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Characters in Dreamtime and Linkies

Elizabeth Ashkevron
Keyondak Kridi
Arielle Tzipporah
Aurelia Pierce
Julian Losse
Sarari Moss
Dreamscapes; Pictures from Dreamtime
Beth's Gallery Dedicated to Fuu
Freak 2 Day (Hey, Guys, its _changed_ check it out!! It's on LiveJournal now)
Dream Scraps (LiveJournal)

Hi, everyone! This site is the begining of an anime series that I am working on, called "Dreamtime". Go to some of the links (which I have just gotten up!!) to see the begining of it, and some pics of the characters! Thanks for bearing with me while I get this started....

Today's the eighteenth of June, and I've really done some major overhauling on this site, and on my other sites, so take a look. I'm pretty sure all the links and pictures work now, so... enjoy!!!!

Today's the 26th of July, and I've put up a whole lot of new stuff, as well as adding the new background pic, so take a look around!

Well, today's the 28th of July, and I'm using *real* html for the first time, and I'm hoping that it'll improve the look of Dreamtime, and maybe I'll be able to put some more pics in.... YAY!!!! so take a look, I think you might like it!

Hello, everyone. Today is September the eleventh, the anniversary of the horrifying terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I know I haven't really updated the site, really, but I just wanted to express my sorrow and simpathy for all those who were involved. I wish everyone a day as pleasant as you can make it without dishonoring the dead and wounded.

Hello again, its me... I know I haven't updated in quite a long time, but I'm afraid I've been quite busy with school and whatnot... If you'd like to check out Horses Never Die, that's the actual story of Dreamtime, or the beginning thereof. Also, I've got a new website linked to Dreamtime, called "Extreme Forgotten Portals" so go check that out. I believe I've also updated most of the character sketches, so fel free to check on those, too. Thanks for checking out my site!!! Please email me sometime to let me know what you think!!! My email adress is Thanks!!! PS- I really love getting reviews!!!

Hello, guess what?! I've set up a new link called "Freak 2 Day", this is going to be a newsletter-like thing. Please humor me and take a look at it!!! (I think its the last link.... on the boottom, I mean... * grins *)

Hey, everyone!! It's December 11! I've updated some of the character pages, and I've added a new character called Gwena... Take a ook around... I've even fixed the links up a bit...

Alright, Today's the 20th of February, and I've put up "personal photos" of some of the characters. I've got a new article on Freak 2 Day, called "20 Ways to Take Over the World" which was kindly given me by Dreamtime's own Julian Losse!! Of course, my computer doesn't work properly, so the article is currently a bunch of boxes and incomprehensible numbers, but I'll get that sorted out soon enough... Um, most of you have already noticed the little "Christmas gifts" on character pages which I never mentioned here... I've also got a number of non-dreamtime pictures up[ on Dreamscapes now, mostly from stories that're up on my account... Look around, theres been a few minor changes (sorry Keyondak, I haven't changed your pictures yet... *evil cackle) so, lemme know what you think!! feel free to browse all you like.

Well, today's the 23rd of April, and the oly thing I've really added was a section in Extreme 4gotten Portals, called "Fireshadow", and I fixed some stats on Sarari's personal page. I've had to much stuff going on lately to really add a heck of a lot these days... sorry; maybe over the summer I'll have more time... Thats all for today!!

Today's Apri 26, and I've added a link to the stats page for my online RPG character, Tiara. QUite francly, If you aren't part of the RPG group "Arkan", It would probably be a waste of time to look at it. Anyway, on another note, I've added a whole bunch of stories and poems on so feel free to check those out. That's it for now!!

Hey, everyone. I've added a bunch of pics I scaned in today on the Dreamscapes link- go check it out, guys!! Its the 28th of April, and that's it for today!!

Guess What, Julian!!! This one's for you: I've put up a copy of "20 ways to take over the world"... and it's readable!! It's really there, On Freak 2 Day, so go read it, peoples!! Its really, really amazingly amusing!! That's the only update on this, the 26th of May, 2003. Have a great one, everybody, and good luck on exams next week!!

It's the 9th of September, 2003. Hi, Everyone, I'm Back!!! I know its been all summer, but shit happened in the form of a math course, so yeah. Now I'm back, and there're three- count em, THREE -new things up on Freak 2 Day. Check em out. Congrads everone on surviving the first week of school!!!

Hi, it's me again... It's the 24th of September, 2003, and I have added loads of stuff to Freak 2 Day. Please go check it out. ALso, I've begun work on a new series called "A Bell Rings" that's about a fallen angel, though angelf in the world in which the story is set are a bit different from the conventional angels. Please take a look at it and give me some feedback.

Theres new stuff up as of 3/30/04!! Take a look around! Also, if anyone has opinions as to whether I should move this site onto its own server- email me. or just leave a comment on my Journal- they get emailed to me anyway. Thanks, everyone!!

Hey!! I've added Brynna, up above, so take a look. She's still missing some info, and there's one more person to add, but she hasn't got a name yet. So she'll be going up in a bit. *g* It's 4/6/04, and there's a load of new stuff. New pics for Julian, Gwena, Ari, Lia, and myself; the rest wil have new pics... soon?? hee hee; when I get back from my little trip- I should be back the 17th. That's all for now.

Hi everyone. I know I haven't updated all summer. If you want to read / see more from me, please visit "Dream Scraps," because this place is now on hiatus for who knows how long. I've just lost interest in the Dreamtime story- I'm working more and more on Callista stuff, and you can find that in Dream Scraps (if I've friended you, that is). So- yeah. Today is the twenty-eighth of August, 2004. Hope everyone's had a good summer.



The Weather in Hell