Not Just a Dream?

Part: 1

By: Cosmic Glider

CG's mind raced as she watched images of both Ronins and Warlords flash across the screen. The room she stood in was dark but the feeling that Ronin Warriors, formerly evil Warlords, a now good Talpa, Mia, Yuli, the Ancient and White Blaze were surrounding her, never ceased to glow.

"Begin," said Talpa.

"That's Ryo Sanada of the armor WildFire. He's 17, has the jin of virtue, and is known as the leader of the Ronins. His sure kill is 'Flare Up Now'. He is also the bearer of Hariel's white armor of Inferno which is formed when his power is combined with that of the other Ronins."

CG stated a profile like this for every person that appeared on the screen, including Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze. CG amazed even herself with what she knew about the Ronins. The last picture to arrive on the screen was Sekhmet's. When CG had made a summary for the Warlord of Venom, the screen went dark. She was internally thankful that she was not quizzed on Sarenbou, Sun Devil, Black Inferno, or anything that showed up in the OAV's, she could never keep information on them straightened out.

"You have passed," announced Talpa, "You may go now". CG turned around to see the gaping faces of Ryo, Sage, Cye, Kento, Rowen, Anubis, Kayura, Dais, Kale, Sekhmet, Mia, and Yuli, all stunned at how much she knew about them.

"Well, we should leave now," announced Anubis, with that, everyone except Talpa jumped off the top floor of what seemed to be a wooden apartment building without walls for separate rooms. They walked out of the open door into the winter wind together; one by one they each questioned CG on how she knew so much.

"I told you guys before, you're a cartoon show, and there are things all over the Internet about you," CG was still trying to figure out whether this whole test thing was a dream or not. She never found the answer but was pretty sure that was all a dream.

As the gang of 15 approached Mia's magical jeep of infinite space a loud cry was heard. "There they are, it’s the Ronins".

"And the Warlords," added another hyper voice.

"Look, they have White Blaze with them!"

"Oh my gosh, it's Mia, ew, yuck, why do they always have that brat Yuli, tagging along." CG recognized these comments as the kind that would come from Internet addicted RW/YST fans. One she recognized as CoraJade from Ronin Dimension, another was Daala from Dais and Kento’s Room others that she recognized were people she knew from message boards such as Riikii, RowenLover, Azure Nightfire, Silent Firefall, Celecia Firestorm777, Ashton Chan, Marie Kenobi, Lady Shanetian. Needless to say, the entire crowd consisted of girls.

"Everyone into the jeep!" yelled CG as she pushed back her shoulder length black hair with her fingertips. They didn't need to be told twice, everyone crammed into the jeep with Warlords, Ancients, and Talpa on the top and White blaze running in the rear. Mia tore out of that place at about 90mph, the jeep spinning slightly on the icy road. Unfortunately, some members of the mob owned cars, a few of which were Camaros, Mustangs, and other vehicles that were very fast.

CG was lucky enough to get a seat on the floor after losing her spot on Cye’s lap to Yuli's they drove. CG unzipped her red mini-backpack (which she just realized she had with her) and pulled out her Ronin Warriors action figures.

"SUPER WAVE SMASHER," she quoted as she made the miniature Cye attack the plastic Kale, their battle ground, the remainder of Cye's knee that wasn't covered by Yuli.

"Very funny," commented Cye.

Suddenly Kento let down his widow on the right-hand side of the jeep. A big commotion was heard taking place on the roof. The second Kento’s window was completely down, four Warlords slipped through and accompanied CG on the floor. Sekhmet was closest to her. A loud noise arose as all of the Warlords tried to explain what had happened on the roof at the same time. During the conversation, Sage and Rowen asked to see a few of the action figures.

The figures were passed around the backseat and by the time she got them back, CG realized that Kento’s naginata was missing along with both of Ryo’s katanas.

"Okay, what did you guys do with their weapons?" CG said impatiently.

"They're right here," said Sekhmet as he handed her the weapons. What he didn't realize was that something in his pocket had cut CG's dark skinned arm, poisoning her with one of his experimental concoctions.

"Whoa, I feel dizzy," CG said to no one in particular. "Sekhmet, I think you accidentally poisoned me with something." As she slipped in and out of consciousness, Sekhmet sucked the poison out of her system through her arm.

"Thanks Sekky," mumbled CG as she collapsed onto his shoulder. She snoozed on him for most of the ride. Once she finally woke up she heard Dais yelling at Anubis to stop Ancient and Talpa from fighting on the roof. She giggled maniacally as Anubis slid out of Kento’s window.

"Hey, that cave looks safe," said Ryo as they approached a steep gray mountain on the left side of the road. Everyone got out.

"Okay, Warlords in front, Ronins behind that Warlords, and Mia and Yuli hide behind everyone," CG said as the mob cars arrived. To her surprise everyone obeyed her. All except Ancient and Talpa, both of which had mysteriously disappeared leaving Anubis to ride on the roof alone.

"Okay, everyone into the cave in the same order," pleaded a hopeful CG. Everyone started to run. White Blaze followed.

The Warlords began to turn around too until Dais said, "Hey, these girls don't look so dangerous," as a response to Dais' comment, all four Warlords stayed outside with the mob to sign autographs.

"Oh give me a break," sighed CG as she folded her arms and began taping her foot. "Oh well, whatever floats your banana," she said as she began to jog toward the cave in the snowy weather.

"The Warlords are outside signing autographs," she said as she entered the dim cave. She didn't get much of a response except for Kayura going out to join them. CG sat down to the right of Sage and on the left side of Ryo and began reminiscing about some fanfics that she had read.

"Ha," she laughed, "this situation reminds me of this fanfic I read on the Internet called Guy Talk by Tinkerhell the Evil Fairy. It had Sage hitting people with a frying pan and dressed up in a green tutu as Tinker Sage."

She turned her head toward Sage and said, "Right Tinker Sage?"

Sage put his arm around CG, gripped her right shoulder very hard and said, "Wrong. Take it back."

"No thanks, Tinker Sage," CG replied. She had never really like Sage before on the TV show. She always thought he was too bossy. As Sage heard her reply, he tightened his grip on her shoulder.

"Take it back," he said. At that moment, Mia decided it was a good time to join the Warlords outside so that they could all go home. Ryo grunted agreement and began to stand up.

"No, Tinker Sage," said CG, wincing slightly as sage tightened his grip.

"Take it back," growled Sage as they all headed out to met the Warlords and their dwindling crowd of fans.

"No, Tinker Sage," said CG. For once Sage didn't reply. He just tightened his grip.

"Stop it Tinker Sage," shouted CG as Sage's grip began to become unbearable. This comment only succeeded in tightening Sage’s grip.

"Okay, okay, stop already, I take it back," yelped CG.

"It's too late for that now," said Sage coolly as he tightened his grip a little more.

"Please stop Sage, I'll do anything."

"Hmm, anything huh?" Said Sage, a tinge of evil hanging in his voice.

"Yes, anything," whined CG.

"Alright, the only way I’ll let go is if you become my servant for a week."

CG hesitated at first, but as Sage threatened to tighten his grip she excepted the offer. "Okay," said CG and sighed with relief as Sage let go.

As the last of the crowd depleted, the gang returned to Mia's jeep. This time White Blaze sat on the roof by himself. CG sat next to Anubis on the floor.

They arrived at Mia's house just as the last of the sun’s golden rays slipped beneath the horizon. The moment Mia opened the door Ryo, Kento, Sage, and CG all headed for the TV. Cye started dinner as the Warlords sat at the table to talk and Kayura, Mia, Yuli, and Anubis headed toward the room that help Mia’s computer.

After a while Cye announced that dinner was ready. Everyone jumped, leaped, and skidded in an attempt to beat Kento to the table. CG took advantage of the situation and stretched out on the sofa.

"I'm not hungry," she announced.

"Are you sure? There’s plenty for all," said Cye.

"I'm sure. Besides, I'm sure Kento would love to take my portion," Kento celebrated by taking even more than usual as CG returned her attention to the TV in front of her.

"Okay servant," proclaimed Sage as he finished eating. "It's time for your first task. I now want you to: 1) Clear the table. 2) Wash the dishes. 3) Put the dishes away. 4) --,"

"Serve dessert," interrupted Cye as Sage nodded agreement.

"5) Go upstairs and arrange all of my hair products in alphabetical order and by the amount in each container," finished Sage.

"Oh goody, my first assignment," CG groaned sarcastically as she unglued her eyes from some Japanese women called hai-hai girls bowing repeatedly in an idiotic fashion as they advertised a bar of soap. She walked toward the table and cleared the table of all twelve dishes.

"The scraps go to White Blaze," said Cye. CG glanced at Sage and he nodded.

"Hey, I'm not done!" shouted Kento as CG tried to take his plate.

"Sorry, I should have known," she said as she replaced the dish. She headed toward the kitchen singing a song about happy pre-washed dishes. She fed White Blaze. She found the dessert and saucers on the counter next to the fridge. She started slicing the enormous chocolate pie that Cye had baked. She cut Kento and extra large piece. She walked into the dining room carrying all 12 dishes at once, balancing some on her arms and the rest, on her head. She served the dishes by sliding each one to a person. Mia was at the other end of the table so it was a bit harder to serve her dessert.

"Okay everyone, I'm going to slide this toward Rowen's saucer, ricochet it off, and slide it directly into Mia's spot," the air filled with groans and yeah rights. CG slid the saucer forcefully toward Rowen, there was a small 'clink' as the saucers met. The flying saucer bounced off of Rowen’s saucer, not even budging it, and slid into Mia's place where Mia stopped it with her hand.

The room was silent. Kale clapped and the rest of the room followed suit.

"Hey, what about me?" whined Kento.

"Hold your horses," said CG as she replaced Kento’s plate (which had been filled to the brim 5 times) with his large slice of pie.

"Woo hoo," said Kento as he stuffed his face. CG returned to the kitchen to finish the dishes. She giggled to herself as she realized that the character from detergent box resembled 'Mr. Sparkle' from the Simpson’s.