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Title: A New Saiya-jin  Part One

Author: Hentai Tenshi

Warnings: Most likely another lemon. NO yaoi, but has nudity and hetro stuff.

Rating: PG13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except Kyuuri, she is my own creation and always will be ^_^

Notes: Takes place sometime after GT. The ages of the characters are probably worng, but its all in fun, so I DONT CARE! I just wanted to make Goten and Trunks a little older for this. To keep with the tradition of the Saiya-jin names, Kyuuri means 'eggplant'. I named her that cuz I like the japanese better than the name for lettuce. Haha! The other names are: Gounomono, meaning brave warrior; and Karu, a play on the japanese word for cotton candy. Just thought I would explain that. ^_^

Summary: A new arrival to earth, another Saiya-jin!?

Vegeta and Goku had stopped sparring at the feeling of an approaching ki and both were looking to the sky. The sky lit up as something crashed violently to earth. Goku looked questionably to Vegeta, who just nodded. They both flew off in the direction of the crash.

“The ki is very powerful, we should be careful,” Goku said. Vegeta snorted in agreement.

As they approached the crater, smoke and dust billowed from it. They couldn’t see into the hole yet.

“Well, who or whatever it is unconscious,” Vegeta said as they landed lightly on the edge of the huge hole. “Shall we Kakkarott?” He nodded towards the bottom of the crater.

“Hai,” Goku replied. They jumped into the hole as the dust began to settle. They both started. It was a round space pod, like the one that Vegeta had come to Earth in. He looked at Goku who was just as startled as he was.

“Another Saiya-jin perhaps?” Vegeta said softly. He had thought that they and their brats were the last. Maybe it was just a long lost survivor of a destroyed planet that had stolen a pod.

They pried open the doors of the pod and a figure clad in a large heavy cloak fell out. Vegeta scooped the figure into his arms and laid it down a bit away from the pod. The weight was slight, as was the body, he frowned. Goku checked out the pod for answers as Vegeta checked the pilot.

He opened the cloak. A very attractive warrior woman lay before him. She had long black hair that like his and Goku’s, stuck up and defied gravity. She was clad in a suit of green amour, not a suit really, just a breastplate, leg plates and arm guards. Her features were delicate, but she was very well built and muscular. He let his gaze wander down her slender body and cursed himself for doing so. He gasped when he saw a tail wrapped around her slender waist. Goku heard Vegeta’s gasp and walked quickly over.

“What is it?” His voice trailed off when he saw the tail around her waist. “A Saiya-jin?” he said softly.

“I thought we were the last...” Vegeta’s voice trailed off. He did not recognize her, there were few Saiya-jin females when Vegeta-sai was still around, but the lack of females made it hard to miss one. It had been at least 30 years in Earth time since Vegeta-sai’s destruction. Where had she been all that time?

“Where did she come from? Where has she been all this time?” Goku voiced Vegeta’s thoughts. They both looked at her intently as she started to rouse. Her eyes widened and her ki increased defensively.

“We aren’t going to hurt you, woman.” Vegeta said annoyed at her response. Who could blame her though? We awakens on a strange planet, with two men looking over her.

“Who are you?” She asked as she stood up, ready to defend herself.

“I am Goku, this charming guy here is Vegeta.” Goku said nodding towards Vegeta who is now standing with his arms crossed, his usual scowl on his face.

“Vegeta...” her voice trails off and they can see memories playing in her eyes. She looks skeptically at them, then, sensing their ki, gasps. “You’re…!”

“Hai, woman, we are the same as you, Saiya-jins.” Vegeta snorts.

“But how? Vegeta-sai was destroyed! I thought my parents and I were the only ones…” Her voice trailed off again.

“Do you want to fight or talk?” Goku asked, nodding towards her defensive position. He felt no threat from her, more confusion than anything.

“Oh.” She said as she relaxed. She looked to Vegeta who looked away annoyed to be caught in his appraisal of her body. She turned a slight shade of pink, then turned to Goku. “Talk. Where am I?”

“This is Earth. Did your sensors not tell you anything woman?” Vegeta snapped at her. She looked at him and frowned. What was this man’s problem? She thought to herself.

“Don’t mind Mr. Friendly, he’s like that with everyone. It’s his Princely pride.” Goku laughed. Her eyes widened as recognition set in.

“Prince Vegeta!?” she said as she bowed before him. “Please excuse my insolence, I did not know who you were.”

Vegeta grinned at her bow. “Stand up woman, you don’t need to bow before me.” The feeling of royal power surged through his veins once again at her actions. It had been a long time since anyone had bowed before him. He liked the feeling. His grin widened as she stood up.

“Are you hungry?” Goku asked. “We have been training all morning and I am starved!!”

She grinned widely at him and nodded.

“We will go to CC then, Kakkarott doesn’t have enough food to feed three Saiya-jins.” Vegeta said. “Can you fly?” he asked her.

“Yes I think so.” She said as they lept into the air.

Kyuuri took in her surroundings as they flew to this CC place. She wasn’t sure what it was, but hoped there was enough food to feed her aching stomach. She hadn’t eaten in a long time, she wasn’t even sure how long it had been anymore. She had quit counting the years a long time ago. Time meant nothing to her anymore.

They landed in a clearing with a large house and several smaller buildings scattered about. She followed Vegeta and Goku into the house and memorized her surroundings, looking for escapes and weakness’ in everything she saw. That was the warrior in her preparing itself in case of an attack. She felt no threat from either of them, especially the one called Goku. Vegeta on the other hand was another story. She felt a challenge in him.

She sensed their ki, they were both very strong, but knew that she could not see their full strength. She suddenly grinned at the thought of sparring with them. The fun they could have, she thought as she watched their backsides. She pulled her eyes away when she realized that Vegeta had stopped and turned to her.

“Sit woman, I will have the cook bring us food.” He said sharply and walked out of the room. She looked at Goku sitting across from her.

“Well, I don’t want to call you ‘woman’ or ‘hey you’ all the time, do you have a name?” Goku said.

“I am called Kyuuri.” She said. “Tell me about this place, how did you end up here?”

“I was sent here as an infant to destroy Earth, in the typical Saiya-jin way. After I arrived, my grandfather found me and took care of me until his death. I had hit my head and after that forgot why I was sent here and became who I am today.” He grinned at her in the typical Goku fashion.

“So the stories I was told were true then? About how Saiya-jins were sent to destroy other planets to sell to other species.” She explained at Goku’s quizzical expression.

“Hai, it is. Did you not grow up on Vegeta-sai?” He asked her.

“I was born while my parents were on a training mission. When they returned with me, Vegeta-sai had been destroyed. My parents died in a battle not long after. I don’t know how old I was, but I was old enough to fight. I remember fighting by my fathers side and watching him die.” She looked out the window. She had been close to her parents, something that was unusual for Saiya-jin families.

Just then Trunks and Goten burst into the house, laughing and dodging each others punches. Kyuuri stood up suddenly, ready to fight. She felt the slight battle ki coming from the two boys and instinct told her to be prepared to fight. As the two young men entered the kitchen, they stopped short as they saw her.

“Wow.” Was all Trunks said as he looked at her. She was tall and statuesque, long black hair that reminded him of his fathers ran down her back and stood up on top of her head. He felt her battle ki but could not move from where he was, starring, mouth open. Goten was doing the same, their quiet appraisal of her was not lost on Kyuuri. She sensed in them the same blood that ran through her own and powered down. She looked to Goku who just sat there, smiling.

“Trunks, Goten, meet Kyuuri. She is Saiya-jin, we found her in the forest after her space pod crashed.” Goku said, elbowing Trunks in the ribs.

“Oh! Gomen! Hello. I’m Trunks.” He walked to her and held out his hand. She looked curiously at it and then back to Goku questionably. He nodded to Trunks who took her hand and shook it, bowing as he did so.

Goten, not wanting to be ignored by the amazon beauty, walked forward and bumped Trunks out of the way with his hip. Trunks stumbled away and scowled at his best friend.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Goten,” he said somewhat shyly.

“The food will be here in a moment, they are making enough to feed an army.” Vegeta said as he entered the kitchen. “So you’ve met the brats have you? Where is your sister, Trunks?”

Trunks started at his fathers voice and looked towards him, at a loss for words momentarily. “Uh? Oh! She is at Gohan’s playing with Pan. Videl said she would bring her back in time for dinner and her training tonight.”

Vegeta nodded and sat at the table, crossing his arms in his usual fashion. “Quit gawking boy.” He scowled at his son who looked away from Kyuuri slowly and blushed at the look in his fathers eyes.

Kyuuri looked down at her hand that Goten still held. He blushed profusely, making her grin and let go of her hand. She watched as he sat at the table next to his father. She took her place at the table once again and looked at the men seated there. Trunks was truly a bishounen, as were the rest, but his eyes were a light blue, and his purple hair caught the light and turned lavender. She caught his gaze and he blushed a little as he realized he was being checked out.

She turned to Goku, his obvious child-like innocence was appealing. She wondered what it would be like to fight him. She was curious about his power level. Outwardly, he was obviously strong, his muscular body was proof of that. But his true power lie hidden from her senses, which peaked her curiosity. Goten was more than obviously Goku’s offspring, the similarities in their appearance was proof enough of that. His dark eyes and hair where his fathers. She wondered about their mates, if they had them that was. The two younger boys looked to maybe be in their early twenties, yet she could tell that they had been in many battles together.

She looked then to Vegeta, who scowled at her. She smiled. He was different. She felt his Saiya-jin blood like lightening through the room. He was a very proud prince, that she could tell without having to know him. It emanated from him like an aura. He would be the fun one, she thought. Her smile widened. She suddenly felt heat rise in her body as Vegeta shifted, his thigh brushing against hers. She then realized that Trunks had asked her something.

She looked to him and he repeated his question. “Where did you come from? I have never seen a Saiya-jin female before. Well there is Bra and Pan, but they are demi-saiya-jins, like me and Goten.”

She glanced at Goten and at his blush smiled softly. “I came from the far reaches of the south galaxy, a planet called Gounomono. It’s a small planet of very fierce warriors. They took me in and finished my training after my parents death. They did not know of Vegeta-sai so I could not ask them about my home world, I am glad to have finally found someone who can.” She smiled at Vegeta who grunted in response.

“So why are you here woman?” Vegeta asked her.

“Her name is Kyuuri,” Goku told him helpfully. Vegeta glared at him.

“I had no ties to Gounomono, once my training was finished, I left, looking for a fight pretty much. I don’t know how long ago that was. I have been wandering a long time.” Her thoughts strayed to one Gounomono, Karu, her only friend, her lover. She missed him. They had had many fun times together, fighting till the sun set then mating all night. She sighed as her memories enveloped her a moment. She was brought back to reality by a woman’s voice entering the house.

“Vegeta-sahn?! I have brought Bra-chan back for her training.” A girl’s giggle was heard. Then some whispers as two young girl’s bounced into the room.

From what Kyuuri could tell, they were about 6 years old. One had long blue hair and was dressed in pants and a shirt, the other, had hair and eyes like Goku and Goten. She was in a little dress.

“Grampa!” The dark haired girl threw herself at Goku and he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her little back. “Uncle Goten!” She did the same to Goten.

“Daddy!!” Bra threw herself at her father. Vegeta caught her and accepted his kisses. A small smile at his daughters actions crossed his face. Remembering that they were not alone, he scowled at her and winked.

“Go play with Pan until I am ready to train, child.” He said sternly to her.

“But Daddy!!” Bra whined in her typical ‘I want my way’ tone.

“Go brat!” Vegeta said as he swatted her on the hip as she jumped down giggling.

“Pan!! Lets go outside and fight!” The other girl whined and followed Bra out of the kitchen.

A woman with short dark hair entered the kitchen, eyed Kyuuri suspiciously then said to Vegeta, “Pan wants to sleep over, if its ok with you, then Gohan will pick her up tomorrow after he is done at the college.” Vegeta nodded and the woman left.

Kyuuri turned to Goku and Vegeta in turn. “Where are your mates? You obviously have offspring.” She nodded to Goten and Trunks. Goku grinned, Vegeta scowled.

“My wife is at home right now, her name is Chi-chi, you will meet her tomorrow.” He looked to Vegeta, who said nothing. “Vegeta’s wife, Bulma, died a few years ago. She was a great person, you would have liked her.” His eyes saddened a bit as he talked of Bulma.

“Are you tired? I have a training session with my daughter.” Vegeta asked her quietly. “Trunks, take her to the spare room and show her how to use all your grandfathers gadgets in the bathroom.” Vegeta got up and left the room.

Kyuuri looked towards Trunks who blushed at the thought of being alone with her. She knew what he had been thinking, she had the gift to read minds, when she wanted to. The young man was so open, she couldn’t help but hear them. Goten also. She could hear them mentally arguing with each other.

“Well, when you are ready, come home Goten. Your mother is not feeling well, and would like to see you. I am going home now. Bye Kyuuri!” He waved as he left the room.

“Where is this room that I can sleep in?”

“I’ll show you,” Trunks said as he stood. He walked passed her and noticed that without her boots, she would be just a little shorter than him. He smiled as thoughts ran through his head of her undressing. He blushed as Goten scowled at him.

They walked up the stairs to the spare bedroom. He showed her where she could hang her armour.

“You are about the same size as my mom was, I can get you some of her clothes if you’d like.” Kyuuri nodded as she walked around the room looking in drawers and out the window.

They went into the bathroom down the hall and he showed her how to work the shower and the other gadgets around the room. He then excused himself and went to get her some clothes. She returned to the room she would be occupying and began to strip out of her armour.

She turned as she felt Trunks ki surge. He was standing in the doorway, a pile of clothes at his feet. His eyes were big and his mouth was slack. She turned her head to the side quizzically.

“What’s wrong?” She asked him. She could sense his arousal and smiled. She walked up to him and taking his face in her hands, kissed him. She took advantage of his open mouth and dipped her tongue in to play with his. After a moment, he started to respond, then moaned into her mouth as her hands wandered down his chest to his groin.

“Trunks, where--” Goten squeaked as he saw Trunks in the doorway of the guestroom, in the arms of a very naked Kyuuri. They were kissing, oblivious to his presence. He could feel heat start to rise in his stomach and he cleared his throat. Trunks jumped and turned around quickly to face his friend. He blushed profusely.

“I-she-it-“ He stammered as he tried to explain. His jaw dropped once again as Kyuuri stepped past him to draw Goten into an embrace. She kissed him the same way she had Trunks, slowly, then more demanding. She slowly drew him back into the room and sat down on the floor.

The two young men looked at her in disbelief. There was this beautiful naked woman on the floor, waiting for them. They looked to each other, then back to Kyuuri. They started guiltily as Vegeta entered the room.

“What is going on here? Where you two trying to take advantage of her?” The two boys stammered, trying to explain, but finding no words.

“I wanted to mate with them,” Kyuuri told Vegeta. “Would you like to join us?” She asked him, sensing his arousal at her nakedness.

Vegeta just looked at her. He was too used to the stupid human emotions of embarrassment and their silly ideas of decency. She was full blooded Saiya-jin, as he was, she needed no emotional attachments to mate. She sensed their attraction to her and decided to act on it in typical Saiya-jin fashion. A mating purely for pleasure was not taboo in the Saiya-jin culture. Pleasures were far and few between for their race, they took them when and where ever they could.

The boys looked at Vegeta, embarrassed to have been caught. He sighed. He would have to explain to them that this sort of thing was not taboo to Saiya-jins, they had nothing to be embarrassed about. Kyuuri crawled across the floor to the three men before her. She stood and embraced Vegeta, kissing him as her hands ran thru Trunks hair and touched Gotens chest. The two boys gasped at her touch. She smiled against Vegeta’s lips.

“So are we going to mate?” She asked them. Goten and Trunks stammered and ran out of the room at Vegeta’s look. Kyuuri looked at them quizzically and turned to Vegeta. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. Her kiss had left him a bit breathless. She was very good with her tongue, the thought ran through his mind about what other things she could do with it.

“Get dressed woman, there are some things you need to know about the human race.” He picked up the clothes Trunks had dropped and handed them to her, watching her as she slowly dressed. Trunks had chosen one of Bulma’s nice summer dresses. Kyuuri’s breasts were larger than Bulma’s had been. The fabric strained against the pressure. He looked away as he realized he was staring. He sat on the edge of the bed and explained to her about human taboos.

“But it is just mating,” Kyuuri said. “I don’t understand.” She shook her head.

“Their Saiya-jin blood with reign true when the time comes, Kyuuri.” He said. “It will win over their human blood.”

“Does your blood still run true, or have you become human,” She asked, placing a hand on his chest.

“My mate is gone, but I am not ready to let her go yet. Until then, enjoy the boys while you can. I am going to be training in the gravity room with Bra, have Trunks find you some pants and come join me later for some sparring, if you want.” He added indifferently. He didn’t understand why he had told her that. He never opened himself to anyone. Perhaps it was the fact that she wasn’t a baka like Kakkarott. She was another true blood, just like him. He would never say it aloud, but he was happy not to be alone with the baka anymore.

End Part One