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Illusen's Pet

- Saphier740 -

Species : Acara
Colour : Red
Gender : Female
Age : 31 days
Level : 2
Health : 17 / 10
Mood : happy
Hunger : bloated
Strength :average
Defence : tough
Move : cheetah
Intelligence : average
Abilities : none

Age : 70 days
Level : 4
Health : 17/10
Mood : happy
Hunger : bloated
Strength : strong
Defence : steel plate
Move : lightning
Intelligence : average
In order to help this pet we need to raise money to buy some dubloons or codestones so we can send the pet to training academy so that it level can rise. And we need to try to buy a solid color paintbrush so that we can give the pet a new look. And we need some faeries so that the pet will have some abilities. Also we need money to help raise the pet's intelligence level so please donate books and neopoints.