, huh? Who's stuck in your body?"

"Gohan? Where are you?" Chi-chi asked.

"Over here Mom," Gohan said.

"Hey look! I'm Master Roshi!" Goten said and Marron looked at him.

"That's not much of an improvement," she said.

"I heard that," Krillin said.

"How come I'm still in Piccolo's body?" Gohan asked.

"Where's Goku then?" Krillin asked.

"Hey this is neat. I'm Goten!" Goku cried.

"That leaves one person not accounted for and I bet I know where she is," Trunks said as he walked up to his body and took his hand.

"How are you doing, honey?" he asked.

"Okay I suppose," she replied.

"Why did you run off? Father didn't mean to be harsh with you. All of this just really upsets him."

"Well, did it work?" Dr. Briefs asked as he walked into the room.

"Try again, Dad," Bulma sighed.

"It's fine that he's upset but why does he have to get mad at me?" Loren asked.

"Vegeta? Even better. Your arrogance is entirely too much. I wish my sister had killed you when she had the chance," Seventeen said and Vegeta's gaze darkened.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"Revenge for changing my sister."

"I had nothing to do with that! Blame the chestnut if you're going to blame someone."

"He's not here, but you are and I'm in the mood for some fun."

"Give it your best shot. I may be in Kakarrot's body but I possess great strength."

"Well then, this should be fun."

"What's wrong now? Don't even think like that, baby," Trunks said as he pushed her hands away from her legs.

"Huh?" Loren asked and Trunks looked at her strangely.

"Just don't, okay? Now what's the matter?"

"Something's not right..."

"You just now noticed that?" Yamcha asked and Loren shook her head.

"No...I knew that...something else is wrong."

"Can you tell us, dear?" Bulma asked.

"Um...I think it has to something to do with her..."

"Me?" Eighteen asked and Loren nodded her head.

"Can you be more specific? Think, Loren," Piccolo said and Loren sat on the floor, dragging Trunks down with her.

"I wish you would forewarn me when you do that," Trunks said and Loren looked at him.

"Why are you lying on the floor?" she asked and he looked at her.

"Because you pulled me down."

"I did?"


"Just now?"


"You sound mad."

"I'm not mad."

"You're not? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You ARE mad."

"I am NOT!!"

"A pity you weren't around to originally save your son," Seventeen said and Vegeta's gaze darkened.

"All that's been changed!" he cried.

"Just like your hair? I bet not one of you is a true blonde. Oh well, I guess I should hurry up and finish. I'm getting bored."

"Just try it. Give me your best shot."

"You really want to see it? Very well. I'll at least try to have some more fun with you."

"Seventeen..." Loren said and Eighteen folded her arms.

"The nerve of him showing up now," she said and Trunks glanced at Master Roshi who stood staring at his reflection in the mirror.

"Look at those lines. Look at that skin and if I lean forward, I can see more of her..." Master Roshi said and Trunks sighed.

"Hurry up please, Grandpa," he pleaded.

"Here's something for you all to snack on. You all can take it outside. It's a beautiful day out there," Mrs. Briefs said as she came into the room.

"Hey thanks. I was getting kind of hungry again," Goku said and Mrs. Briefs looked at him.

"Oh, dear. Everyone's mixed up again. Trunks, where are you?"

"Over here, Grandma. Boy, it's really weird holding you like this."

"Why?" Loren asked as she gazed up at him.

"Because it's sorta like holding myself."


"Think about it. I'm here and I'm holding you but you're in my body and I'm in Gohan's. It's simple. It's like I'm holding myself like I said before."

"What? It's not simple. It's very confusing."

"It's nothing some tea won't cure and I have plenty for everyone. One for you, Bulma dear and one for Goku, Gohan, Goten, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Vegeta....Wait...Bulma, where's Vegeta?" Mrs. Briefs asked as she looked around.

"I have no idea, Mother," Bulma said and Mrs. Briefs looked at the cup of tea for a moment then smiled.

"Well, I'll just take it back in the kitchen and make him a fresh one when he comes back."

"How can all of this not affect her?" Videl asked and Bulma sighed heavily.

"That's just the way my mother is."

Dr. Briefs stood bent over a desk with his black cat on his shoulder. He sighed and glanced at the cat.

"They get so demanding, don't they? I really don't know what to do if I can't figure this out. At least Vegeta isn't here. His yelling was really getting to me and I think I've forgotten my original combination because of that. Bulma will never forgive me if I can't get her friends back to normal. What do you think I should do?" he asked and the cat looked at him.

"Meow," it said and Dr. Briefs nodded his head.

"You're right. The only thing I can do is try again. Let's try spinning these dials counter-clockwise and see what happens? We can't make it any worse than it already is."

"It happened again," Videl said and Eighteen sighed.

"This is really getting annoying," she said as she looked around the room.

"Where is everyone now? Did Father get any closer?" Bulma asked.

"Goku? Where are you?" Chi-chi asked.

"Over here, honey. I'm Gohan!" Goku replied.

"I'm Trunks now, which means I can finally eat!!" Gohan cried.

"Where is Trunks then?" Bulma asked.

"Over here. Great. I'm Piccolo," Trunks said and Loren (in Goten's body)ran up to him and kissed him deeply.

"Great. Now I'm in that dirty old man's body," Vegeta said and Yamcha looked at his body.

"Man, does she have a figure," Yamcha said as he ran his hands over Loren's legs.

"So Master Roshi must be in Vegeta's body," Goku said.

"Wrong, Goku. I'm back to Yamcha," Master Roshi said.

"Why did I get stuck in Krillin's body?" Piccolo asked.

"I'm in Vegeta's so I don't know why you're complaining," Krillin said.

"Then where's Goten?"

"So what happened to your great and glorious attack?" Seventeen asked and Goten looked at him.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about. Who are you anyway?" Goten asked.

"Who are you? What happened to Vegeta?"

"I'm Goten. I don't know where Vegeta is. I know I'm not supposed to be in my Dad's body, though. You see, things are a little mixed up right now..."

"You think I don't know that? All right. I guess I'll have to fight you then. What can you do?"

"I don't like being in this body," Trunks said and Loren looked at him.

"Why not? I like you there," she said and Trunks held up his hands.

"Look. I've got less fingers than normal. I wonder how many toes I have. My ears are also a little big..."

"And you think I enjoy being in a human body?" Piccolo asked and Trunks looked at him.


"I'd rather be back in my body instead of a human's body."

"Well you don't see any of us turning green with envy. Except Trunks, that is," Eighteen said and Piccolo glanced at her.

"I fail to see the humor in that," he said.

"One thing's for sure, I'm glad the children aren't here. This would be entirely too much for them," Chi-chi said and Bulma nodded her head in agreement.

"What children are you talking about?" Goku asked and Chi-chi looked at him.

"Pan, Goku. Did you forget about her?"

"No. I just didn't know who you were talking about."

"How are things going, dear?" Mrs. Briefs asked as her husband walked into the room.

"This is starting to get to me. I wonder if you would make me a cup of tea?" Dr. Briefs asked and his wife stood up.

"Tea! I completely forgot. I have a nice cup for Vegeta."

"When did I say that I wanted tea?" Vegeta asked and Mrs. Briefs looked at him.

"It'll calm you down. It's just what you need in a time like this," she said.


"No need to thank me. It's a pleasure to do it for such a charming young man like yourself."

"It must be nice to be that dense," Yamcha muttered and Bulma glared at him.

"I heard that! I think Mother is handling this situation quite nicely. We should all take an example from her," she said and Vegeta looked at Loren.

"Well there's already one person that is following in that woman's footsteps," he said.

Vegeta watched as another light filled the sky. It was getting monotonous and Dr. Briefs still didn't have the correct combination yet. He glanced at his body and shook in disgust. Yamcha's. Why did he have to be in Yamcha's body? Vegeta clenched his hands into a pair of fists and stormed into Dr. Briefs laboratory.

"ALL RIGHT!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!! YOU'D BETTER GET THIS STRAIGHTENED UP OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!!" he screamed then slammed the door behind him, knocking it off of it's hinges.

"Well you heard him. We'd better get this figured out, don't you think?" Dr. Briefs asked his cat and the cat meowed a response.

"What's so funny?" Trunks asked as who he knew was Loren looked at him strangely.

"You're in me," she said and Trunks face grew red.

"Okay, I know where two people are but where's everyone else?" Bulma asked and Eighteen sighed.

"Okay, either tell your father to hurry up or tell Chi-chi to stop the waterworks," she said and Chi-chi glared at her.

"My Goku is short now!" she cried.

"Cool. I'm Krillin! This is really neat," Goku said and Krillin looked at him.

"Vegeta's not so bad either, bro. Look at me, Eighteen. I'm really strong!" Krillin said and Eighteen shook her head.

"I'm Trunks now!" Goten said and Gohan looked at him.

"Looks like I'm you," he said.

"I'm Gohan," Yamcha said and everyone looked at Master Roshi. Master Roshi grinned and waved his hands.

"Look at me! Look at me! I'm back in my own body! Look at this grace, the classic form..." he said and Eighteen glanced at Bulma.

"That means Piccolo is in Goku's body," she said and Bulma nodded her head.

"Yes, but look at the bright side. At least we got one person back to normal," she said.

"Or as close to it as he can get..."

"All right, all of this is really getting to me. I'm not waiting for an attack. I'm just going to fight," Seventeen said and released an energy blast.

"Go ahead, but you're not going to get much. This body may be a bit awkward for me, but I know how to fight, nonetheless," Piccolo said and Seventeen stared at him. He shook his head then came in for an attack. He threw punches and kicks, which Piccolo blocked quite easily, considering he was not in his own body, then formed a glowing ball of energy in his hand and released it at Piccolo.

"Try this on for size. I've been working on it since the whole Gero fiasco."

"I'm quite ready for it."

"Where are you going?" Loren asked as Trunks pushed past her.

"I'm going to change my clothes. This thing is entirely too short for you," he said and Krillin scratched his head.

"Funny, you weren't complaining when it was actually her wearing it. Why the change, bro?" he asked.

"Because this isn't the outfit she should wear. Besides, Goku picked it out. He was in her body to begin with."

"What?! Goku was touching another woman's body?! How dare you!" Chi- chi cried as she stood up and walked over to where Goku was standing.

"But, honey, I had to get dressed," Goku said and Chi-chi's eyes grew dark.

"You mean you were wearing nothing?! With VEGETA next to you?! What kind of sick..."

"Mom, you're making it sound like they planned this out or something," Gohan said and Chi-chi glared at him.

"Keep quiet, Gohan! All I know that I want all of this to end. I want my Goku back to the way he should be!"

"Mom, don't start crying..."

"The woman gets entirely too emotional," Vegeta muttered.

"WHAT was that?!" Chi-chi demanded and Vegeta looked at her for a moment then turned away.

"If you did not hear my comment the first time, then I don't see it necessary to repeat it."

"So what's it like being in your wife's body?" Krillin asked and Trunks looked at him.

"It sure is awkward. Especially with her being in Piccolo's," Trunks replied and Krillin grinned.

"Hey, at least you're both not in Goku's and Vegeta's body. Seeing the two of you sit together like that was jus too weird."

"And you in Dad's body isn't strange?"

"Well, at least I'm not treating it like you were. You make some really interesting facial expressions around her."

"That's simply because she doesn't think."

"Who doesn't think?" Loren asked and Trunks looked at her.

"You don't," Trunks said and she looked confused, an expression that was interesting on a Namek's face.

"I do too..."

"Not all the time. Especially when you try to sit on me. I KNOW you don't think when you do that."

"What are you talking about? I do too think."

"You didn't hear what I said, did you?"

"You said I don't think."

"I said something else too."

"You did?"

"Yes I did."

"Now you're mad at me, aren't you?"

"I'm not mad at you."

"You sure sounded mad."

"I am NOT mad!"

"Woman, tell that father of yours to hurry up! I'm not putting up with their stupid arguments any longer," Vegeta said and Bulma looked at him.

"If I rush Dad, we won't get anywhere," she said and Vegeta angrily sat down and tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair.

"Well then he'd better figure this out pretty soon or all of our patience will get thin."

"I'm hungry. I sure hope your grandfather can get this all figured out soon," Loren said and Trunks looked at her.

"Yeah me too. I really feel awkward in your body," Trunks said and Vegeta sighed loudly.

"Woman, I'm warning you," he said and Bulma glared at him.

"Vegeta, I am NOT going to go in there. Now shut up and let Dad deal with this. I'm not going to go in and bug him because you're losing patience. Sit there or else I'm going to make your life extremely miserable."

"Oh great, there's that light again. Let's see if everyone's back to normal," Eighteen muttered as the light cleared.

"Hey...I'm me again. At least I think I am. Let's see," Loren said as she ran her hands down her legs.

"Well, that makes two people back to normal. Where's everyone else?" Bulma asked.

"Trunks? Where are you? Trunks?"

"He's not here. Surely you can see that woman," Vegeta said and Loren looked at him.

"Then where is he?"

"Well obviously, he's in Kakarrot's body."

"Oh. I guess I'll go find him then."

"What? Dear, you can't," Bulma said and Loren looked at him.

"Why not? He's still there," she said and Bulma looked at her in confusion.

"Still where? Who are you talking about?"


"She's gone."

"Thank the Kais," Vegeta muttered as Dr. Briefs stepped into the room. He gazed nervously around at the party for a moment then looked at Bulma.

"Did I do it?" he asked.

"You're getting closer, Dad," Bulma said and Dr. Briefs nodded his head.

"Good. I'll just keep trying then."

Trunks glanced around at his new surroundings in shock. He gasped sharply as his chest took the full force of a flying kick. He gazed up into the dark eyes of Seventeen and the memories of the past came flooding back to him. The carnage of the androids named Seventeen and Eighteen. The killing of his mentor Gohan. The past long before he had gone back to the distant past in hopes of changing his present and future. There had been no love in his life, save the love for his mother and the love for Gohan as a best friend, but there had been nothing else. No girlfriend in that time of terror. He didn't have the time. He was too busy trying to save his own skin by cowardly running away. If only his father had been alive at the time to guide him, to train him so that he could defeat Dr. Gero's nightmares but...but that was not the way things had gone.

Trunks eyes flickered in anger as his pupils disappeared into a sea of aqua. Seventeen picked his body up and brought back his right hand to deliver a painful blow to the face. Trunks watched the fist, building momentum just as the rage within him was building and stopped Seventeen's fist just before it made contact with his face.

"Good, I was beginning to wonder if you were going to fight back or not. This would have been a huge waste of time if I had killed you so easily," Seventeen said as Trunks sharply brought his knee up to Seventeen's stomach. Seventeen let go of Trunks as he doubled over in pain. Trunks clubbed him on the head and Seventeen grabbed his left leg, unbalancing the young Saiyen.

"You were made harmless. Why aren't you?!" Trunks demanded as his back hit the hard, rocky ground.

"My sister could accept a life of peace. I couldn't. I worked hard to get the weapons that I now have and I'm going to make you all pay. I don't care who I'm dealing with now. You will wish that we never crossed paths when I get through with you."

Loren appeared on a tree branch and watched the fight below. There was another flash of light and she covered her eyes, not sure who would be in Goku's body next.

"You?!" Seventeen sputtered and Loren glanced through his fingers. Apparently Dr. Briefs had gotten it right because Trunks stood there complete. At least she thought it was Trunks. With the constant body switching that had been going on, she couldn't be sure who was actually down there.

"Yes, me. The one you tormented. The one you kicked around because you had nothing better to do. I'm not the weak kid that you faced before. I'm much tougher now," Trunks said and Loren clapped her hands joyously. The body and voices matched! Dr. Briefs had done it!!

"Yay! You're back to normal! I'm so happy!" Loren cried as she ran up to him. She caught him off guard and he fell awkwardly to the ground.

"Honey, I'm in the middle of a fight!!" Trunks protested and glanced at Seventeen who had a dark sneer on his face.

"Well kid, I guess it's all over for you this time. I'm taking you out and your little girlfriend," he said and raised his hands in a threatening manner.

"Would you let go of me?! We're in danger!"

"Don't panic kid, I'll make your deaths quick and painless. Well, perhaps not COMPLETELY painless..."

"All right, NOW where is everyone?" Bulma asked and Vegeta folded his arms.

"Exactly where we should be woman! Why? were you expecting this little mix up to last forever?" he asked and Bulma glared at him.

"Vegeta, I've put up with an awful lot today and I'm not putting up with your complaining any more," Bulma declared.

"Hey you...feel that?" Krillin asked nervously and Vegeta pushed past Yamcha.

"Hey! What the heck was that for?" Yamcha demanded.

"VEGETA!! Come back here and apologize!" Bulma yelled and Vegeta glared at her.

"That stupid boy of ours has gotten into trouble. I don't have the time to listen to you woman!" Vegeta retorted then left.

"Personally, I'm glad he's gone," Chi-chi said and Bulma looked at her.

"He said something about Trunks being in trouble. Goku...?" Bulma asked and Goku grinned.

"Don't worry about it. I think Vegeta can handle it," Goku said and Eighteen looked at him.

"I don't know, if my brother is being stupid, I suppose I should go and set him straight," she said and Krillin looked at her.

"I don't think you should go. I mean, you're not like you were," he said and Eighteen looked at him.

"I know that, but he is my brother. I'm going to have to do something."

Trunks picked his wife up and jumped out of the line of fire in one smooth motion. He set Loren on the ground underneath a tree and gazed at her.

"Stay there," he said, slowly and clearly. "Do not touch anything. Do not go anywhere."

"Why are you talking to me like I'm a dog?" Loren asked as Trunks moved away from her.

"Just stay there. I'm too busy to worry about you right now."

She watched him walk away and sighed. She had only wanted to help him. She had been so happy that he was back to normal that she hadn't meant to catch him off guard. Especially not when he was fighting someone.

"So how much damage has he done?" a familiar voice asked and Loren turned around.

"What are you doing here, Eighteen?" she asked and Eighteen folded her arms.

"If my brother is going to be stupid I figured that it was up to me to have a talk with him. Even though he is older, he still acts still acts stupid at times. Hmmm. I guess I beat Vegeta here. Interesting."

"Why is Vegeta coming?"

"You two were in trouble, I guess. He said something about his stupid son being in trouble."

"Well, it was my fault..."

"What was?"

"He was fighting Seventeen and I saw that he was back to normal and I ran up to him. I distracted him and I shouldn't have..."

"Well, at least you're predictable."


"Forget it. Why don't you go back to Bulma's and stay out of the way? I know everyone would worry about you a lot less if you were there."

"So what's going on out there, dear?" Bulma asked as Loren walked into the house.

"Well, Eighteen's ready to take care of her brother. Trunks is trying to keep from getting hurt," Loren replied.

"Where's Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"I don't know. He wasn't there when I left."

"Where do you think Vegeta went off to?" Krillin asked.

"It's not like him to get sidetracked," Master Roshi commented.

"Do you think something happened to him?"

"Nothing happened to my Vegeta! Quit tying to scare me!" Bulma cried.

"It's all right Bulma. Goku! You started all of this! How DARE you make her worry?!" Chi-chi cried and Goku protested.

"But Chi-chi, I only asked where he was..." he said.

"Maybe you should go after him, bro," Krillin said and Chi-chi looked at him.

"That's a wonderful idea! Go look for him, Goku. And you too, Piccolo," she said and Piccolo stared at her.

"Why me?!" he asked.

"Because I told you to."

"How did I get dragged into this, Oolong? It's not my wife."

"I don't know, but you'd better listen to her. You know how she gets when she's mad," Oolong said in the same whisper that Piccolo had used.

"I don't understand human women," Piccolo muttered as he averted his gaze from Chi-chi's dark eyes.

"Don't just stand there you two. Get going!" she commanded and Goku glanced at Piccolo.

"Guess we'd better go," he said and Piccolo nodded his head.

"Yes, we should," he replied.

Trunks fell to the ground unconscious. Eighteen folded her arms and stepped forward.

"All right. I'd better step in before you do something that really ticks Vegeta off," she said.

"What can you do, sister? You're not like you were. You're not the one that caused mass destruction with me. You're not tormenting this boy. You're saving him. You're not at all like you were."

"A lot has happened over the years. I've learned to live with the peace given to me. You haven't."

"I haven't forgotten what we set out to do. You have. You abandoned me."

"Geez, you're acting like a spoiled child, you know that? Step away from the boy, Seventeen. Your problem is with me, not him."

"True, but fighting that arrogant Saiyen...I believe that's what you call them...would be fun, I think."

"Is that all you care about? Fun and hurting things?"

"You were the same way once. I think I'll torment this purple haired faker a little longer."

"Don't. You'll regret it."

Vegeta arrived on the scene and was not happy with what he saw. He looked around for the idiotic woman that belonged to his son but did not find her.

"Don't tell me she's gotten lost again," he muttered then glared at Seventeen. "This sight does not sit well with me. Get out of the way, woman. I wish to take care of your brother."

"Vegeta, this has nothing to do with you," Eighteen said.

"When it involves my child, it has everything to do with me. Now move before I lose my patience."

"All right. I know better than to argue with you. You should have listened to me, brother. Now you have Vegeta to deal with," Eighteen said and Seventeen shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter. I've fought him before. He's no threat to me."

"Really?" Vegeta sneered as his eyes darkened in anger.

"I see no threat from an old half-pint."

"You are going to PAY for those remarks."

"Try to make it worth my while then."

Vegeta's eyes flickered in anger as he ascended to his Super Saiyen status. He walked up to where Trunks lay and picked him up and shook his head.

"Let's get you out of the way. If anything happened to you, your mother would never let me hear the end of it," he muttered.

"Where do you think they are?" Goku asked and Piccolo glanced at him.

"Down there. I can hear Vegeta's scream from here. Let's go," the Namek said and began to descend.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Eighteen asked as she turned her attention to Trunks, who had just began to become conscious.

"We were sent to look for Vegeta. Chi-chi got pretty insistent," Goku said and Eighteen glanced at Piccolo.

"Why would Chi-chi care about Vegeta?" she asked.

"Because Bulma was worried."

"What happened to Trunks?" Piccolo inquired.

"My stupid brother knocked him out," Eighteen replied.

"Man, my head hurts," Trunks said as he sat up. "Did she go home?"

"Yes she did. She didn't want to be in your way anymore."

"So who's here now?"


"Oh. Guess I'm sorta in trouble then, huh?"

"He was just worried, Trunks," Goku said and Trunks grinned lopsidedly.

"Yeah, I sorta make him worry, don't I? Of course you have a tendency to worry when you have kids. Guess I'd better get home and let Mom know I'm all right."

"I'm sure glad that I got things back to normal," Dr. Briefs said as he walked into the room, tapping his pipe. "Hello Trunks. Nice to see that you're back to your old self."

"What happened? Where's your father?" Bulma asked as Trunks sat down.

"Still with Seventeen. I sorta got knocked out..." Trunks said and laughed nervously.

"I didn't make you get hurt, did I?" Loren asked and Trunks glanced at her.

"No. No, it was my mistake, not yours."

"Okay. I don't want to make you get hurt."

"I know you don't."

"Um, Trunks..." Krillin asked and Trunks looked at him.

"What is it Krillin?" he inquired.

"Eighteen's all right, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Goku and Piccolo are there too so if Seventeen gets out of hand, they'll be able to take care of him."

"Are you sure?" Loren asked and Trunks looked at her.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's different from before. Is it possible that they all are underestimating him?"

"She's got a point," Master Roshi muttered. "It is extremely possible that he's stronger than they realize. What's going to happen if they can't defeat him?"

"Hey, come on guys, this is Goku we're talking about. He'll be fine," Yamcha said and Krillin nodded his head.

"Sure. He'll take care of Seventeen with no problem, you'll see," he said.

Vegeta fell back, his face bloodied and bruised. He dodged Seventeen's attacks as he tried to find the android's weak point.

"You're slowing down Vegeta. Don't tell me it's gotten difficult for you to keep up. I guess it happens to everyone. Age you know," Seventeen said and Vegeta glared at him.

"I am not in the least bit fatigued! What are you doing here, Kakarrot?" Vegeta demanded as Goku stepped forward.

"I think we should take care of this together," Goku said.

"I don't need help."

"Vegeta, you're not defeating him on your own. With two of us, we can't lose."

"Always the optimistic aren't you Goku? Well you both can give it your best shot. Please do it before I become too bored," Seventeen said.

"Just one joint attack, Vegeta. That's all it's going to take," Goku said.

"Fine. At least allow me to lead it. I know enough military tactics to realize the situation I'm in if I go at this alone but don't think I'm going to need assistance all the time, Kakarrot," Vegeta said and Goku grinned.

"All right. Come on Vegeta. Let's do it."


"Wait a minute," Eighteen said as she stepped in between the two.

"What are you doing, woman?!" Vegeta exclaimed as she stood in front of her brother.

"Look, even though he's tried to kill everyone, he is my brother and I can't allow you to do anything that would kill him. It isn't his fault that he's stuck in Dr. Gero's instructions."

"What are you talking about? I make my own instructions," Seventeen said and Eighteen looked at him.

"If that's true, then you would have accepted your life on this planet long before now. It's not that bad. What would we have gained by blowing this world up way back when? Absolutely nothing. Don't you see? There's so much here that we missed because we were bent on destruction. Come on, Seventeen. Accept life for what it is. I have a little girl that would like to see my brother if he chooses it."

Seventeen stood silent for a moment then lowered his hands.

"Why do you have to be so persuasive?" he asked.

"Well today was certainly one for the books, huh bro?" Krillin asked and Goku nodded his head.

"I was so sure that Seventeen was going to attack. I guess there's something to be said about a sibling relationship," he replied.

"Not between you and Radditz."

"Well, I never knew my brother. Plus, I guess it's different when you're both androids."

"Yeah, but I don't think of her like that. I mean, she acts just like the rest of us. There really isn't a difference."

"I guess you're right."

"You'd think those two would grow up," Piccolo said as he watched Trunks and Loren.

"That's kinda hard to do with her. Where's Vegeta?" Krillin asked.

"Lost in the training room, where else? I told him I wanted to look at the stars with him and he left," Bulma said and Chi-chi patted her shoulder.

"These men aren't very strong in romance. If it doesn't have anything to do with fighting, they don't have an interest. Look at Goku, he's over there talking to his friends. I couldn't get him to look at the stars even if they were all falling," she said.

"I think you're going to get yelled at again," Piccolo muttered.

"What do you mean?" Goku asked.

"Goku!! How dare you ignore me? Come on, let's go over here and look at the stars," Chi-chi said and Goku looked at her.

"Why? They're still up there," he said and Chi-chi growled in frustration.

"They're all alike, aren't they? I'll look at the stars with you," Yamcha said and Chi-chi took his arm.

"Good. Goku! I'm going to sit with Yamcha!" she cried and Goku looked at her.

"Okay," he said.

"That man doesn't have a jealous bone in his body," Chi-chi muttered as Eighteen walked up to Krillin with Marron in her arms.

"Well, guess I'd better get going. See you guys," Krillin said as he stood up.

"Bye Krillin. Bye Eighteen. So your brother's staying with you?" Goku asked.

"For awhile," Eighteen replied.

"I'm going back to the lookout," Piccolo said then started when Loren embraced him.

"Bye," She said and he stared at her.

"Where did you come from?" he asked.

"Over there. What?"

"We need to get home too," Trunks said as he pulled on her hand.


Little by little, the goodbyes are said and people go off to their homes to slumber and do other things. The Briefs house is soon silent except for a faint hum of a fluorescent light that provides illumination to Dr. Briefs as he works throughout the night on his next invention with only a little black cat to keep him company.

"What do you think? This invention should be better than my capsules!" he cried and the cat yawned.

"Meow!" it replied.

"I know you're tired but we'll sleep after I get it done. I've got to make something to compensate for my failure of the day."

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