Final Fantasy 8

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You've clicked on the link to come here to find out more about final fantasy 8, correct? I think I'll just talk about the basics. I haven't played the game in a while and can't remember all of the details. It's a really great game though. I've just been busy doing other stuff. I'll get back to Final Fantasy 8.

FF8 is set in a futuristic world. The main character, is a guy named Squall (dumb name). There are several other main characters that you control. They are: Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Rinoa, and Irvine. Anyways, Squall and company are a bunch of mercenaries. They're group hires them out to do jobs that includes assassination. They got hired to assassinate a sorceress. From then on, they were involved in a dangerous plot, one that could change the entire world... doesn't this sound like the back of some novel?

So, you main goal in this game is to destroy this one sorceress who wants to travel back in time and destroy the world. Simple enough?


This is Squall
This is Rinoa
This is Quistis
This is Zell
This is Selphie
This is Irvine