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Title: Dark Prince

Author: Hentai Tenshi

Warnings: Angst, blood, gore, rape, genocide…did I forget anything?

Disclaimer:  As much as I want to, I don’t own Vegeta-san or any other DBZ char who makes an appearance, the rest are from my scary mind, as are the events that take place.

Pairings: Zarbon X Vegeta, Vegeta/?

Notes: Neko-Seken is literally Cat-World. Again, please review!!


Vegeta slammed his fist onto his knee as the comm link broke the transmission.  Frieza was not sending him to the planet called Chikyuu.  He would never be able to get the Dragonballs that the baka Radditzu had sent him and Nappa a transmission about.  He scowled in rage. He would not be able to defeat Frieza as he had hoped without them.

Frieza had separated the two Saiya-jins, sending Nappa to Chikyuu instead, saying that even though Radditzu had been defeated, that the Earthlings shouldn’t be too much for Nappa to handle alone. If Nappa succeeded in his desecration of the planet, then the Dragonballs would most likely be destroyed also, or perhaps the baka would use them himself. Vegeta growled deep in his chest at the thought.  So instead, Vegeta was sent to Neko-Seken.  The inhabitants of the planet were strong, at least the males, but should be no match for the Saiya-jin no Ouji. 

”Just a simple purging, Vegeta, why the long face?” The lizard had purred at him, trying to cover his delight at the fact that he had royally pissed Vegeta off.  Vegeta had not argued, yet.  He knew of Frieza’s wrath all to well and knew it was a lost cause without becoming the Legendary or with the aid of the Dragonballs.  The lizard long enough had tortured him.  He wanted no more of it!

~Damnit,~ he thought. ~If only I could purge this planet quickly and get to Chikyuu to keep Nappa from destroying the planet before he found the Dragonballs.~  He nodded his head in decision.  That is just what he will have to do.  The Saiya-jin no Ouji smiled a wicked smile to himself and started his research on Neko-Seken.


Two days later, the pod crashed to the planets surface with a huge bang!  Vegeta only grunted at the impact and unfolded his frame from the confining space. He might not be as large as some of Frieza’s minions, but being cramped in the tiny space still unnerved him to no end and made his back ache.  He stretched his arms high above his head and unraveling his tail, stretched it straight out behind him.

He heard a deep voice from above him yell down into the crater.  He looked up to see one of the inhabitants of Neko-Seken, obviously a male, looking over the edge of the crater he stood in.  He did not understand what the Neko-jin was saying, but it did not matter to him anyhow.  He folded his arms across his chest and levitated out of the hole.

The man said something to him in surprise, his fangs flashing as he spoke.  Vegeta smirked and closed his eyes. It was time to begin.  He held his hand out to the side in the direction of the voice and a small ki ball erupted from his hands, slicing cleanly through the Neko-jin's chest.  The surprised look was replaced with one of horror as the neko watched his heart fall from the gaping wound in his chest and blood gushed out his mouth.  Vegeta reveled in the sight of the neko’s red blood gushing from the wound and reached out and grabbed the male’s throat, pulling him close.

“You are my first, be happy that it happened so quickly, the rest of your people will not have the same privilege.” He growled into the neko’s face.  He leaned forward and licked at the blood on the neko-jin's chin and smiled as the thing tried to fight him.  He squeezed his hands around its throat hard, his smirk turning into an evil smile as the creature’s eyes began to bug from his head and its claws dug into his wrists.

Then, the neko-jin slumped against him as he felt the sickening snap of its neck. He threw the body to the side, and covered in the creature’s blood, began walking to the scraggily looking city nearby.  As he walked, he was met by other Neko-jins, and seeing the blood on his clothes and face, they attacked.  Many put up a good fight, but none were really a match for him.  He blasted them as soon as he saw them after that.  There really was no point in fighting them; they could not make him stronger.

He decided after the first few cities to just blast the villages from the air.  There would be no resistance that way.  He had enough time to do as he pleased here: Nappa would not reach Chikyuu for another year, but for Vegeta, it was only a six-month journey away. 

He destroyed the entire western hemisphere of the planet in the first two days. He neither slept nor ate, just blasted away at the unsuspecting Neko-jins.  Finally finding a place to sleep, away from his pod, he curled into a ball and entered a fitful sleep on the third day.


He stood in front of Frieza, his anger evident by his clenched fists. His breathing was labored, but his face was blank, his expression unreadable.  He stared at the white lizard and stared death at the beast.

”As you know, little monkey prince, you belong to me. Your father gave you to me as a gift. He did not want you any longer.  After all, who would want a stubborn monkey like you?”  Frieza taunted him, not for the first time.  Vegeta was now 16 years old.  He had been with Frieza for almost 8 years now, but the taunts and the abuse had not let up.  Frieza was determined to break the boy, and Vegeta was determined to survive, his pride intact, no matter what.

”What shall I do to put you in your place tonight, my little pet? Perhaps the rack again? No, that has become boring, hasn’t it Vegeta?  Hmmm,” Frieza thought, tapping his chin dramatically and swirling the wine in his glass.  “I know,” He said with an evil grin. “Zarbon, you like ripe young men don’t you?”

Zarbon stepped out of the shadows and his eyes raking up and down Vegeta’s body, he nodded. “Hai, my Lord.”

”Fine, he is yours, and by all means Zarbon, don’t be gentle with him.” Frieza said with an evil glint in his eyes.  “Put the ki suppressing collar on the boy!” Frieza demanded and two warriors ran forward with ki shields and fought Vegeta to the ground. Finally snapping the collar in place, they backed away from the growling prince.  Vegeta’s eyes now seethed with hate, hate for one creature, hate for Frieza.

Zarbon walked forward, sizing up the prince. He walked circles around the young man, every now and then touching him somewhere and laughing as the prince spun and snapped his teeth at him. Vegeta knew that the collar plummeted his power to the point that even Frieza’s concubines could beat his ass.  This knowledge made him even angrier, but he knew that he needed to conserve his energy for fighting off Zarbon when the time came.

”Shoujo,” Zarbon teased him. “You are such a nice specimen.  I will rape that tight little ass of yours and leave you beaten and bleeding, begging me to rape you over and over again.” He ran his hands over Vegeta’s ass then grabbed the boy’s wrists when he swung at him.  Wrenching them behind his back, Zarbon dissolved his clothing with a small ki blast.  “Ah, very nice,” he smiled at the boy now naked before him.

Vegeta noticed with a humiliated blush that Frieza had called everyone to his audience chamber to witness his rape.  He angrily pushed the blush away and bared his teeth at Zarbon. 

”I will not allow you to fuck me!” He ground through clenched teeth and bit at the other man's shoulder.  Zarbon gasped in pleasure and Vegeta jerked his head back in disgust, the alien’s blood running down his chin, and he stared defiantly into the eyes of his attacker.

”Perhaps not, but I will, Shoujo.” The taunt brought a snarl to Vegeta’s lips and he did the only thing he could think of doing.  He raised his knee as hard as he could into the other man’s groin, eliciting a shriek of pain from him.  Zarbon released his grip on Vegeta’s wrists and fell to his knees, clutching himself.  Everyone in the room booed and threw various items at Vegeta.  He only stood over Zarbon, smirking, not even bothering to dodge the flying objects.

”You kinshou kuso!” Zarbon said, then suddenly reached up and grabbed Vegeta’s tail, causing the boy to shriek in pain and fall to the floor.  Panting heavily, he closed his eyes against the pain and weakly tried to get away.  Zarbon positioned himself behind the Saiya-jin no Ouji and thrust hard into him.  Everyone cheered.

Vegeta’s vision blackened momentarily at the pain.  Little stars danced at the corner of his sight and he grunted in pain as Zarbon pounded into him.  Zarbon pushed him to the floor with one hand as the other began to stroke his tail.  The mixture of pleasure and pain made Vegeta gasp, his breath leaving condensation on the floor.  His eyes began to water and the prince bit his lip, trying to make the pain worse. He could handle the pain, but he would not enjoy this. His body was betraying him! He grew hard against the smooth floor and groaned as Zarbon’s movements rubbed his hard flesh against his muscled stomach.

Zarbon grabbed him by his raven locks and pulled him from the floor, showing him off to the room as he continued to fuck the boy.  Everyone laughed and whispered as the prince’s arousal was displayed to them.

”That’s right, Shoujo, you are enjoying this. Your body loves the feelings, it wants more, it is begging for me to release the tension, isn’t it little prince?” Zarbon whispered in his ear before taking Vegeta’s hard member into his free hand.  Vegeta closed his eyes in humiliation as he was stroked and fondled to orgasm.  ~NO!~ His mind cried, ~how can you betray me like this? How?~  Hot tears stung the Ouji’s eyes and he bit his lips again, trying not to cry out in pleasure as his orgasm splattered across Zarbon’s hand and the floor.

”Very nice Shoujo,” Zarbon whispered into his ear before digging his nails into Vegeta’s hips and thrusting savagely into him, trying for his own release.  Vegeta fell to the floor in a heap, sliding in his own seed.  Zarbon howled and came inside him.

”Very nice show,” Frieza said as he watched the prince cry silently. “Perhaps we will put on another tomorrow?”

”Hai, my Lord,” Zarbon said standing and wiping at the blood on his groin.  He grinned down at Vegeta and kicked him hard in the ribs.  Vegeta did not notice, he was somewhere else by now.


Vegeta awoke with a scream. He was covered in sweat and trembling violently.  Every night the dreams came to him.  The memories of the tortures Frieza inflicted upon his body and mind.  He drew his knees close to his chest and tried to regulate his breathing. Frieza’s torture it seemed was done even when he wasn’t there.  ~I am the Saiya-jin no Ouji! Some third class lizard will not break me!  I will survive, pride and mind intact! I will avenge my fathers’ death and the death of my people.~  He absently scrubbed away the tears that were silently falling down his cheeks.  He began to rock back and forth gently.

~I will not be defeated. I will not be defeated. I will not be defeated. I will not be defeated.~ The thought ran like a mantra through his mind.  His eyes stared out into the night, not seeing anything.  There was a crash beside him in the brush. Out of instinct, he blasted away half the forest with a casual flip of his wrist, his mind not even registering the fact that he had done so.

The heat from the fire he had started finally roused him from his mental chanting as the flames licked at his boots.  He looked dazedly at the fire, then stood and levitated out of the forest. He did not want to return to his nightmares, so he continued east, looking for something to needlessly kill.


He reached a small village and landed just outside the circle of huts.  He could hear the Neko-jins inside purring and turning in their sleep. ~This will not do, they must be awake for this to be any fun!~  He turned to the side and raised his arm up to shoulder level.  He flipped up his wrist, thumb laid against his palm, and formed a small enough ki blast to cause damage, but not really kill anyone other than perhaps the children.  The ki flashed before him with a blue light and sped forward, quickly overtaking the whole village in the blink of an eye. Shrieks were heard as the huts lit on fire, some exploding.  A woman ran out of the nearest hut, a cloth clutched to her bosom.

She ran right into Vegeta. He grabbed her by the upper arms and held tight as she stared into his obsidian eyes.  His hands began to glow and an evil smile crossed his face. The female's eyes grew in horror and she began to scream in pain as Vegeta raised his arms out to the side, successfully tearing her arms from their sockets.  She fell to the ground with a wet thump and began to crawl away weakly.

Vegeta smiled at the upturned ass of the woman and grabbed her tail in a vice grip.  He pulled her roughly back and turning her face around, began to lick at her at it, enjoying the soft fur that tickled his tongue and cheeks, reveling in her horror.  The woman screamed and kicked, trying to get away.  He only pressed her back harder into his chest.

Vegeta felt an annoying thump on his back, he turned, not letting go of the woman, to see a boy, maybe in his teens, standing there with a branch.  The boy roared and his long mane-like hair flowed behind him as he attacked Vegeta once more.  Vegeta casually lifted his hand and blew the boy's head off.

He turned back to the female to find that she had bled to death.  He growled in disgust and threw her body away from him. He walked into the village as several of the males attacked him at once, shrieking at him in their language.  He fought them, hand to hand.  His blood surged through his veins, his blood lust increasing with every punch and sickening gurgle.  He smirked at the creatures, beckoning the others to come forward.

”You fight a battle you will not win,” He snarled at them as they attacked again. They all fell from him as he powered up and killed them all with a single blast.  He stalked into the village further, following the few remaining males that ushered the women and children from the village.  “Here neko, neko.” He taunted as he followed them. He blasted the remaining huts to oblivion behind him without a glance and took on the men that attacked him. Once again, he blasted them all easily away.

The women split up, half taking the children, the other half facing him in defiance.  He stopped in contemplation. Neither group would be able to resist him. Smirking in satisfaction, he threw a ki ball at the group of children and shrieking women, ending their wailing permanently.  Looking to the three females before him, he decided to have a little fun with them before they died.

The prince stalked forward, an evil grin in place as he stopped in front of the more buxom of the three neko-jins, gripping her breast in a firm hand and with the other, pulling her around the waist closer to him.  He took her lips in a savage kiss and hissed as she sank her fangs into his tongue.  He pulled back from her and sucked at his tongue, his smile growing wider. That was her only protest as he continued to fondle her breasts.  She began to purr and flicked her eyes to the other two women who had begun to sneak away.

Vegeta raised his glowing hand towards them. “I don’t think so, redi-zu,” he said. He smiled in satisfaction as they stepped forward again, the fear in their eyes evident.  He beckoned them forward and kissed and fondled them as he wrapped his tail around the waist of the third.  They closed their eyes as he ran his tongue and lips across soft fur covered flesh.  As he was sucking on a nipple, he noticed one had slipped away, without looking up, he raised his hand in the direction she had gone and blasted her before she got too far. The other two females gasped and whimpered in fear.

Vegeta smiled at them. “If you try to get away, that will happen to you also,” He said against their lips. He knew they did not understand the words, but the threat in his eyes was enough to make them stop their whimpering and fall to their knees before him.  He knew from his research of the planet that the women were no more than possessions.  They were owned by whoever bought them. This treatment was nothing new to them.  He still wanted to cause them pain though, he wanted to take out all of his fears and nightmares on the two women who knelt before him, purring and rubbing themselves against him.

Vegeta closed his eyes and grabbed one of the women. Pushing her onto her back in the moss, he pulled off his bodysuit and armor.  He fell onto her with a grunt and bit at her breasts, thrusting into her unprepared opening.  She screamed at the pain and turned her head to the side. The other Neko-jin female muttered to her in a soothing voice and began to lick and suck at Vegeta’s exposed flesh.  Reaching his release, he threw her away from him and grabbed the other.  He thrust violently into the female body beneath him, pressing her face into the ground as had been done to him so many times before.  She whimpered under his savage assault and reached up between her legs, running her claws lightly against him as he thrust into her.

Vegeta’s mind reeled, not with pleasure, but with hatred. Hatred for Frieza, hatred for Zarbon who had not only raped him, but had teased him openly, in front of his own shipmates and the people they killed about what a Shoujo he was.  Little monkey prince, they laughed in his head. What a tight little ass you have Shoujo!  He could hear them cheering as Zarbon thrust savagely into his prone form, throwing things at him when he fought against his attackers.  He powered up and screamed.

The neko-jin below him joined his scream as he grew within her.  She could feel her body being torn apart as the alien above her glowed with blue light.  She closed her eyes tightly and screamed louder as her pelvis was shattered. 

Vegeta’s vision went black as his body continued its assault. He did not notice that the neko below him was slowly ripping apart around him, his ki tearing her apart from the inside out.  His hands gripped her waist tightly, digging through the flesh until her blood gushed out onto the ground. In flash of light, he came within her body, not noticing she was already dead.  He slumped over her body and gasped for air.  He pulled his fingers from her flesh with a loud schlup sound and backed away from her.  He was no better than Frieza now. He had killed and raped and tortured, just for his own pleasure.  ~How can I live with myself knowing this?~

The second neko-jin female lay on the ground next to him, her fur singed and her face bleeding. His unconscious power up had killed them both.  He stood, not bothering with his clothing and stumbled off into the woods.  He came to another small village not long after that and killed everyone in one blast.  ~The moon should be full tomorrow,~ he thought as he looked to the skies. ~Then this will all be over.~  He fell to his knees, passing out from exhaustion.


He woke to the sounds of the planet's animals chirping around him.  He rolled over and opened his eyes.  ~What’s this?~ He thought. He gazed at the cloth of the hut door and quickly sat up, looking around him.  He was in a hut, that much was obvious, but why? He stood from the cot he had been lying in and walked to the door, opening it slowly. He saw neko-jins filing through the small courtyard between the huts, talking and laughing.  A male was ravaging a female under a tree, his grunts and purrs of pleasure floating through the air towards Vegeta.  He scowled and stepped out of the hut. 

A neko-jin female was walking toward the hut, talking and laughing with another female when she looked up and saw him standing in front of the hut.  She ran forward, her water pail splashing the cool water against her bare breasts.

”Ge na ish far too!” She said sternly to him, looking him over as she did so. She grabbed his hand and led him back into the hut. He scowled at her and began to raise his glowing hand when she sat him gently down on the cot and started to bandage his wounds.  He looked at her in open surprise.  Then his scowl returned. He jerked his arm from her, wincing with the pain.

”I can do it onna!” He barked at her and took the bandages from the startled woman.

”Hee ma no des ra.” She said to him and stood, bringing him a bowl of cool water.  “Geb me vas toy.”  She sat softly beside him and watched as he bandaged his wounds. She occasionally handed him some green slimy stuff to put on the worst of them. He snatched it from her hands, not saying anything, but scowling even more. 

”Why are you being so nice to me Neko-jin, don’t you know that I have already destroyed half your planet?” She looked at him puzzled, then her face brightened and she walked gracefully across the room to a chest. Peeking out the window to make sure no one was around, she reached in and took out a little microchip.  Walking back to him, she placed it in his hand.

”Put it under your skin, and then we may speak and understand each other.” She said.  He looked in surprise, as he suddenly understood her words. He looked at the chip and then set it aside.

”Why would I want to understand you, onna? I am here to purge your planet.”

”Heya mo rif na!” she said and reached for the chip again. She inadvertently brushed her breasts against his naked lap as she did so.  Vegeta stiffened at the flesh on flesh contact and the neko-jin blushed brightly beneath her pale fur.  She quickly sat back up and placed the chip in his hands. She looked away.  “If you put it under your skin, then the others will not suspect that you are a stranger to our planet.  If they know that you are not from the capital, they will kill you.”

Reluctantly, he pressed the chip against his bicep and with a small ki blast, embedded the chip in his skin.  “Why did you take me in, onna, do you not know that I am an alien? I do not come from your capital, I came here to destroy your planet.”

She gasped and looked at him quickly then smiled.  “If that was your plan, then you would have done it when I first felt your presence here.”

”You felt my presence? How!” He demanded. “You civilization is not advanced enough for scouters! And where did you get this translator chip?” He dug his fingertips into her arms, making her wince, shaking her slightly as she demanded answers.

”I sensed your presence and ‘went out’.  I found your ship and inside, found the chip.  When I returned here, I studied it and realized what it could do.  I-I felt you again a few nights later, only closer, and decided to ‘go out’ again. This time I found you bloody and passed out in the middle of what used to be Koneko village. I brought you here to heal.” She finished in a rush, finally catching her breath as he released her.

”I do not need nor do I require your help, onna.” He said softly. The softness of his voice surprised him. ~She-she helped me, but why?~  The thought ran through his bewildered mind.  He looked to her, his scowl returning to his face.  “Why did you help me?”

”I sensed you needed help, that you are in extreme pain. Both here and here,” she said as she touched his head and then his chest.

”How do you know these things, majo?” he asked sternly, frowning at her light touches.

”I am the Shamaness of this village.  It is very rare that one with my power be born, especially a female. It is the only thing that saved me from being sold into slavery.” She said nonchalantly.

Vegeta looked at her a moment and then fell back on the bed. “I need to rest, leave me, onna.” He said as he closed his eyes. She nodded and cleaned up the room. Before she left, she turned and glanced at the now sleeping figure of the alien, trying to figure him out. His mind was guarded well, even in sleep. Whatever he was hiding in the depths of his mind was causing him a lot of pain, she knew this to be a fact, she had caught a glimpse of some type of torture, before he had completely closed himself off to her the night before.  She frowned, her fangs sticking out at the corner of her mouth.  ~How can I convince him to let me help him?~ she thought as she turned to go back outside.
