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Character Profile

(Click for larger untranslated version)

Other voice roles by Yuko Nagashima:
  • Caldina in Magic Knights Rayearth
  • Erina Won in Martian Successor Nadesico
  • The Snow Dancers in the Sailor Moon S Movie

    First off: this character is scary! I think it's pretty obvious what "extracurricular activities" she's involved in... she's dressed all in black leather and has a mask, a crown, and a whip. One of her attacks is "Call Me Queen." Uh, yikes?

    Secondly: I don't know if I translated her "name" right... maybe it's something that was censored out of both my Japanese dictionaries? ^_^ It definitely has the Kanji for "blood" and the Kanji for "house" in it, but I have no idea how these relate. (Well, actually an image of somebody tied to some bedposts comes to mind, but let's not go there!) If anybody happens to know what the following characters translate to, please tell me:

    IeGara to ChiSuji

    When Yuna meets her in the first game, Ruminaev is wearing a normal ballroom dress and her "butterfly mask" (that red thing). She acts very snobby, saying Yuna doesn't have the qualities that make a real fraulein. Yuna gets to arguing with her about what constitutes a "fraulein" and Ruminaev throws off the dress to reveal her leather outfit. She says she's one of the Army of the 13 Dark Frauleins (ankoku no ojousama). Yuna notices the outfit and says "Hey, I wonder if she means 'ojousama' not as 'fraulein' but as in 'my queen' like those irreputable women on TV..." Ruminaev says some stuff to her, then pulls out her whip. Yuna looks surprised and says "Ack! I'll bet she DOES mean it like that!" Ruminaev says something like "I will teach you to love pain!" Yuna makes a hilarious face and says something really funny like "Dude, that's just not right!" Just then Lia shows up and tells Ruminaev to put the whip away or something. This is when Yuna realizes there's something not quite right about Lia.

    Back to my notes on the third game:

    Her first name is German or something; it sounds like "Rumina Efu" when Yuna says it, it's listed as "Luminaev du Krosovsky" in one of my image files, and Hitoshi Doi's page lists it as "Luminar F." I keep writing it "Ruminaef" and then backspacing and putting in the V because that makes the most sense.

    Her weapon is listed as "Muchi" written in the character set used for foreign languages. Maybe it's Russian or something? She's quite obviously attacking with a whip, so I translated it as that. (Maybe she has an affectionate nickname for it? Ack, this is getting worse and worse!)

    Her whip isn't as powerful as Lemi's spear, but she has a ton of HP; she can take a whole lot of pain and still keep coming back for more. (Doh! Not again!) Her voice is very funny when she's fighting, though; she has that "I Am Your Master" voice down to an art. ^_^ When she attacks with her whip, she says "Black Fraulein's Muchi!" When she uses her Metal Fan attack (great range, medium damage) she says something else that I couldn't quite catch.

    Sound Clip (WAV) (attack)
    Kuroi Jousama no muchi!
    Dark Fraulein's Whip!
    Sound Clip (WAV) (Yuna pronouncing her name)
    "Ruminaefu!" Konna toko ni!
    "Ruminaev!" In a place like this!!

    Questions, comments, suggestions, especially typos and mistakes? Email me at!

    Translation, HTML, image scans, etc. all by Ditchdigger. Can you snatch them? Not the translations or the HTML - but you can have the images under the condition that you tell me you're taking them. ^_^ I probably won't respond (busy, busy!) so don't ask "Can I take them?"; just say "Hey, I'm borrowing image X, my page URL is XXXXX."