Ohtori (also spelled Ootori) means "Big birds." In the first game she introduces herself as Shiori Jinguuji. Shiori is probably one of my favorite characters just because she's so slow and seemingly harmless but she has one of the awesomest battlesuits of all the characters. ^_^
She also has a really slooooowwwww Speech Affectation.
When Yuna runs into her in the first game, Shiori is blocking the door to a coffee shop that Yuna wants to go into. Yuna asks her to move, but at first Shiori doesn't say anything (she hasn't realized Yuna is there yet). Yuna starts asking Elnar what's up with this girl when Shiori finally responds. She introduces herself and says she's been waiting for Yuna. Yuna says "Lemme guess, you're one of the Army of the 13 Dark Frauleins?" Shiori repeats the whole phrase in answering her question; Yuna starts to get agitated cuz she's talking so slow. At first Yuna tries to talk her out of fighting as usual, but after dealing with her speech impediment for another couple minutes Yuna is just about ready to blast her anyway. ^_^ It's kinda neat seeing Yuna get fed up with her slowness, since in the later series' she is used to it and always gives Shiori plenty of time to finish her sentences.
When you fight her, Shiori's battlesuit is about like it is in the second OAV: the suit does all the work for her. ^_^ When you're fighting her, she only attacks every few rounds... but meanwhile instead of hitting or missing, you either hit or your shot is absorbed by her force field and the suit retaliates with a super-powerful blast from her shoulder gems. When she does attack, it's cute because she puts her hands up like she's going to do a fireball move from a fighting game and a little sphere of light builds up between her hands, but then it sputters out and she looks surprised for a second; then the little "antennas" on the shoulders point forward and two green lasers shoot out. ^_^ Back to my notes from the third game...
The most notable thing about Shiori is that she's incredibly slow in everything she does. She talks painfully slow (makes it easy to translate!), she walks slow, she's slow to notice things, and personally I think she's a little slow in the head too. ^_^ She doesn't seem to grasp the fact that she's fighting for the future of the Earth and whatnot; Yuna says "Look at the size of that bomb they just dropped on the Earth!" and Shiori says "Woooowwww..... it's huuuuuge.... theeey're soooo geeennneerrrooouuuussss......"
Her main weapon is a sattellite laser strike of some sort; the little antennas on her shoulders perk up and beams of light rain down on her target. It has a longer range than any other character's weapon. Unfortunately she's so slow that her turn always comes last.
Sound Clip (WAV) Sooree jaaaa... waataashii waa... yuukkkkkkkkurii to... ohirunee wo... So... I... will... sloooooooooowly... taaake... a noon nap........... |
Questions, comments, suggestions, especially typos and mistakes? Email me at Ditchdigger@Anent.com!
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