Subj: Ginny/Harry->Hermione/Ron 07-09/08/02 
Date: 8/20/2002 3:05:43 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Darkest Sidhe
To: Youko Koenma

Mansex Sirius: ::sneaksneak::
Sekyuratair: ::Has lots ofmansex::
Mansex Sirius: ::takes pictures and posts them on the 'Net::
Sekyuratair: ::Starts a pay-porn page and makes millions::
Mansex Sirius: ::sneaks a video of it onto Show's line up::
Sekyuratair: ::Kills::
Mansex Sirius: ::ghost makes millions off merchandising, and selling Justin and Jason's souls.::
Sekyuratair: ::Steals back her beloved older brother's soul and returns it, replacing it with Derrick Centerbury's soul::
Sekyuratair: *Canterbury's
Mansex Sirius: ::tries to find a way to slip Peter into Lily n' James' conversation::
Sekyuratair: Have Peter get a hard-on? Lol!
Mansex Sirius: Over linoleum, since he considers it more attractive than Lily?
Sekyuratair: Yeah!
Sekyuratair: ::Listening to Snape's theme song --- "Secret Agent Man":: It sounds like he's singing "Secreat ASIAN Man" . . .
Sekyuratair: *Secret
Mansex Sirius: ::blinkblink::
Sekyuratair: Nevermind. I thought I'd spelled "Secreat."
Sekyuratair: Nevermind again. I had it right.
Sekyuratair: Was looking at the wrong spelling. ^^;;;;
Mansex Sirius: ::stares bemusedly at::
Sekyuratair: ::Stares blankly back at::
Mansex Sirius: ::licks::
Sekyuratair: ::Orgasms::
Mansex Sirius: ::pokes::
Sekyuratair: ::Squeals::
Mansex Sirius: ::pokes again::
Sekyuratair: ::Stares at Lily - the cat, not person - as her leg twitches::
Mansex Sirius: ::RPs with self sadly::
Sekyuratair: ::Wonders when she's going to get *asked* (nicely) to RP::
Mansex Sirius: ::asks nicely::
Sekyuratair: ::WAITS::
Mansex Sirius: ::big puppy eyes:: Do you wanna... RP....?
Sekyuratair: ::Glomps:: Of course I do!
Mansex Sirius: ::is glomped:: Umph. Well.
Sekyuratair: Don't suppose you're up for some Sev/Lily, are you? I *know* you'll *kill* me if I asked about Sev/Hermione.
Sekyuratair: So I'm not asking about them. I'm asking about Sev/Lily.
Mansex Sirius: I'm tempted to kill you for that suggestion, anyway.
Sekyuratair: ::Giggles::
Sekyuratair: Then who would you RP with?
Mansex Sirius: I dunno. What other pairings you like?
Sekyuratair: I don't know.
Sekyuratair: I like Herm/Ginny. ^.^ And Herm/Fleur, because those are really the only yuri pairings available in HP. ::Sulks::
Mansex Sirius: Let's narrow it down, then. What you in the mood for? Het? Slash? Smut? Story?
Mansex Sirius: ::smirks:: Poor Chiloh..
Sekyuratair: Slash.
Sekyuratair: Small story?
Mansex Sirius: m'chay
Sekyuratair: I wanna be Hermione!
Mansex Sirius: Well, I guess that leaves me with... Professor McGonagall?
Mansex Sirius: ^_~
Sekyuratair: ::Cackles:: If'n ya want.
Mansex Sirius: I guess I can do Ginny, then
Sekyuratair: Sure! We wanna wrok ou a semi-plot, or let it flow?
Mansex Sirius: Whatever's good for you
Sekyuratair: ::Re-read last sentence:: Dear gods, that was crappy grammar.
Mansex Sirius: ::thinks the spelling was worse::
Sekyuratair: That's what I meant.
Sekyuratair: ^^;;
Mansex Sirius: That was... you mom?
Mansex Sirius: ::sweet smile::
Mansex Sirius: ::wants 'Ode to Harry Potter'::
Sekyuratair: Tell me what "Ode to Harry Potter" is and then shut up.
Mansex Sirius: It's a song concerning Ginny's feelings for Harry. Adgee has it.
Sekyuratair: Groovy.
Mansex Sirius: ::nodnod::
Sekyuratair: So. You're Ginny, I'm Hermione (shutting up did not extend to RPing, btw) and we're not working with a pre-plot.
Sekyuratair: And you have to start.
Mansex Sirius: m'chay
Mansex Sirius: There was a boom. There was a bang. There was hissing and steam. There wasn't supposed to be booms, bangs, hissing and steaming. It was bad.
Ginny cringed as Snape bore down on her and her parner, Colin. Snape had never been particularly fond of either of them--in fact, he'd never been particularly fond of any Gryffindor, really--and the fact that neither of them were very adept at potion-making made them two of Snape's least favorite students, right up there with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and
Mansex Sirius: Ginny's own brother Ron.
"What have you done? Are you really so stupid that you added the porcupine quills before the horselip?" Ginny cringed under his pitiless words as Snape gestured contemptuously at the roiling botched potion. "Perhaps testing it on yourselves will make you see the necessity of paying attention in class!"
Which was why an hour later Ginny and Colin were being shooed out of the hospital wing by an irate Madame Pomfry, who promised to have a "little talk" with the potions
Mansex Sirius: professor. The idea of Snape getting told off again by the school nurse didn't cheer either of them slightly, and it was with slumped shoulders and glum expressions that they made their way back to the Gryffindor commom room.
Sekyuratair: ((Why PINK?! ::Dies:: ))

Hermione was the first to greet them, Crookshanks winding his way between her feet. "Colin, Ginny! Are you two all right?" She pulled Ginny into a comforting hug, stroking her hair. "Here, Ron and Harry brought food from the kitchens, since you missed dinner." She showed them to the table set in the middle of the room with two places set, fussing until they were seated and had started to eat.

"Really, the nerve of Snape!" she complained. "I hope Madam Pompfrey hexes him, I really do. He should be fired for making students take potions he knows are wrong!" Standing with her hands on her hips and Crookshanks purring loudly, almost approvingly, at her feet,
Sekyuratair: Hermione pursed her lips and shook her head. "I've a mind to go down and tell him off, myself . . ."
Mansex Sirius: [Because I like it]

"Oh, Hermione, no!" Ginny cried. "Yuu'd just get in soo much trouble." She cradled a goblet of pumpkin juice in her hands, staring into its dark orange depths with misty eyes. "Really Hermione, it's all right. We're fine. Really, we are." But a single tear has started to make a trail down her cheek. Seeing it, Colin's eyes filled with tears as well. Looking up at him, Ginny couldn't stop a sob from escaping her throat.

"I-I just wish he couldn't m-make me feel s-so s-s-stupid!" she
Mansex Sirius: exclaimed tearfully, trembling. "I always f-feel so d-dumb as s-soon as he l-looks as me. I can n-never do a-anything right in his class!"

She ducked her head, sniffing miserably.
Sekyuratair: "Love . . ." Hermione was at Ginny's side in a moment, wrapping her arms around the younger girl as she cursed Snape inwardly. "Love, he does that to everyone. He does that to me, and I'm the best student he's got; I know, I asked Dumbledore." She rested her chin on Ginny's shoulder, squeezing a little. "You're not stupid, Ginny. You, either, Colin," she added. "You're both very smart. It's just Snape's nature to be snarky, that's all. I doubt he could be kind if his life depended on it."
Hermione took up a napkin and, tilting Ginny's face up, gently wiped the tears away. "You made a wonderful Sleeping Potion just last week, remember?" she asked with a warm smile. "So don't tell me you can't do anything right in Potions."
Mansex Sirius: She sniffled miserably, but Hermione's words brought no small amount of comfort. "I... I just... everytime... he's always staring at us... makes me feel so n-nervous..."

Colin slumped in his chair, wiping at his tears with the sleeve of his robe. "Can't do anything right," he mumbled, "not with him standing there just waiting for us to do something wrong, so he can shout and tell the whole class how stupid we are..." He shuddered. "I-I can't even take notes sometimes, when he's talking and glaring at us,
Mansex Sirius: and you can just hear him thinking t-that we're all so stupid..."
Sekyuratair: Hermione snorted and shook her unruly mop of curls. "Snape's teaching methods leave much to be desired," she said firmly, "and he's a shallow, simple-minded, petty and vindictive man. It's no one's fault but his that he cares more about humiliating students than teaching them. Is that clear, both of you? Neither of you are stupid. Snape's stupid for not teaching right. Understand?" She said it firmly, but gently, as she rubbed her hand in small circles over Ginny's back.
Mansex Sirius: They both nodded and, feeling reassured, began to eat with a little enthusiasm. It had been a long time since lunch, and the events in Potions followed by Madam Pomfry's healing had left them both famished.

"Where are Harry and Ron anyway, Hermione?" Ginny asked around a mouthful of chicken. "They aren't out looking for trouble again, are they?"
Mansex Sirius: [::notes that it's getting hot in here, and wants to take off all clothes::]
Sekyuratair: ((::Is not stopping anything:: ))

Hermione shrugged. "They didn't have---" She glanced at Colin and stopped herself. "---any mischief-making things with them," she continued, knowing Ginny would get her meaning, "so I don't think so." Crookshanks had curled up in Ginny's lap and was purring, and Hermione reached down to pet him, her arm wound around Ginny's waist to do so. She relaxed, still with her chin resting on Ginny's shoulder, breathing in the girl's faint perfume. It was pleasant, comforting. "But Ron'd better have a good excuse for not waiting to make sure you were all right," she murmured. "Some older brother he is."
Mansex Sirius: [Do you remember the name of that song show choir performed with the sign language?]
Mansex Sirius: "Good," Ginny said fervently. Colin glanced at her curiously. "I don't mind him not waiting, really. I just don't want him getting into more trouble." And dragging Harry into it with him, she added silently. Although it was usually the other way around--not that Harry looked for trouble. It just sorta found him, she knew. And he always delt with it so well. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. He was so sweet, kind, talented, wonderful--and, of course, completely oblivious.
Mansex Sirius: But Ginny could forgive him. She could forgive him just about anything.

She sighed softly, thinking that it would be nice if it were Harry's head resting on her shoulder, Harry comforting her, instead of Hermione.

Mansex Sirius: Immediately, she felt bad. 'Stop that,' she scolded herself firmly. 'Hermione is sweet, kind talented, and wonderful, too--and, more importantly, she isn't oblivious to the feelings of the people around her.'
Mansex Sirius signed off at 3:51:28 AM
Mansex Sirius signed on at 3:53:44 AM.
Mansex Sirius: [Fuck me backwards twice! Did you post?]
Sekyuratair: (("One Voice"))

"Maybe they went to the kitchens," the older girl mused. "I wouldn't let them eat any of this food, so it's perfectly logical they went to get some of their own." She smiled and hugged Ginny briefly. "They'll be back any time," she said comfortingly. After all, Ginny didn't need to be worrying about those lunkeads. Ron, she could see, because he was her brother. Harry . . . Ginny held Harry in an awe that was borderline hero-worship. She would do anything for him, anything to gain his attention, his approval. And the fool didn't even notice.

Hermione stifled a flash of injured anger overlaid with (dare she think it?) jealousy. No one looked at
Sekyuratair: her like that, like she were the most beautiful, desireable, special person in the world. She'd never inspired that look of pure adoration from anyone, not even Crookshanks.

And Ginny had to direct it at Harry, didn't she? Harry, who didn't begin to appreciate the pretty young red-head who followed him around, who was oblivious to everything but Quidditch.

Not that Hermione had any right to blame him for needing something that would let
Sekyuratair: him forget about Voldemort, and she supposed she'd be even more jealous if he did notice and respond in kind to Ginny's infatuation. Hermione let out a soft sigh and pressed her lips to Ginny's shoulder in a thoughtful action that was not quite a kiss, watching the pile of food diminish slowly.
Sekyuratair: ((::Fucks backward twice:: Yeah, I got it. ^.~))
Mansex Sirius: [You'll need to send all this to me when we quit for the night. I lost it all ::cries::]
Sekyuratair: ((::Comforts:: Oaky, baby-thang))
Mansex Sirius: Ginny nodded absently. "You're prob'ly right," she mumbled, lifting the final spoonful of food to her mouth with a flourish. Mmmm, good. She swallowed, then dropped the spoon and rested her head against the top of Hermione's, closing her eyes. Yeah, Harry was a babe-doll, but he didn't seem willing to share anything like this with Ginny--warm comfort, casual intimacy. In fact, Ginny was beginning to wonder if he could be that way with another human being. She knew all about his awful childhood and horrid
Mansex Sirius: Muggle family from her parents and Ron. Maybe growing up in an atmosphere like that had rendered him incapable of having healthy romantci relationships....

She pushed those thoughts aside. They were unworthy of her, unworthy of Harry. Painful as it was to think, it was entirely possible that he just didn't think of her that way, seeing her the same way Ron did--as a little sister, no more. Lord knew he and Ron were close enough, Harry probably considered the Weasleys more his family than the Dursleys.
Mansex Sirius: "Oh Hermione," she whispered, watching Colin sleepily gathering up the empty dishes. "I just don't know what to do." And even she wasn't sure whether she was talking about Potions class, or Harry.
Mansex Sirius: [::is scared by cell phone commercial::]
Sekyuratair: ((::Is scared by most commercials:: ))

"Things'll work out, sweetie," Hermione whispered. "Just don't force things." Don't force things. Like affection. Affection wasn't to be forced on another, especially when that other was infatuated with one's best friend. That was always a bad thing.

Hermione glanced up at Colin. "You should go to bed," she suggested. "You've had quite a day." And it gave her precious time alone in Ginny's company. "I'll finish cleaning up here, Colin." To take aany sting in her words away, she smiled. "Go. Prefect says."
Mansex Sirius: Colin hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and set the dirty dishes in the middle of the table, bid them goodnight, and headed up to the fourth year boy's dorm.

Ginny waved to him with a small smile. "Do you need to take those back to the kitchens, Hermione?" she asked quietly, lifting her head and studying the older girl with a shy smile. Hermione wasn't a stunning looker in the stick-thin, flawless super-model way. Her beauty was classic--large eyes framed by thick lashes, smooth, soft skin, a strong
Mansex Sirius: jaw. Her smile was the best thing, though. When Hermione smile, her whole face lit up with a beauty that originated from deep within--a beauty that no super model Ginny had ever seen has possed.

Ginny often found herself admiring Hermione. She could easily see what her brother saw in her. Smart, talented, beautiful--too bad he was so rediculously intimidated by her scholastic prowess, or they could have a wonderful, romantic relationship. The kind Ginny wanted with Harry.
Sekyuratair: It would be so easy . . . Tilt her head, just a little. Lean forward bare centimetres. Touch soft lips to soft lips. Easy. Simple. Impossible. But Hermione wanted to. Ginny looked so sweet just now, her gaze almost quizzical, her forehead wrinkled in the barest of frowns. Her red hair was held back from her face at the temples with butterfly clips, their wings beating softly and sending small tendrils of red over her face. Ginny's gentle green eyes watched hers, and Hermione belatedly realized that she was staring, and that was why the younger girl was frowning. She'd also swayed forward a little, and now pulled back with a blush.

"Ah, yes, I suppose I do," she mumbled, pulling away even more, until she could no longer smell Ginny's soft scent, and reaching for the dishes. She swallowed sharply and then licked her lips, her hands shaking slightly.
Mansex Sirius: Ginny rose and grabbed the goblets and a plate. "Let me help you," she murmured softly. It was, by her reckoning, some small bit after seven. Lockdown--er, curfew--was eight. Plenty of time to take the dishes back, and maybe even take a quick walk out to the lake and back.

As she stood there, dishes balanced easily in her arms, she shot a furtive glance from beneath lowered lids. What was that strange look Hermione had given her? Soft and sort of dreamy--very unlike Hermione. She wondered what it meant.
Mansex Sirius: Then almost smacked herself in the forehead. Staring off into space with a dreamy expression... how many times had she herself done that, thinking about Harry?

But.... Hermione? With a crush? It just didn't seem natural, somehow. Hermione didn't get crushes. Hermione didn't even notice boys, unless they were Harry and Ron. .

Ron... Did Herimone have a thing for her brother? If so, Ron would be delighted to know she returned his feelings.
Mansex Sirius: But... She felt a strange sinking feeling in her chest. What if it wasn't Ron she like, but Harry? 'No! Not Hermione! She can't have a thing for Harry. She just can't.'

Strangely enough, Ginny wasn't sure if she was more jealous of Harry, or Hermione.
Mansex Sirius signed off at 5:11:05 AM.
Mansex Sirius signed on at 5:13:14 AM.
Mansex Sirius: [::is prepared to committ AOLicide::]
Sekyuratair: ((Soaky. I've got to go, hun. It's past five and I'm dead tired. All I can do is read the end of this fic, then sleep. But tomorrow we can RP some more, oaky?))
Sekyuratair:    "Hey," Hermione said gently as she stood, "what's wrong?  You look like you just got told Christmas was cancelled."  She smiled, friendly-like, and reached out to pat Ginny on the shoulder.  "You don't have to help me with these if it causes you that much pain," she joked.  "I can get the dishes to the kitchens by myself.  Really."  But she'd like Ginny's company.  Really.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny shook herself. "Oh, no. It's nothing, Hermione. I was just... thinking of Snape." Surely, if thoughts of Snape weren't enough to depress even the most cheerful person, nothing could.

Ginny swept past Hermione with a smile and a wink and the Fat Lady swung open. Ginny walked out with a toss of her head, sending red locks flying over her shoulder.
Sekyuratair:    And oh, how Hermione wanted to run her fingers through that wonderful red hair.  She wanted to see it lit by the sun, to kiss warm locks and smell their sweetness . . .

Hermione was quite speechless as she followed Ginny, looking for all the world like a puppy following its mistress.  Her throat was dry and nothing would wet it.  Paintings snickered as she passed, but she paid them no mind.  No, all that mattere to Hermione was watching Ginny flounce ahead of her, watch that glorious red hair bounce on her shoulders.  It was enchanting.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny was all but skipping. Her mood had lightened considerably, all thanks to Hermione. The dishes clattered in her arms as she skipped a few steps, danced a few. She didn't even try to stifle her giggles. Screw Snape. She had friends. Life was good. How many times in her life would she need to concot a Shrinking Potion, anyway? There were charms that did just that, and she was much better at charms than at potions.

Hermione was trailing a few paces behind.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny kept twisting around and giving her cheeky grins, to let her know that she was the cause of Ginny's good mood.
Sekyuratair:    Cheeky grins!  Cheeky grins from Ginny!  To her!  Hermione grinned right back, quickening her steps so they walked side-by-side, and nudged into Ginny playfully.  She almost laughed.

"You're a cutie," she said affectionately, glad that the younger girl was in a better mood.  "You know that?"  'And Harry's a git for not noticing you!  Arg!  Git!  Senseless!  Stupid!  Doesn't know what's in front of his face!'  "Just cute as anything."  It was as close to flirting as she'd ever come, and Hermione hoped Ginny wouldn't recognize it as such.  She hoped Ginny would.  Wouldn't.  Would.  Whatever.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny positively beamed at her. "Thanks, Hermione." Too bad Harry didn't think so, too. 'No unhappy thoughts,' she scolded herself. 'Keep the good mood.' Well, Harry might not think the same, but Neville Longbottom certainly did. He might be a complete klutz, but he was a real sweetheat--the kind of sweetheart who brought her flowers and chocolates, and wrote her loving--if not very good--poetry. She'd gotten flowers and/or chocolate and/or love notes at least once every two weeks
Mansex Sirius:    from Neville since the Yule Ball the previous year.

She smiled fondly at the thought of Neville as they reached the kitchens. Poor Neville, always in the shadow of his more popular friends--namely, Harry. Harry didn't mean to, but he did sort of overshadow everyone else. Including Ron. Ginny knew her brother had... mixed feelings about Harry at the moment.He loved Harry dearly, but jealously's ugly head refused to un-rear itself.
Mansex Sirius:   

Luckily for them both, they had Hermione. Always so cool-headed. She never got jealous of Harry, and she could always soothe Ron's bruised ego. She was t ruly a god-send.
Sekyuratair:    ((::Cackles at the thought of Neville writing poetry:: ))

"Anyone who doesn't see that isn't worthy of your attention," Hermione murmured.  They'd reached the portrait to the kitchens and she tapped the appropriate fruit (no, not herself, the painting!) and whispered the password.

"After you, milady," she said gallantly as she stepped back, half-bowing to the redhead.
Mansex Sirius:    [::smacks head against wall:: Fruit....]

Hermione murmured something, but Ginny couldn't quite make out what. When Hermione tapped the fruit and bowed her ahead, Ginny shifted the dished to one arm and bobbed a one-handed curtsy, then scampered in with a laugh. House Elves immediately surrounded her and whisked the dirty dishes away. All around her, they were offering delectable desserts, warm drinks and cold. She was giggling like mad, casting amused glances at Hermione.
Sekyuratair:    Whose face was just a leeeetle tight at their actions.  Still, she managed to gracefully wheedle their way out of a twelve-course meal for ten, still ending up with  three plates full of sweets and tow jugs of pumpkin juice.

But Ginny was finding it funny, so Hermione relaxed a little and allowed herself the same luxury, smiling and even going so far as to laugh a little.  After all, it was past curfew, she was in the kitchens with more sweets than she'd be able to eat in a week, with a beautiful young woman, who was currently touching her shoulder.  Hermione leaned into the contact a little, grinning at Dobby and Winky's attempts to saddle them with more food.

Yes, the night was truly good and Hermione was glad for the incident in Potions, albeit guiltily so.  Not thinking, she caught Ginny's hand and placed a
Sekyuratair:    playfull kiss on the back of it.

"Bonjour, ma belle mademoiselle," she said in a mock-low voice, snickering.
Mansex Sirius:   

Ginny was a little startled by the gesture, half-raising her other hand, which held a large jug of pumpkin juice. She gave Hermione a big-eyed look. "Oh...really?" She had no idea what Hermione had just said. It sounded nice... She smiled tentatively.
Sekyuratair:    "Oui," Hermione murmured again, a mostly-playful smirk on her lips.  "Vous et tres, tres magnifique, ma cherie."  She didn't lower her lips again, merely watched Ginny with that smile on her lips as she stroked her humb over the younger girl's knuckles.

That Ginny didn't know French was obvious.  That Hermione found this endearing, was equally obvious.  What Hermione hoped was not obvious was her sudden desire to kiss the redhead.

After all, one trauma aa day was quite enough.

But she could wish.
Mansex Sirius:    She tried to keep her expression from going blank for lack of understanding. She just stared at Hermione for a long moment, then gently tugged her hand away. "Um, we should go back to the common room," she said softly. "I bet Fred and George and Lee will be delighted that we come with offerings." She hefted the jug, letting a smile light her face.
Sekyuratair:    Suddenly bossy-Hermione again, she let GInny's hand drop.  "Of course they will; they're growing boys."  She winced a little at the sharpness of her tone, but let it be.  She was angry, at herself for showing weakness and at Snape, for putting her in this position.  Some anger was directed at Ginny herself, but Hermione couldn't stay mad at her when it wasn't the other girl's fault.

"Let's go," she said in a more gentle voice, not looking at Ginny so she wouldn't see the hurt in the other's face.  "They'll send someone to look for us if we don't get back."
Mansex Sirius:    She started a moment at how sharp Hermione sounded, but relaxed as the other girl's voice softened. With a slightly bashful smile, she linked her arm through Hermione's, sweests and juice all balanced on her other hand and arm.
Sekyuratair:    Oh, it was torture.  Hermione trembled just slightly, then muttered something about the chill as Ginny looked at her.  If her arm squeezed Ginny's just a little, she ignored it.  After all, after the troll incident her first year, Hermione had always been wary of the dark.  And while not exactly dark, the corridor they walked through wasn't exactly light, either.

"Let me help you," she said softly, and didn't wait to take the two jugs of juice from Ginny's hands.  "You can't do everything yourself, you know"  Her voice held a note of affection in it that she hoped took away any sting from her words, and Hermione offered a small, shy smile.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny amiled shyly back, a little concerned for her friend--she admitted to herself that it was somewhat disturbing to think of Hermione afraid of , much less something as--there was no other word for it--silly as darkness. Ginny knew from experience just what lurked in the shadows, but she never found herself fearful. anything

"All right," she said, offering Hermione a plate and a jug. "Get these, will you?"
Sekyuratair:    Forced to take a plate instead of the second jug, Hermione merely nodded and took them, wishing they'd brought the Invisibility Cloak and saying as much.

"It's not that big a deal, really," she said, "and the boys would have teased me terribly, but I'd feel better knowing I wasn't visible, you know?"
Mansex Sirius:    She nodded. "I'm sure most the teachers wouldn't mind, but Filch and Snape..." She shivered a little, pressing herself a little against Hermione. "We aren't even breaking any rules----but I'm sure they'd get us in trouble, anyway."technically
Mansex Sirius:    [::kicks Chiloh, as per Adgee's orders::]
Sekyuratair:    ((Kill her!))

Hermione nodded and slid her arm around Ginny's waist, pulling her closer in what she hoped the girl would take as a comforting hug.  "Well---"  The clock chimed.  "Well, now we are.  Curfew, you know."  She rolled her eyes.  "If we hurry, we'll get there faster."  But she seemed reluctant to go much faster.  She wanted to spend asmuch time as possible with Ginny.  Alone.technically
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny suffered from no such reservations. One chime, two chimes, three chimes... she quickened her pace, forcing Hermione to go faster.
Sekyuratair:    'Blast it all!  Slow down so I can hold you longer!'Hermione's thoughts went unvoiced, however, and she rolled her eyes as she hurried along, too.  After all, she need detention House points taken off.  But she didn't have to like it."Slyffapoo," she gasped to the Fat Lady as they stopped their hurried pace in front of her.  She snorted at them and swung open, and Hermione pulled Ginny in.  She tightened her hold on the girl's waist for a moment, seeing her gaze go directly to Harry, then reluctantly let her go."For anyone who care,s" she said, "we've got treats for you."


Mansex Sirius:    There was a resounding cheer to greet Hermione's pronouncement, and suddenly they had well over a dozen Gryffindors crowding around them. The girls found themselves led to seats of honor in front of the fire, and their burdens lightened considerably--well, completely. Lee and the twins spread the stuff out on the floor, and soon everyone was digging in.Ginny felt a pleasant rush of heat through her body as people complimented her and Hermione on a job well done. It helped that they all thought it had been

Mansex Sirius:    an act of supreme sneakiness, and Ginny didn't bother to correct them. And to cap it all off, she looked up to see Harry making his way to her, accompanied by Ron. She felt a thrill of delight when Harry dropped into a cross-legged sitting position at her feet, smiling up at her. "I can't believe you guys actually snuck down to the kitchens," he said cheerily. He didn't surprised, though. Ginny thought.... pleased

sound'Oh please, let me be right! Does he sound with us?'
Mansex Sirius:    [::hijacks Harry:: Take Ron. Bee-atch.]
Sekyuratair:    ((Damn you!))Hermione forced a smile to her face as she listened to Ron go on about how they'd snuck out without even the Invisibility Cloak.  Quite a grande story, how he was telling it.  Quite the exaggeration.  She merely smiled and nodded, har hands firmly away from her wand lest she hex Harry.And wouldn't it be just to have to explain this all to McGonagall?  She could imagine the scene:"And why, Hermione, did you hex Harry?"


"You see, Professor, during our fifth year I realized, with the help of Fleur Delacour, that I was gay and I've quite fallen in love with Ginny here, and to see Harry paying attention to her when he deserve her adoration simply pushed me over the edge."Right.  .doesn't

Mansex Sirius:    Ginny was giggling like mad at Ron's tale. Harry's eyes shone with laughter, and his smile was wide. It lit up his whole face. Ginny's blood was pounding in her ears. she thought. Just then Harry turned that brilliant smile on her and winked. If her face hadn't already been red from laughing, she'd have blushed furiously. As it was, she ducked her head shyly. But when she looked up... He was watching Ron again, but caught her movement from the 'God, he's beautiful,''I wonder... if he'll ever be mine.'

Mansex Sirius:    corner of his eye, and turned to her again. "Sound about right, Ginny?" His voice made her shiver slightly. Not very deep, but beautiful, rich and sweet. In that moment, she loved everything about him: from his unruly hair to his emerald eyes, his husky alto voice to the way he tilted his head ever so slightly when he smiled, his kissable lips to his clear, pale skin, his skinny legs to his feet that were... clad in shoes? Anyway, she loved him all.
Sekyuratair:    Hermione had had enough.  She stood abruptly and stalked out of the circle.  "Not that anyone cares," she said cooly, "but I'm going to bed.  We have classes tomorrow, after all, and of us can't afford to become lax about our studies."Then she turned and hurried up the stairs to her room, kicking herself the whole way.  'That was worthy of Snape, you git,' she told herself.  'Why don't you go down to him now and ask for a medal?'That was logic speaking, but Hermione's heart refused to ackowledge it.  'You made her sad!' it wailed at her.  'You made Ginny sad!  How could youdosome

Sekyuratair:    be so heartless and cruel?''Sod off,' she told them both, stripping off her robes and diving under the covers to cuddle Crookshanks and sniffle.

Sekyuratair:    ((Gtg, love))
Mansex Sirius:    [Bitch. ::just finished post:: I hate you]
Sekyuratair:    ((Well, post it and then I'll go))
Mansex Sirius:    [::does so, and sticks out tongue::]
Mansex Sirius:    The entire Gryyfindor common room froze at Hermione's words. Ginny felt a strange tightness in her chest. Why did Hermione sound so... angry? As soon as she was out of sight, the rest of the common room began to speculate "what got up her robes" as Fred so eloquently put it.Ginny ducked her head and bit her lip. Were Ron's exaggerated tales what cause Hermione to be upset? Or was it something Ginny herself had done?

Sekyuratair:    ((That all?))
Mansex Sirius:    She jumped a little as Harry patted her knee. "Don't worry," he said softly, with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it's nothing." Ginny watched him wordlessly as he rose and--to her surprise--made his way towards the girls' dorms. Ron made as if to follow him, but he waved the taller boy back. ~**~Harry listened at the door for a moment. Nothing but the faint sound of sniffles from within.

Mansex Sirius:    He'd been pretty sure he'd seen all Hermione's roommates in the common room, but it was better to be safe than walk in on something no boy was supposed to see. He tentatively knocked. "Hermione? Are you all right?"

Mansex Sirius:    [There ya go. Ha.]
Sekyuratair:    ((BeeDAH!))
Sekyuratair:    Hermione clung to Crookshanks tighter, until he mrrowed angrily and wriggled out of her grasp.  "Do I all right?" she snapped.  Harry deserved to be snapped at, she thought.  If he wasn't so blind to Ginny's affection then she wouldn't be in this predicament.  If he would only love Ginny back, or tell he he didn't feel the same way, Hermione would be a lot less confused!sound

"Go away," she sniffled, then burst into sobs again.
Mansex Sirius:    Harry winced, then cracked open the door. When nothing tried to rip off his head, he slid all the way into the room and shut the door, leaning against it. "What's wrong, Hermione?" he asked softly. "You can tell me."
Sekyuratair:    'No, I , because what's wrong!' she thought nastily, sitting up and hugging her knees to her chest, glaring at him with red eyes and puffy cheeks.can'tyou're

"It's none of your business," she lied.  Normally she'd tell Harry, but she was hurt and she wanted to hurt him, too.  "It's not fault you're a blind fool."  She blinked.  Hadn't meant to say , but as it was now out on the table, they might as well pursue the subject.mythat
Mansex Sirius:    He lifted his chin, eyes gone wide with surprise. " a blind fool....?" Was this really Hermione speaking? I'm

".....Erm." He really had no idea how to respond to that, expect to ask "Why?"
Sekyuratair:    "Because Ginny's in love with you, you git!" she hollered, then deflated in an instant.  IT wasn't Harry's fault, really.  Much as she wanted to blame him.

"Look," she said, "I'm sorry, Harry.  I'm . . . the idiot, not you, and it's my own fault.  You're the Boy Who Lived; who could fight ?"  She sighed miserably and hid her face in her legs.I'mthat

((That sounded . . . wrong))
Mansex Sirius:    He winced again. "Erm." He was at a loss. "I... noticed. Is that what you're upset over?"

He walked over to Hermione's bed and catiously sat on the edge, putting a hand on her arm. "You're not an idiot, Hermione. I-I think may be the idiot for missing your point..."I
Sekyuratair:    She raised her head and stared at him.  "You . . . ?  You Ginny's in love with you?  And you aren't anything about it, one way or the other?"  The incredulous tone of her voice matched the look on her face, and she stared at him.  "Of course you miss my point," she said, drooping.  "Everyone misses my point."noticedknowdoing

((::Looks around::  Whoa, was that Hermione's point?  JUst missed!  ^^;;; ))
Mansex Sirius:    "Erm... well..." he ducked his head, feeling a strange chill seep through his body. He shifted uncomfortably. "I don't really know what to do about that." And he didn't. Revently, Ron had been making implications that if he broke Ginny's heart, he'd have Ron to answer to. And he didn't want to lose his best friend; their relationship was already rocky enough without adding in Ginny. But... how did  he tell her without breaking her heart that he was in love with someone else?
Sekyuratair:    "Why not just her?" Hermione wanted to know.  "The longer you keep her guessing, the harder her heart will break when she finds out you don't love her."  She sighed and plucked at her blankets.  "You're keeping everybody guessing," she murmured.tell
Mansex Sirius:    And so he found himself spilling his heart to Hermione about Ron. "... I just don't know how to deal with him," he finished sadly. "He's my best friend in the whole world--besides you, of course--and I don't want to lose him. Not over Ginny, not over . But... he seems so determined to find something wrong in everything I do..." His voice was rising slightly in pitch as he spoke, and his eyes shone wetly. "I just what to do!"anythingdon'tknow
Sekyuratair:    Hermione almost laughed.  Almost.  "Harry Potter, are you telling me you're in love with Ronald Weasley?" she asked.  If it were so . . . but if Ron didn't feel the same . . . What a love quadrangle they were, she mused.
Mansex Sirius:    "Erm... well.... umm." he said awkwardly. How did you admit to your best friend that you were in love with your best friend, who happened to be a member of the same sex you were?  Especially when it seemed that your other best friend liked one, who might or might not return the feeling?Damnit, he was confusing himself. otherthis

Sekyuratair:    "Harry," Hermione said quietly, "I'm in love with a Weasley.  I admit it."  She held up her hand to prevent him from speaking.  "Ron's one of my best friends, Harry, just like you.  If you're in love with him, who am I to throw stones?  I'm happy for you.  I'm not in love with Ron, and I never have been."  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes.  In love with a Weasley, but not Ron.  He'd better get it.
Sekyuratair:    ((. . . Sure))
Mansex Sirius:    "Umm... erm..." She was in love with a Weasley... but not Ron? Percy? No... not Fred and George... His eyes widened with shock, and he gasped. "You--you're in love with ?" he gasped. "But--but--" It occured to him that he couldn't think of any reason why it wouldn't work. "...but...." Ginny
Sekyuratair:    "But me no buts," she said shortly.  "Yes, I'm in love with Ginny, thank you very much.  You appear to be in love with Ron.  We're in something of a quandary, you realise."  Resting her cheek on her knees, Hermione sighed and stared across the room.  "I hate growing up," she murmured.
Mansex Sirius:    [But me no buts...?]
Sekyuratair:    ((It's a aying I've heard before))
Sekyuratair:    ((*saying))
Mansex Sirius:    He gave up his attempted protests with a sigh, and leaned back against Hermione. "This whole thing is stupid," he muttered. "Why does it have to be this way, 'Mione?"
Sekyuratair:    Wrapping her arms around her friend, the girl shrugged.  "I don't know, Harry.  Of course, the simplest course of action would be to go down there and tell them.  It may not be the smartest thing to do, but it's the simplest, and we'd get a lot out of the way if we did."
Mansex Sirius:    He laughed hollowly. "Could you just Ron's expression... not only do you love him, but do?" Ron would completely flip. Harry didn't need to vocalize that, though. Hermione knew.imaginenotI
Sekyuratair:    "And Ginny's . . ."  Hermione stood up and threw a book at the wall.  "Damn it all!  I don't care, Harry!  I'm going to tell her!"  She stormed to the door and jerked it open, fully prepared to tell the whole of Griffyndor that she was in love with Ginny Weasley.
Mansex Sirius:    He stared in shock for a moment, then leapt up and rushed after her. "Wait a moment!" he cried, grabbing her arm. "Let's not rush this... Not in front of everybody!"
Sekyuratair:    "Why not?" Hermione said hotly.  "Why do we have to hide anything, Harry?  I won't say anything about you, I swear it."  Her whole body trembled and her eyes welled up.  "Why can most every Slytherin be openly attracted to the same gender, but we can't?" she asked in an aching whisper.
Mansex Sirius:    "Because... Because maybe it's !" he cried, tears in his own eyes. "Maybe it's wrong to love someone of the same gender, and why they can do it!"wrongthat's
Sekyuratair:    ((ANGST BUNNIES!!!!!!!))Hermione was crying now, too, and shook her head desperately.  "It can't be, Harry," she whispered.  "It can't be wrong.  I've . . . I've liked boys, Harry!  If it's so wrong, why have I thought girls were prettier, and more fun to be around?"  She sank to her knees, desolate.  "What's wrong with love?" she wondered aloud.((::Notes that she'd yanked the door open and Harry never shut it:: ))


Mansex Sirius:    [Fuck the door]

He dropped down beside her, drawing her into his arms. "I-I don't know," he choked, tears flowing freely. "I just don't know, Hermione." He buried his face in her hair, trying to control his sobs. "I-I j-just wanted to be normal... but I'm not... I-I'm the s-stupid Boy Who Lived and I'm a , a-and I-I'm un-n-natural..."freak


Sitting up straighter in her chair, Ginny cocked her head to one side. "Did you hear that?" she asked Ron, who had taken the chair Hermione had vacated. "It
Mansex Sirius:    sounds like they're shouting at each other." She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. "Oh, Ron..."
Sekyuratair:    ((Oh, I?!))Hermione slapped Harry hard enough to send his glasses clattering to the floor, her anger welling up again.  "Damn it, Harry Potter, don't you call yourself a freak again because that's calling a freak and !"  She'd screamed the last, her whole body shaking with rage.~**~can

evermewe're not freaks

Sekyuratair:    Ron frowned.  "What could Harry and Hermione have to argue about, much less yell?" he wondered.  Then he noticed his little sister's trembling lower lip and got up, putting his arms around her.  "Hey, kid.  I'm sure it's got nothing to do with us.  Don't worry, okay?"  He grinned and kissed her forehead, then ruffled her hair affectionately."---!"The scream echoed through the common room and everyone went silent.  Ron's eyes were round as saucers.  Maybe he'd been wrong."Uhm . . ."  The young man looked around as he half-stood, uncertainty written clearly on his features.

we're not freaks

Mansex Sirius:    [Yes. As long as you clean it off after you're done]

His head jerked hard, and he began to cry even harder. He groped after his glasses for a moment, then gave up and pushed away from Hermione to rest his back against the wall. He drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, hiding his face. "We are," he asserted miserably. "Just l-look at us. Look at . I-I'm just a myopic little c-crybaby... "me


Ginny rose, too, looking up toward the hallway. Several others had rose as well,
Mansex Sirius:    but no one made any more to the hallway. "I wonder what they're arguing about," she said aoftly. She was puzzled and frightened, and on the verge of tears, herself. she thought. right'No, no, this is all wrong,''Harry and Hermione shouldn't fight, no more than Ron and Harry should. Ir isn't ! They all love each other so much...'
Sekyuratair:    Crying herself, but not hampered by faulty vision, Hermione knelt and picked up his glasses, starting to cry even harder when she saw that she'd broken them.  She'd broken Harry's glasses.  It was the singular, most depressing thought of her young life and she curled up in the corner opposite him, sobbing even harder as she tried to remember the spell to fix them."What about ?" she wailed.  "I'm just a --sniff!-- bossy, bookish dyke know-it-all who can only get friends after nearly killing them . . ."~**~Ron stepped next to his sister and put his hand on her shoulder.  "Maybe . . . maybe we should go check?" he asked.  He could hear the two talking, just muffled voices, really, but one (or both) was definitely crying.  "I mean, they could be hurt . . ."


Sekyuratair:    ((What sort of voice does Snape have?  Bass?  Tenor?  Soprano?))
Mansex Sirius:    Harry crawled over to the blurry form of his best friend and flung his arms around her. cuddling up with Hermione. "It's all right," he whispered hoarsly. "It's all right. You know I love you, right, Hermione?" He gave her what he hoped was a comforting squeeze. "I'll always love you, no matter... no matter what you do, or we are."what


"Let's do it," she said firmly. Not waiting for Ron, she bounded off and up the steps.

"..I love you, right, Hermione?" Harry was saying.
Mansex Sirius:    Ginny froze, an icy hand gripping her heart.

"I'll always love you...."

The words seemed to echo in her mind. She couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. Her heart pounded, oddly loud in her ears.
Mansex Sirius:    [Umm... bass? Maybe?]
Sekyuratair:    ((Adgee says low-ish tenor and I always thought tenor . . .))"I love you, too, Harry," Hermione sniffled, holding him close to her and stroking her friend's hair.  "Y, you're right.  It doesn't matter.  I could be in love with Snape, not Ginny, and it wouldn't matter because we're friends and we love each other."  She sniffed, finally able to summon the words for the spell to fix his glasses.  She placed them on him again, bursting into slightly hysterical giggles.  "We're . . . a mess . . ."~**~"Ginny?  What's the matter?"  Ron put a hand on his sister's shoulder and squeezed gently.  "Oy," he called into the room, "are you two all right?  Do you need Madam Pomfrey?"

Mansex Sirius:    Harry found himself giggly uncontrolably, and Ron's words only made him laugh even harder. "W-we're fine, R-Ron," he gasped. Tears were still sliding down his cheeks, but he paid them no heed. He was shaking, and clinging to Hermione with all his might. "J-just fine." But if they were find, then why did it feel like he'd been hit in the chest with a sledgehammar every time Ron spoke?


Ginny couldn't bring herself to look at her brother,
Mansex Sirius:    fearing her feelings showed plainly on her face for everyone to read. Pain, betrayel.

Hermione and Harry. She should've known. Both of them were so smart, talented and special. They belonged together. She shook Ron's hand off her shoulder and moved forawrd. She just had to see.

Then she almost turned around and left as she realized how painful seeing actually was. There they were, cuddling in the corner.
Mansex Sirius:    Both of them were in tears, but she could see the affection in their eyes when they looked at one another. The love. Her legs were suddenly almost too wobbly to hold her upright.'Oh god--'
Sekyuratair:    Hermione looked up through tear-filled eyes to see Ginny standing in the doorway, Ron behind her and supporting her.  Her mind flashed on one thing --- the agony and betrayal on the young girl's face.'Oh, God . . . no . . .'  She pushed away from Harry and stood up shakily, reaching out for the redhead.  "Ginny, no, it's not . . . we're not . . . Ginny, please . . ."Ron pursed his lips and looked from Hermione to Harry, supporting most of Ginny's weight as he wrapped his arms around her waist."You two could have told us," he said accusingly, his eyes narrowed.  "It would have been nice to know, before heart was broken."  He threw them another glare and almost picked Ginny up.  "Come on, Ginny, let's go."

Mansex Sirius:    Ginny pushed away from her brother with a strangled sob, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind her as she stumbled down the stairs. Once in the common room, she realeased him and rushed to the portrait."Ginny!" Fred and George rose, looking concerned. "Where are you going?""Out." The Fat Lady swung open and Ginny his the empty halls at a run, blinded by tears.~**~"Ron..." Harry stumbled to his feet, face white. "Ginny! Ron! It isn't what you think!" he called after them. "Ginny... ..."

Mansex Sirius:    Dejected, he dropped to his knees, head bowed. "I love you, Ron..."
Sekyuratair:    "Ginny!"  Ron was halfway to the portrait when Harry's words caught him, and he swung around, his eyes bugging out and his jaw dropping.  "You . . . you . . ."  The silence in the common room was deafening; Hermione was already after Ginny.  Finally, Ron growled and stormed past Harry, up to the Boys' Dorms.~**~"Ginny!  Ginny, wait!"  Hermione raced after the girl, terrified that they were going to be caught.  She couldn't stand House points taken for something that had been her fault entirely.  "Ginny!"  The girl raced on, though, and Hermionesped up, not calling out in order to save her breath for the chase.