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How To Help

You can hlep out the guild in several ways:

~ Make some kind donations to the guild by buying a bottle or two of sand from the donation shop!

~ Posting messages is fun and easy, plus it makes our guild look active and more appealing to people who are looking for a guild, why don't you give it a try?

~ Item donations help as well! If you have any items that you do not need or use, and would be willing to give them up, just send them to lil_illusen!

~ Participate in as many guild functions as you can! we have three weekly contests, and a special one each week also!

~ Put up a guild banner in your shop! It is easy and one of the best ways of advertisment! just copy the text from the box below the picture you want (beware the box does scroll) and pste it into your shop description!

~ Help out some other guild memebrs! If they have a quest, simply lookup the cheapest on the shop wizard, you don't have to buy it for them, but you can give htem the username of who ever has it the cheapest!

~ Check back at the guild at least weekly to keep an eye out for updates and changes! You might just find something that you'd really enjoy! ^~

~ Basically, we just want you to have fun! ^^ So what are you waiting for?