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My Information

Hehehe . . . Me with a ruffled-looking Seto Kaiba ^_~ He just saved me from an evil Duel Monster, and I am very grateful! ;)

Oooh, you actually wanna read about me?! I'm flattered! ^_^

First off, you can call me Daisy, and I reside in the beautiful state of Utah, which will hopefully soon be covered in snow! ^^

I Enjoy: My family, my friends, my church, everything Yu-Gi-Oh! (especially to do with the American version! ^_~), snow, cats, dogs, watching my betta fish Frodo, and reading and writing stuff, especially Yu-Gi-Oh! and mystery-story related ^^

I Don't Enjoy: MATH, rude people, brown Christmases, raisins in my cereal, and overly-sweet cake frosting ^_~ LOL

My Fave Books are: The scriptures, and I'll Find You by Clair Poulson. I also like Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries (which are the basis for my YGO mystery fics!)

My Fave TV Shows are: Dubbed animes, including Yu-Gi-Oh! (duh), Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, MegaMan: NT Warrior, and Sonic X, and other shows such as Jackie Chan Adventures, Scooby-Doo, Static Shock, X-Men Evolution, Diagnosis Murder, Twice in a Lifetime, Touched by an Angel, The Monkees

My Fave Movies are: Star Wars (all of 'em), The Lord of the Rings, Casablanca

My Fave Cereal is: Chex!! ^^ And Cheerios too! ^^

My Fave Foods are: Pizza (especially Cheese and Hawaiian), fried chicken, and casseroles!

I like to wear black nail polish (as you can see from the pic) and I enjoy all the school subjects I'm taking, except math! >< I suppose I'm a bit of a fangirl, **insert bright shiny anime google-eyes** but hey, fangirls are good ^_^ **pause** What's that, Mokuba? You think your brother disagrees? Weellll . . . I'm sure he'll come to likin' me one of these days! ^_^ **scampers off to continue pursuing my latest quest of trying to win Kaiba's heart!**

**sees Marik and suddenly has to glomp him!** Wheee!!! Oh you're precious ^^

Marik: I thought you liked Kaiba!

Me: Oh I do ^^ But I like you too, you precious one!!! ^______^ You're so noble and brave!! **pokepoke fanfics and the RP's with Carrie.** You love Ishizu and Rishid so much and you'd do anything for them and for your best bud Mokuba!!

Marik: Of course I would! **struggles to free himself.**

Me: **kisses him and then lets him go!** WHEEEEE!!

Marik: You are insane!!

Me: Of course I am! ^^

Random List of Things I refuse to do to the characters

---Killing them for real
---Breaking their bones
---Burning them
---Severing limbs
---Inflicting injuries such as blindness, deafness, and paralysis (even if it's temporary)
---Mutating them in any way (this includes shrinking their bodies, ageing them unnaturally (of course, I don't like ageing them period, actually. I want them to stay the same age they are! But natural ageing doesn't count as mutating. Tee hee), changing them into anything other than what they are, i.e., animals, magical creatures, gender changing, etc. etc.) **shudders from the thought!**
---Giving them brain damage
---Having axes hit them
---Giving them magic powers if they don't have them on the show. They don't need magic for us to love them! Nor will it make them cooler. They're just perfect right now! ^_____^

If you have problems with me not liking these things, that's tough. XD Nothing will make me back down.

Heh . . . Me wondering if I overdid it with the gypsy costume ^_~