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Title: Good Plan Gone Bad

Author: Hentai Tenshi

Warnings: LEMON!! Angst. There is rape in this, so if you don’t like that kinda lemon, then don’t read this.

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma ½.

Notes: Kairaishi (poisonous mushroom used in black magic), story starts during the manga timetable of part Six #1. Or beginning of GN #10.

This may continue, going through the characters reactions and what happens until the Kairaishi wears off. I have some ideas. Please review.

Shampoo stalked up to Ranma determined to make him hers…finally! She told him that she had a new menu item for him to try from the Cat Café. He took a bite and said that it tasted like an ordinary pork bun.

“Ha! No ordinary pork bun! Ranma, make love to-“ just at that moment Akane walked up and butted in—yet again. Angrily Shampoo finished her sentence without thinking. “Akane!” She spat. she stomped her foot in chagrin.

Ranma looked at Akane with darkening eyes and stalked after her. He had the overwhelming urge to fuck her. He didn’t know why, and no matter how he tried to stop himself, he couldn’t. His feet and hormones had a mind of their own.

“R-Ranma, what are you doing?” Akane turned and ran. She made it home and up to her room before he entered. As he always did though, he caught her, but this time it was different. Akane locked the door behind her, standing in the middle of the room, gasping for breath. Suddenly, Ranma’s fist slammed through the door with a blistering crack! In an almost blinding storm of lust, he took her and made her his.

He tore her clothing off, along with his and began to kiss up and down her body, slowly.

“I’m sorry Akane,” he said between kisses. “I can’t stop!”

< What the hell is going on!! > he thought. It was as if his body had a mind of its own. But strangely, as his lips ran themselves across her flesh, he began to enjoy the touches. His hands worked on her breasts, needing them gently. His mouth made its way wetly back up her body to suck on her pert breasts. She cried out and put her hands in his hair, meaning to push him away, but in spite of herself, pulled him closer.

Akane began to tremble as he made his way to the apex between her legs. She gasped as he snuggled his nose in her hair, his hot breathe on her mound.

His tongue flicked out and lapped at her womanhood, making her cry out. She had stopped fighting him at least. He struggled with himself to slow down as he pulled her hips forward. He licked and sucked at her flesh, tasting her as she grew wet and warm beneath his ministrations. She cried out again and her knees went weak. He lowered her to the ground gently, his tongue never leaving her hot flesh. Her orgasm built and suddenly was upon her. Her body wracked and heaved with the pleasure that washed over her. She bucked her hips into his face, pulling him closer as he continued to lick and suck at her.

He licked his lips and smiling at her, kissed her passionately on the lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, making her taste herself on his lips. He moaned as she began to tentatively touch his body. Her hands ran over hard muscles, moaning softly as they twitched beneath her fingers.

Ranma needed release. He nudged a knee between hers and settled himself against her gently. She gasped against his lips and struggled a bit to crawl away, realizing what he was about to do. Her squirming aroused him more. He moaned as he broke the kiss.

“I’m sorry Akane,” he said again against her throat. “I don’t know why, but I can’t stop!” He began nibbling on her neck as the urge to thrust hard into her overtook him.

At the last moment, he was able to gain enough control to make the entry easier on her, slower.

They both groaned as he entered her. Akane could not believe the sensations he was evoking from her body. She felt weak and almost hyper at the same time. She stopped fighting him as his hardness touched her most sensitive place. She cried out. Then he was entering her. His hardness long and smooth, she could tell that he was struggling with himself to stop, but couldn’t.

Ranma pushed into Akane, and she in return bucked her hips towards his. She wrapped her legs around his hips, urging him deeper into her. She met his every thrust with a buck of her hips. Ranma sat back on his heels and brought her lower half off the floor. He gripped her hips and used them to push himself deeper into her with every thrust.

Then it was over. The two bodies shuddered their release and Ranma fell on top of Akane, shocked at what he had just done. Tears of shame, fright and pleasure? Were in Akane’s eyes. She scrambled away from Ranma and sat with her back against the bed.

“Akane? What just happened…I’m sorry…” Ranma said as he realized that he had just raped her. He had done so without thought, his body and his hormones had raged for her.

Akane clutched her tattered clothing to her breasts. She had enjoyed what they had just done despite herself. The knowledge of this brought tears of shame back to her eyes as she struggled to catch her breath.

The end?