Mansex Sirius: ::sneaksneak::
Sekyuratair: ::Has lots ofmansex::
Mansex Sirius: ::takes pictures and posts them on the 'Net::
Sekyuratair: ::Starts a pay-porn page and makes millions::
Mansex Sirius: ::sneaks a video of it onto Show's line up::
Sekyuratair: ::Kills::
Mansex Sirius: ::ghost makes millions off merchandising, and selling Justin and Jason's souls.::
Sekyuratair: ::Steals back her beloved older brother's soul and returns it, replacing it with Derrick Centerbury's soul::
Sekyuratair: *Canterbury's
Mansex Sirius: ::tries to find a way to slip Peter into Lily n' James' conversation::
Sekyuratair: Have Peter get a hard-on? Lol!
Mansex Sirius: Over linoleum, since he considers it more attractive than Lily?
Sekyuratair: Yeah!
Sekyuratair: ::Listening to Snape's theme song --- "Secret Agent Man":: It sounds like he's singing "Secreat ASIAN Man" . . .
Sekyuratair: *Secret
Mansex Sirius: ::blinkblink::
Sekyuratair: Nevermind. I thought I'd spelled "Secreat."
Sekyuratair: Nevermind again. I had it right.
Sekyuratair: Was looking at the wrong spelling. ^^;;;;
Mansex Sirius: ::stares bemusedly at::
Sekyuratair: ::Stares blankly back at::
Mansex Sirius: ::licks::
Sekyuratair: ::Orgasms::
Mansex Sirius: ::pokes::
Sekyuratair: ::Squeals::
Mansex Sirius: ::pokes again::
Sekyuratair: ::Stares at Lily - the cat, not person - as her leg twitches::
Mansex Sirius: ::RPs with self sadly::
Sekyuratair: ::Wonders when she's going to get *asked* (nicely) to RP::
Mansex Sirius: ::asks nicely::
Sekyuratair: ::WAITS::
Mansex Sirius: ::big puppy eyes:: Do you wanna... RP....?
Sekyuratair: ::Glomps:: Of course I do!
Mansex Sirius: ::is glomped:: Umph. Well.
Sekyuratair: Don't suppose you're up for some Sev/Lily, are you? I *know* you'll *kill* me if I asked about Sev/Hermione.
Sekyuratair: So I'm not asking about them. I'm asking about Sev/Lily.
Mansex Sirius: I'm tempted to kill you for that suggestion, anyway.
Sekyuratair: ::Giggles::
Sekyuratair: Then who would you RP with?
Mansex Sirius: I dunno. What other pairings you like?
Sekyuratair: I don't know.
Sekyuratair: I like Herm/Ginny. ^.^ And Herm/Fleur, because those are really the only yuri pairings available in HP. ::Sulks::
Mansex Sirius: Let's narrow it down, then. What you in the mood for? Het? Slash? Smut? Story?
Mansex Sirius: ::smirks:: Poor Chiloh..
Sekyuratair: Slash.
Sekyuratair: Small story?
Mansex Sirius: m'chay
Sekyuratair: I wanna be Hermione!
Mansex Sirius: Well, I guess that leaves me with... Professor McGonagall?
Mansex Sirius: ^_~
Sekyuratair: ::Cackles:: If'n ya want.
Mansex Sirius: I guess I can do Ginny, then
Sekyuratair: Sure! We wanna wrok ou a semi-plot, or let it flow?
Mansex Sirius: Whatever's good for you
Sekyuratair: ::Re-read last sentence:: Dear gods, that was crappy grammar.
Mansex Sirius: ::thinks the spelling was worse::
Sekyuratair: That's what I meant.
Sekyuratair: ^^;;
Mansex Sirius: That was... you mom?
Mansex Sirius: ::sweet smile::
Mansex Sirius: ::wants 'Ode to Harry Potter'::
Sekyuratair: Tell me what "Ode to Harry Potter" is and then shut up.
Mansex Sirius: It's a song concerning Ginny's feelings for Harry. Adgee has it.
Sekyuratair: Groovy.
Mansex Sirius: ::nodnod::
Sekyuratair: So. You're Ginny, I'm Hermione (shutting up did not extend to RPing, btw) and we're not working with a pre-plot.
Sekyuratair: And you have to start.
Mansex Sirius: m'chay
Mansex Sirius: There was a boom. There was a bang. There was hissing and steam. There wasn't supposed to be booms, bangs, hissing and steaming. It was bad.
Ginny cringed as Snape bore down on her and her parner, Colin. Snape had never been particularly fond of either of them--in fact, he'd never been particularly fond of any Gryffindor, really--and the fact that neither of them were very adept at potion-making made them two of Snape's least favorite students, right up there with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and
Mansex Sirius: Ginny's own brother Ron.
"What have you done? Are you really so stupid that you added the porcupine quills before the horselip?" Ginny cringed under his pitiless words as Snape gestured contemptuously at the roiling botched potion. "Perhaps testing it on yourselves will make you see the necessity of paying attention in class!"
Which was why an hour later Ginny and Colin were being shooed out of the hospital wing by an irate Madame Pomfry, who promised to have a "little talk" with the potions
Mansex Sirius: professor. The idea of Snape getting told off again by the school nurse didn't cheer either of them slightly, and it was with slumped shoulders and glum expressions that they made their way back to the Gryffindor commom room.
Sekyuratair: ((Why PINK?! ::Dies:: ))
Hermione was the first to greet them, Crookshanks winding his way between her feet. "Colin, Ginny! Are you two all right?" She pulled Ginny into a comforting hug, stroking her hair. "Here, Ron and Harry brought food from the kitchens, since you missed dinner." She showed them to the table set in the middle of the room with two places set, fussing until they were seated and had started to eat.
"Really, the nerve of Snape!" she complained. "I hope Madam Pompfrey hexes him, I really do. He should be fired for making students take potions he knows are wrong!" Standing with her hands on her hips and Crookshanks purring loudly, almost approvingly, at her feet,
Sekyuratair: Hermione pursed her lips and shook her head. "I've a mind to go down and tell him off, myself . . ."
Mansex Sirius: [Because I like it]
"Oh, Hermione, no!" Ginny cried. "Yuu'd just get in soo much trouble." She cradled a goblet of pumpkin juice in her hands, staring into its dark orange depths with misty eyes. "Really Hermione, it's all right. We're fine. Really, we are." But a single tear has started to make a trail down her cheek. Seeing it, Colin's eyes filled with tears as well. Looking up at him, Ginny couldn't stop a sob from escaping her throat.
"I-I just wish he couldn't m-make me feel s-so s-s-stupid!" she
Mansex Sirius: exclaimed tearfully, trembling. "I always f-feel so d-dumb as s-soon as he l-looks as me. I can n-never do a-anything right in his class!"
She ducked her head, sniffing miserably.
Sekyuratair: "Love . . ." Hermione was at Ginny's side in a moment, wrapping her arms around the younger girl as she cursed Snape inwardly. "Love, he does that to everyone. He does that to me, and I'm the best student he's got; I know, I asked Dumbledore." She rested her chin on Ginny's shoulder, squeezing a little. "You're not stupid, Ginny. You, either, Colin," she added. "You're both very smart. It's just Snape's nature to be snarky, that's all. I doubt he could be kind if his life depended on it."
Hermione took up a napkin and, tilting Ginny's face up, gently wiped the tears away. "You made a wonderful Sleeping Potion just last week, remember?" she asked with a warm smile. "So don't tell me you can't do anything right in Potions."
Mansex Sirius: She sniffled miserably, but Hermione's words brought no small amount of comfort. "I... I just... everytime... he's always staring at us... makes me feel so n-nervous..."
Colin slumped in his chair, wiping at his tears with the sleeve of his robe. "Can't do anything right," he mumbled, "not with him standing there just waiting for us to do something wrong, so he can shout and tell the whole class how stupid we are..." He shuddered. "I-I can't even take notes sometimes, when he's talking and glaring at us,
Mansex Sirius: and you can just hear him thinking t-that we're all so stupid..."