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Title: A New Saiya-jin Part Two

Chapter Two: Kyuuri and Trunks

Author: Hentai

Warnings: Lots of lemony stuffs. NO yaoi, but has hetro sex.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except Kyuuri, she is my own creation and always will be ^_^

Notes: Reviews? please?

Summary: Trunks and Kyuuri’s first interlude. Was that bonding??

Kyuuri walked back to the kitchen, the scent of food wafting her through her reverie. She had stayed in the guest room after Vegeta left, pondering what he had said. It would seem that humans were not as open to physical pleasures as she was. She would have to draw the two boys out of their shells if she was to have them.

Vegeta held a fascination for her as more of a sensei than a partner, yet the mans touch had excited her she had to admit. It had been so long since she had felt a males touch on her body. Her true interest was in the two demi-Saiyans. Trunks and Goten. She smiled wickedly to herself. She could have so much fun with those two.

As she entered the hall outside the kitchen, she could hear the two young men talking and eating. It sounded like two beasts fighting over their prey.

“So what do you think of her?” She heard Trunks ask Goten through a mouth of food.

“She’s pretty,” Goten said shyly.

She could hear the grin in Trunks voice as he replied. “Yeah. Though it was weird how she went after all three of us…” His voice trailed off.

“But it was exciting too,” Goten whispered.

“Yeah it was.” Trunks said. She heard the clashing of metal and walked in curious as to what they were doing. They both blushed and stopped fighting over the egg roll as she walked in.

“The food smells good.” Kyuuri said to set them at ease. It worked. They both relaxed and Trunks handed her a plate and began eating furiously again. She sat at the table and began loading food onto her plate.

Trunks and Goten were checking her out again out of the corners of their eyes. They came upon her breasts and they both blushed again. Looking at each other, they knew already what the other had been thinking and grew even redder.

Kyuuri began to eat ravenously as the two boys were. She didn’t even take time to savor the flavor of the food. For all she cared, it could be beast slop. She was hungry, and that’s all that was on her mind at the moment.

“You eat like us.” Goten said, amazed at how fast she gulped down the food.

“It has been a long time since I have eaten,” She said as she took a drink of the white liquid in front of her. Goten and Trunks had never seen a girl eat like her before. Bra and Pan were slow eaters, tried to be ladylike for the benefit of their mothers. Kyuuri just ate and ate.

After an hour, the food almost gone, the three sat back in their chairs and grinned.

“You eat almost as much as dad does.” Goten said to Kyuuri.

“Is that a bad thing?” she asked curiously. The boys laughed.

“We just have never seen a girl eat like that before.”

“Are your mothers not Saiya-jins? No that’s right, they are most likely human.” Kyuuri said. She picked up her plate and set it with theirs in the sink. She turned and looked at Trunks and Goten. The desire to mate with them rose in her again; she pushed it aside and looked about the kitchen. It was very large. She curiously opened the fridge and cupboards. Satisfied that she had seen everything, she turned to Trunks.

“Prince Vegeta said that you could find me something to train in.” She thought of her battle worn armor and thought against it. A simple training session by herself would not require such things.

“Yes, I am sure my mother has something you could wear.” Trunks eyes clouded over a moment when he mentioned his mother. She could see him struggle to push the emotion down and succeeding, stood up. “I’ll find something for you.”

Kyuuri changed into the tight cat suit type outfit that Trunks had brought her, saying that everything else would be too constricting of her movements. She raised her arms over her head and put on the large t-shirt he had also provided. Adding her boots, she looked down at herself. This will work just fine.

She walked out of the house and to the woods that she had noticed upon their arrival. She flew through the trees swiftly and gracefully, until she came upon a clearing. There was a nice little stream and a small pond with a cascading waterfall on one end. Once I am done training, I can take a nice bath. Perfect. She nodded to herself and started on some simple kanas.

Hours later, panting and tired from her training, Kyuuri decided it was time to quit for now. She peeled herself out of the cat suit and shirt and walked languidly over to the small pool. The moon was full and as she stared up at the sky, she averted her gaze from it. Luckily, its full brilliance was hidden behind the tops of the trees. She still did not want to transform though, so looked elsewhere. Her gaze wandered across the heavens, slowly going to the star that she knew was Gounomono. She thought about Karu again.

The place that they had met to train was almost like this small clearing. Only the coloring of the trees and grass where different. On Gounomono, everything was brightly colored. The trees were oranges and pinks. The grass light lavender. Like Trunks hair, she thought. Perhaps that is what fascinated her so about the man, he reminded her of the only home she had ever known.

At the thought of Trunks, she felt the familiar twinges in the pit of her stomach. She floated in the water on her back, her hands running lightly along her stomach and chest. She gazed at the stars thoughtfully. She had had many mates before, but none intrigued her like the two demi-Saiyans did. At this point, she could not say which intrigued her more. Bishounen Trunks, tough and proud like his father, that was obvious, she sensed it. Or Goten, gentle and innocent, but also very strong in his own right. They were almost polar opposites, yet they were obviously best friends. They had enough in common to keep their friendship strong.

Her tail unraveled from her waist and wound around one of her breasts, squeezing gently. Her hands began to wonder lower as she pondered the two youths. She had begun to stroke herself softly when she felt a presence in the clearing. She slightly recognized the ki, but could not name it. She reached out with her mind and smiled as she saw a slightly startled Trunks behind a tree, watching her.

{Hello, Trunks.} She ‘said’ in his mind.

“How did you know I was here? I hid my ki.” He said aloud, coming out from his hiding spot. She chuckled to herself softly and continued to touch herself, feeling his ki rise slightly.

{That’s how.}

She felt rather than saw Trunks blush. He looked away from her, reluctantly.

{Would you like to join me for a swim?}

“I don’t think my father would approve.” He said softly.

{But you want to, don’t you? You are you’re own man, Trunks, come join me.} She ‘said’ invitingly, standing and beckoning him to her. {I wont do anything you don’t want me to.}

He stripped to his boxers and joined her in the water, keeping his distance. She smiled at him and splashed him with water, laughing at his surprised expression. Getting over his surprise, he splashed her back. They began a water fight, both of them laughing and splashing around in the small pool.

After an hour of splashing and chasing each other through the water, they fell, exhausted into the pool. They floated on their backs, starring at the stars.

“Were you not born with a tail?” Kyuuri asked curiously. “I noticed that both you and Goten don’t have one.”

Trunks didn’t look at her. Does she find me less attractive without my tail? He thought to himself, then blushed at the thought.

“We had them removed when we were born. I don’t really know why, I think it was per our mothers requests.”

Kyuuri smiled at his thought. He had forgotten of her gift to read them. She didn’t mean to invade, but he had no barriers, he was like an open book. She had noticed that around the prince, he had many barriers, mental and emotional.

“Do you get along with your father?” She asked, rolling in the water, now treading, her arms spread wide.

He started at the question. “Sure I do.”

“But you wish that he would show that he loves you, don’t you? Vegeta is not very good with shows of emotion is he?” She had known him only a short time, but had picked up on that quickly from his reactions to the others.

Trunks only nodded at her questions, not looking away from the night sky. He had always hoped that one day Vegeta would show some type of affection for his son, but in his own way, he guessed that Vegeta did.

Kyuuri swam over to him slowly; the urge to kiss away the furrow in his brow was overwhelming. She didn’t want him to be in any pain, any kind of pain. She stopped next to him and he looked at her curiously. She leaned forward and placed her lips gently on his forehead. Trunks started at the contact, then sighed as she took his face in her hands.

She slowly set a fluttery kiss on his lips. He righted himself in the water and hesitantly kissed her back. Her hands left his face and curled around his back, as the kiss grew deeper. She opened her lips to him, greedily sucking on his tongue as he delved into her mouth. Her tail began a sensual exploration of his body as her hands began to move down his back.

Trunks moaned softly at the feel of her soft tail traveling over his body. He could feel his manhood start to grow as he placed his hands tentatively around her waist. He began his own exploration of her body; his movements started slowly, shyly, then began to wander more aggressively.

Kyuuri broke the kiss breathlessly. His hands on her body felt like fire trailing over her skin. She could feel their ki rising, mingling with each other, creating a soft blue glow in the water. Trunks placed soft kisses down her neck, to her awaiting breasts. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts in his face.

He inhaled the scent of her, growing more excited as he did. He wanted to join with her, but he wanted to taste her flesh first. Every inch of the creamy skin was exposed to him. He wanted it all for himself. He knew that she felt attracted to Goten and his father, but he wanted no one to touch her but him. He placed a pert nipple in his mouth and began to suck. He grazed his teeth lightly over it, then bit, hard enough to draw a loud gasp of pleasure from her.

Trunks was not inexperienced when it came to women, but something about this one made him shy. She could read his mind, she could see straight into his soul, he was sure. His lips wandered back up to her neck. He licked and bit lightly at it, then growling low in his throat, bit hard. Kyuuri gasped and clutched at him. She could feel his teeth piercing the sensitive skin of her throat, the blood flowing freely into his mouth. At that moment, he lifted her and thrust himself into her waiting warmth.

A deep growl emanated from him as she screamed in pleasure. It had been so long since she had felt this, yet she had never felt anything quite like this. He began to move, thrusting hard into her. She took every inch of him willingly, thrusting herself down upon him hard, using his shoulders as leverage.

She could feel the electricity building in her womb. It spread through her whole body, warm and savage in a way. She cried out and bit him in the same place he had bitten her. The taste of his blood warm on her tongue, metallic. She lapped at it hungrily as she rode him fiercely. She felt Trunks in her mind as she came. She cried out again and bit harder, the flood of her orgasm sweeping through her body like fire. Trunks grunted and came inside of her.

They fell into the water with a splash, neither noticing that they had been hovering over the water in their ecstasy. Breaking the surface of the water, they gasped, still in each other’s arms. Trunks held her close, lapping at the wound on her neck. He did not know why, but the urge to mark her had been overpowering. He could not hold him back from the savage lust that had taken over him. He looked at her worriedly. Did I hurt her?

She laughed. {No, you didn’t hurt me.} She smiled at him and reclaimed his lips. In her mind, she felt his presence, not like when she read his mind, but like he could read hers. Trunks? She thought.

{Yes?} Came the reply. He had his eyes closed, not noticing that they were not speaking, still kissing her dreamily.

{You are in my mind.}

He started. His eyes grew wide. He realized then that none of their words had been spoken. He broke the kiss and looked at her in amazement.

“What just happened,” he said aloud.

“I am not sure,” she said slowly. She could feel the heat in her body growing again at the gentle movements of their bodies from the lapping water. She snuggled closer in his arms and breathed in his scent. Smells so good.

{Thank you.} Trunks grinned. He could now read her thoughts. He could look into her mind and see her memories. He chose not to for now, her memories where her own and when they were ready and knew what was going on, then they would share.

{My father may know what is going on,} Trunks ‘said.’

{Yes, perhaps.} She took his lips in another kiss, rubbing herself sensuously against him.

Vegeta looked on the two lovers from behind a tree. He had felt the sudden surge in ki from his son and flew out to the clearing to see what was going on. What he found was not very surprising to him. As he watched, his son and Kyuuri bonded. He smirked to himself. Neither seemed to know what had just happened. Nor did they realize that Kyuuri was now carrying Trunks offspring, after all, it doesn’t take long for a Saiya-jin female to conceive when she is with her destined mate.

Masking his ki, he walked from the clearing until he was a safe enough distance away to fly without alarming them of his presence. Not that the new lovers would have noticed anyway, as they had returned to mating again. Vegeta smiled to himself, happy that his son had found a mate, but still was not sure of Kyuuri’s intentions. Her presence irked him somewhat, but then everyone did. For Trunks, he would try not to be so paranoid.

End Chapter Two